More Headcanons

(I know this isn't what you read the story for, but I have so much to do that I don't think I can complete a new chapter for tonight, I apologize.)


Emily Dyer

-Very mature

-takes care of everyone after their matches, even when it comes to the smallest scratch

-She isn't as touchy as some others, but will give her fair share of cuddles when asked

-But with you specifically, in a relationship

-lots of scolding

-"Why'd you do that, you could've gotten hurt"

-Exasperated sighs as she cleans you up

-She cares about you a lot, but if someone is hurt more than you, expect her to take care of them first

-She's a doctor, she has to

-She has an obsessive personality

-Can be slightly yandere at times, especially if you're around someone she doesn't like

-PDA never, unless you two are near someone she thinks could harm you, then as close as possible

-Before she became focused on success, she was optimistic and happy, but the spark in her eyes dulled down once she invested herself in earning money

-convince her to love the world once again, convince her to love you and she will

-she will love you

-she wants to protect you

-She's scary, don't hang around anyone she doesn't approve of

-she takes the necessary precautions so you don't get hurt

-don't disobey her rules, please

-She wouldn't forgive herself if something bad happened to you

Emma Woods

-Very Childlike

-She can't help it, everything excites her!

-Loves hugs, small pecks, being close to you

-you'll have to take care of her in terms of protection in matches and from others, but she will take care of you too!

-She will absolutely make you soup when you're sick, and give you flowers to cheer you up, hold you close if you want to cry, she'll be there.

-no problem with PDA, but if you don't like it, she won't force you, it makes little difference to her

-Garden dates

-in the middle of the night, she'll take you to see her collection of night blooming flowers

-Baking together, cleaning together, you're near each other a lot

-that doesn't change, unless you beg her to leave you alone for a bit

-If you really like your space, both of you will have to make a compromise

Martha Behamfil

-Military? Military.

-Wakes up early, so expect to be woken up early

-probably likes to go on a run/jog early, so either go with her, or have a healthy breakfast and proper hydration prepared for her when she gets back

-she's not strict though, she is a lot of fun

-Jokes, pranks, she's like the perfect mix between a tomboy and a girly-girl

-she likes to stay up and gossip and giggle, but she will throat punch someone if need be.

-probably gets jealous, but not too worked up about anything

-she is the type to talk problems out as they arrive, she doesn't hold things back until they explode

-She's not reckless, but will rescue you more than anyone else

-If you do great in a match, she will be more proud of you than anyone

-definitely kisses, but she isn't much of a cuddler

-happy to indulge you, if you want to cuddle though

Patricia Dorval

-hot mama

-She's really serious

-and calm

-and quiet

-you can never tell what she is thinking

-But she rarely ever thinks badly of anyone unless they have given her reason to think badly of them

-gets really worried for you in matches

-if something bad happens to you , she will still keep her composure, though once you're alone, she might hug you tighter than normal

-she'll teach you how to mix herbs to make remedies

-if you tell her that you can't sleep well, or have a headache that won't go away, she'll help you feel better

-she's less of a kisser, but more of a hugger, and absolutely no pda

-unless it's a dare, she doesn't back down from dares

Fiona Gilman

-easily excited

-a peace maker

-she doesn't like conflict, but she is likely to back down and agree to an unfair compromise if she gets into a disagreement with anyone

-her head is lost in the clouds a lot

-tell her to pay attention, she needs it

-Also, stick up for her

-she tends to let people walk all over her for the sake of avoiding conflict

-pick her up and tell her that she should be proud and not to a pushover

-She'll appreciate that

-Hugs! A lot!

-All the time, in front of everyone, in front of no one

-romantic things

-she is the type to draw you a bath and put rose petals in it after a long day

Word count: 800

A/N: wow, this sucks. it's so short, and I'm trying to back my headcanons up with evidence, but it's so difficult when there is no canon characterization for them. I'll have a real chapter out tomorrow, I promise. I'm lacking right now, but I'll pick back up soon!