Arrival IIII

where did you guys fly off to Taekwon asked when they returned

we saw the celestial woods anna cried

and looks like you brought back a new friend Ziesoo said as the kitsune on Anna's shoulder gazed at him

with golden eyes, she leaped off Anna's shoulder and unto the back of Ziesoos tiger spirit

it scampered among the pair wreathing the surprised tigers in flowers in their hair everywhere it went

it looks like she likes you guys anna said with a laugh

she's a kitsune who came to me from the woods I named her Chione

she's so cute Taekwon cried stroking her head Ziesoo wearing a bemused smile also petting the fox

their procession came to stop as they reached one of the gothic buildings with tall spires and stained glass windows

Welcome to the royal palace Justin said as they arrived flying under a high archway and arriving in a cobblestoned courtyard

Justin's father Dmitri and his grandfather Sergio Okami was waiting there for them

an older gentleman in his thirties dressed in a black suit tall and good looking

with black hair and gray eyes, he shared similar facial features with his son

and Sergio wearing a buttoned shirt and jeans with a blazer jacket with dark hair graying at the temples he had not changed much since anna had last seen him when she was a child

they had met briefly after the battle but two had hurried back to wolf city ahead of them to make arrangements for their arrival

Ziesoo and Taekwon alighted from their tigers as Takehiko landed next to them with Bethany in arms setting her on her feet

Justin and anna came down on Justin's shield

Vivian Vanessa Yuqi landing from their cloud

oh my gosh, where did this little one come from?

Yuqi squealed as soon as she saw anna it's so cute she cried

it came to me from the celestial woods when we were coming in anna said as her sisters petted the friendly kitsune

and it responded by making pretty flowers bloom for them which delighted the girls even more

we can keep it, right? Vanessa asked of course Justin said we could anna said I named her Chione

Chione that is a lovely name Vivian said rubbing its ears

the entire team stood together the entire group gave off an overwhelmingly powerful radiant aura from their celestial forms

father I have returned home Justin stated is everything arranged?

yes we have prepared everything for your guest welcome home he said

Bethany and Takehiko I need to speak to you both about an important matter Sergio said approaching the pair

when suddenly the lady in the peach dress appeared all of sudden among them

startling everyone

you guys have all made it great she said

who are you? Sergio asked shocked he could sense he was in the presence of a god

she's my guardian goddess Bethany explained she pops up every now and then

I need to borrow you real quick two minutes the lady said

what why? Bethany asked her

what do you mean why? she shot back because I am extremely busy now that the witch is dead

the gods sent me a million errands to run and I can't get anything done

with some stupid curse still hanging over our heads and you're the only one who can get rid of it

and I don't have time to wait until you learn the cultivation technique on your own

so you're coming with me she suddenly grabbed Bethany and the pair vanished

what just happened? Dimitri asked

Takehiko growled and his wings unfurled prepared to go after them when suddenly the skies cracked open and it began to rain heavily

it was pouring rain and the raindrops all looked like they were glowing faintly silver

what is this anna breathed holding her hands out her palms filled with shining silver raindrops

It's celestial rain! Sergio cried its a type of rainfall sent by the gods it has the power to cleanse purify and heal

Bethany and the peach dress lady reappeared congratulations you just completed your first mission as the sacred maiden

the viral curse will be lifted, the infected healed and the earth cleansed with three days of celestial rain

here take this is its a cultivation manual that has the techniques you need to learn your mate can help you bye she vanished again

what the hell! Bethany yelled after her argh!

she stamped her feet in annoyance

Beth are you okay? Takehiko asked

am I ok? are you crazy ?? she cried hysterically

she just took me into space and yanked my soul out of my body

called the rain and shoved it back in like it was nothing how can I be ok??

doesn't she need like , permission? before she can do stuff like that to me??

I mean its great the curse will be cured and all but I feel so violated right now

if she asked nicely i would have agreed to help but she just did that so rudely

and didn't explain properly I wasn't ready for that

do you have any idea how to feels to have someone shove their hand inside you and yank your soul out?? its not pleasant at all, I am so sick of this sacred maiden crap already she ranted at the sky