the cameras at the gate were displaying a full troop of Tiger warriors standing in the pouring rain in their true forms

at the gates led by the tiger king himself who was raising a ruckus demanding to be let into the city

he's probably here about Ziesoo Justin said ill go and handle this

Justin left the command center calling a cloud as he got outside

he flew towards the city gates Ziesoo and Taekwon dropped in on their cloud riding next to him

so sorry about this prince Justin you've been so hospitable to us

but my dad has a bit of a temper and caused a disturbance in your territory he apologized

its no problem Justin said with a smile he's like this because he's heard of your battle with the witch and he's

worried about you its acceptable for him to be upset right now

Ziesoo snorted right I wish he really was worried but I highly doubt that's the issue right now

suddenly another cloud dropped in on his other side

Anna! Justin exclaimed in surprise

what are you doing here? I thought you were still unpacking?

I sensed you were on the move so I decided to join you is there some kind of trouble?

Taekwon rolled his eyes if you want to call it trouble sure he muttered

they quickly reached the gates the four seeing

the tiger King a tall broad shoulder well-built man with fiery red hair and zigzagging black tattoos running down his arms and fierce golden eyes

the large armed troop he had brought was exuding their aggressive auras they definitely did not appear to be friendly

Anna and Justin's tails appeared immediately Ziesoo and Taekwon called out their tiger spirits

the two spirits stood next to Ziesoo and Taekwon on their cloud with very fearsome expressions on their faces

the energy around them danced and crackled giving the appearance that their fur was bristling in anger

as their clouds descend stopping just above the troops

putting massive pressure on the troop with their powers all of the warrior's auras were immediately suppressed

Tiger King, what is the meaning of this outside of wolf clan gates?

if you are here to see your son then that is acceptable

we offer sanctuary to all celestials however you do not appear to be here on peaceful terms Justin said

indeed I am not tiger king roared I am here to see to the arrest of my bastard son for breaking tiger clan laws

and what laws would that be? Ziesoo asked with a narrowed gaze

you claimed a male mate without your parents consent the tiger king roared furiously

Taekwon is the mate that the gods have blessed me with my true mate father Ziesoo replied

I have absolutely no reason to reject him even if he is male

you know better than I do when it comes to celestials gender is not a major issue celestials have the ability to change genders and physical appearances upon reaching certain levels of cultivation

Taekwon and I already officially married by a majester and have signed our names in the book of marriage and our union is approved by the gods

no one is allowed to interfere without consequence so this argument is a waste of time

you are an embarrassment to the crown of tiger clan his father roared the future king of tiger clan cannot be gay what of an heir?

an heir? I'm not planning on having any kids right now! Ziesoo yelled back

I haven't even graduated from college yet what kids?

you and mom can have another child there is also my sister who has yet to claim to her mate

father you are overreacting the black witch is dead there is no longer any threat hanging over your heads

we have made sure that you no longer have to worry about the immediate future

you have many hundreds of years yet left to live now that problem is eliminated

you and mom can have plenty more kids who can become the next heirs of the clan

you don't have to depend on me

excuses the tiger king roared you are my eldest

ziesoo sighed father please don't do this, mother would be very embarrassed, and it would be causing problems between the wolf clan and the tiger

his father roared and his tails burst out four tails with a fire burning on their tips

if you do not give him up then the tiger clan will have to charge you with treason

oh dear anna said softly

then I rescind my title as crown prince and I sever all ties to tiger clan Ziesoo said

what you throw your title away for a brat like him the tiger king roared even more furious

Ziesoo claws extended out of their nail beds

Ziesoo no Taekwon cried grabbing unto his hand

there has to be another way to resolve this he pleaded

only if you die brat the tiger roared and attacked drawing his sword a hurling a wave of power at Taekwon

Ziesoo released a roar all six of his tails burst out as Taekwons tails also appeared and his sigil rings synchronized with Ziesoo's

they blocked his attack as their two tiger spirits leaped off the cloud with roars expanding their forms and becoming bigger as they

barreled into the troops sending men hurtling through the air like toothpicks

mauling them screams rent the air as the two beasts dismantled the troop

the tiger king found himself

overwhelmed by two enraged highly powerful celestial's who's tails combined and synchronized

pit him against twelve tails against his four and with his troop being easily taken down by their bonded tiger spirits

he realized he had made a grave mistake since when had ziesoo become so strong? he wondered in shock

as they exchanged blows ziesoo and his mate

the two of them were fighting him head-on unafraid

there wasn't a single crack in their defenses or weakness in their techniques

they perfectly guarded each other and every attack they made was precise and fatal

had not for his many years of battle

experience behind him he would not have able to fight them off

it was no wonder they had fought the black witch and had been able to cause her injury these two were a force to be reckoned with

he pushed back unleashing a flurry of power wave attacks suddenly they vanished

before he could figure out what was going on his attacks reappeared suddenly turned back on himself from behind

he dodged using speed to avoid the waves of energy

he suddenly found himself caught by an invisible power

holding his legs down to the ground he couldn't move a single step

he looked down in alarm to find he was standing in shadows they were wrapped around his ankles and climbing swiftly up his body

his eyes shot to ziesoo's mate who wore a confident smirk on his face as shadow strings covered his claws

realizing he wasn't some ordinary tiger but a shadow mage

his own energy waves slammed into him direct hit his armor was blasted to pieces and his energy depleted causing his tails to vanish

which was an extremely rare occurrence it had been a long time since he fought

and an enemy had been able to force him into a powered down state and in such ragged condition even his clothes had been burnt

he staggered to his feet looking around he realized the battle around him had come to a halt

as the young tiger held all of his troop captured in shadow webs while their tiger spirits stood guard over the area

roaring in irritation as they paced among his men nipping and snapping at them if they made any sudden moves

Ziesoo suddenly had him held at sword point

father, it is one thing for you to be upset with me and quite another thing to cross the line and threaten to kill my mate

if you were not my father I would fucking kill you where you stand Ziesoo roared his eyes glowed with fury

do you know that when I found my mate he was nearly dead? he had been abused and kicked out of his clan because

he appeared to have no powers

a tiger without claws a weakling and he was being abused beaten nearly to death by his own pack members

the reason he had no powers was because of me his powers were locked until he found his mate

and he couldn't defend or protect himself from harm because of me he roared

he lost his pack his family and nearly his life while I was living as your treasured pampered son

having everything handed to me on a platter he was suffering and living in hell every single day

do you know I had to use my own blood to save his life that day when I found him?

I swore to him I would never let anyone else harm him ever again

and you threaten to kill him in front of me? how dare you

anyone who threatens his life is my enemy and they will know my wrath

until they are dead upon my sword because I will not permit anyone who is a threat to my mate's life to continue living

do you understand father? he snarled

the tiger kings eyes were wide as his son's blade rested against his throat

he could feel the cold tip of it pressing into his Adam's apple he he barely breathed his neck would be cut

he knew his son was deadly serious never before had Ziesoo fought against him

like this going after Ziesoo mate was asking for death

yes he gasped I understand

Ziesoo withdrew his sword take your men and leave rescind my title as heir

and give it to Zunika I will sever all ties with the tiger clan from this moment

Taekwon released the tiger king from his shadows

the tiger king acknowledged his defeat bowing to his son and then calling a cloud quickly gathering up his scattered troop and left

Ziesoo you didn't have to Taekwon began as he rushed to his side Ziesoo cut him off pulling him into his arms

you Taekwon you mean more to me than any title in the dam world he growled fiercely

gazing into his eyes not another word out of you about this nonsense or you will be punished

Taekwon blushed red and Ziesoo felt him getting aroused against him at the mention of punishment

his fury suddenly melted away as he too became aroused Ziesoo opened a portal

I will be taking my leave prince Justin my apologies for the trouble he said to Justin and anna

we will be back after I have handled some matters he stepped through the portal with Taekwon and was gone

anna released a breath a relief

oh my gosh, she gasped Justin put his arms around her are you okay? he asked

I almost swore we would be seeing tiger king losing his head just now she said weakly

I am so glad that no one was killed

I also thought the same Justin said tiger clan would be mourning their king

right after the death of the black witch when they should be let's head back in out of this rain

MOMMY! MOMMY! Ziesoo's younger sister ran from her room phone in hand yelling for her mother red hair flying in the wind in the halls of tiger clan royal palace

she skidded to stop in the throne room where her mother was speaking to ziesoo's master

mother daddy and ziesoo are fighting and ziesoo said to rescind his title and give it to me

what? the queen cried what are you talking about Zunika? I am just now hearing from the master

that your brother was in a battle with the black witch and now he's fighting his father?

its true mom someone on the scene outside the wolf city live-streamed the entire battle

she rushed to her mother to show her the video

this damed fool! she cried in anger after a few minutes of watching how dare he embarrass the clan in such a manner!

for a king your father remarkably stupid does he not understand that has just dethroned himself and left this clan without an heir??

my queen, I offer you my sincerest apologies that I did not make it here in time to report to you the master said bowing his head

there is no need for you to apologize you hurried here as fast as you could

Ziesoo's mate how is he? she asked from this clip Ziesoo says he was mate locked and nearly died before he found him

yes my lady everything in the video is true however since finding him and coming to my dojo for training

he has not only made a full recovery but he progressed very rapidly and now stands with equals with Ziesoo

as expected of true mates they are perfectly balanced, my queen

what of the black witch? it is the reason for the celestial rains I presume?

yes my lady it is true she was first defeated by ziesoo and his mate they were able to mortally wound her during that battle

a stab to the heart with Taekwon's sword but she managed to survive

and fled she was later intercepted by the fox clan

the fox clan? I thought they were all gone? she asked

the four daughters of the late Queen Tamra survived in hiding in the west they were rescued by prince Justin of the Wolf clan who is mates with Tamra's eldest daughter

he brought them east to wolf city sanctuary due to the new curse attacks in the west

he explained they fought and defeated the witch a second time and weakened her further but she fled once more and was finally

killed and permanently sealed in the void by a surviving celestial gatekeeper that was just recently awakened by the gods for this purpose

and with the timely rains, the curse she left behind will also be gone soon

there are pictures of them online with Ziesoo Zunika said showing her mother the posted photos the fox clan girls were together with Ziesoo his mate and prince Justin

everyone looked like they were very friendly and close with each other already

despite having just met it was a picture that made her smile seeing how Ziesoo captioned the photos as being with his friends

and seeing everyone's genuine smiles and laughter it was a far cry from the video that was posted where her beloved son

was roaring with anger and threatening to kill his own father

the celestial world is finally free of the Witch after so long she said it is a time for celebration

we should be welcoming our son and his mate home as heroes but this fool has gone and ruined that

getting up from her throne she called for her royal guards

my lady the captain of the guards hurried to the throne room dropping into a kneel

have you all seen the video that was posted on the network? she asked him

regretfully everyone has my queen he said

the king has not only made himself a laughing stock of the clan but he is dethroned as king she stated

by the rite of battle within the royal family, the strongest victor is the new king of tiger these are our laws

my queen what would you have me do? he asked

seal the gates of tiger clan and do not allow that fool or his troop to step one foot within these walls he has tarnished tiger clan for the last time

also, send an official summons to ziesoo we will not rescind his title as a prince he will be newly coroneted as our King of Tigers

his mate will be accepted and coroneted as Prince and official Royal Consort

the captain smiled by your leave my queen I will carry out these orders immediately

go she ordered him

the captain of the guard rose to his feet saluted the queen and quickly left