Chapter 41 Long awaited escape

"Why do you want to escape?"

"Why? Why!? I have been here for two months. yes do I feel for him... maybe. but this is not healthy, it's toxic. I have to get out of here now, if not what else will he do? or kill! I have a policy for you... don't kill unless it's necessary," Avalon said

"You don't understand this child, so stay put"

Avalon laughed at it,

"Yeah, I might not understand, but I know one thing... I need to get out of here, you know that. you know how I stayed awake not wanting him to do something to me, touching me, Looking into my past. Yes, I know about that, no, thanks to you!" Avalon asserted

The voice went quiet went not wanting to answer, Avalon sat there waiting until she felt something snap In her mind,

"Fine child go"

Avalon's vision turned hazy until she broke the bonds that hold her, she smiled and ran through the door,

"Hey! Where are you again," a member said

Avalon mid-run threw knives at them sticking them to the wall, she continued to the wall and ran through it not knowing where the door is,

"Far-right, go forward then left, that's where the exit will be"

Avalon nodded and ran in the direction of pushing through members of the mafia,

"What are you imbeciles doing, shot her!" a member said shooting at her,

It felt like time stopped for that man, he noticed her looking at him for a quick second before dodging the bullets and sticking him to the wall,

She smiles back at him before his other members started to shoot at her too,

"Shoot at them!"

"What do you mean?" Avalon thought

"Your beams you fool!"

"Yeah right haha," Avalon thought

Shot her beam at them, purposely missing them,

the voice sighed, Avalon turned to the left to see the exit, Avalon felt a spark of joy and starts to run faster, She slows down noticing the door covered in metal,

"How am I going to," Avalon thought but is cut off,

"Child you just went through walls, you can handle this"

Avalon concentrated on her hand which gave off heat she moves towards the door and starts to melt the door to the point where she can break the door, Avalon quickly ran through not caring about the burning sensation on her body from the melted metal,

she ran not looking back at that dreaded place. she smelled the fresh air for the first time in months, the feeling of the grass between her feet. the sun shining brightly at her, Avalon keeps running but stops to take a break,

"Do you know where he might be?" Avalon said feeling off,

"You mean him. Yes he's goon to a meeting with some other mafia members, maybe killing them"

Avalon sighed sat and leaned against a tree, looking up at the tree through the green leaves

where the sun shines through them making them glow,

"I missed this," Avalon said

the voice hummed in response,

"How do you plan to take him out," Domenico said

Jacob looks at him sternly,

"We can't show that we know who he is, if we do he will be in the public eye," Jacob said

"He can blame it on the shepherd," Lucario whispers,

"Not just the company but the boss himself... we have to tell him soon but first, take Sean down," Jacob said

they sat for hours before they can up with something,

"That's what you will do got it?" Jacob said

Lucario nods,

"I bring him into my office to assess to the latest update to the security system, then you fill the room with knock-out gas that should knock him out, if not Domenico should have security by the door then," Lucario said

Jacob moves out of his way for Lucario to walk toward his office had texted Sean beforehand he opened his door to see him there,

"Hey, I heard you needed help to check the security system," Sean said

Lucario nod and sits in his chair, noticing the gun Sean has on his right side,

"Got to make sure I'm protected, right?" Sean said in a threatening tone,

"Yeah," Lucario said quickly,

Sean smiles and brings put his laptop on the desk then starts talking about the multiple problems with the mainframes and firewalls,

"How am I going to go through this I'm a computer guy, not a negotiator," Lucario thought

looking at him before staring at his reflection in his computer,

"Yea but I know a lot about computers so I should just be honest," Lucario continued

"This is the main problem. the firewall has been weaker over the past months I am planning to do all-nighters with some of the team and fix it will you like to join?" Lucario said starting to get nervous when he looked at his stats,

"Yes, I have noticed that too, I was about to ask you that as well anyone can break that and take off Shepherd's data... I believe I will join. I don't have that anyone else will be able to fix it," Sean said confidently,

Lucario holds the urge to roll his eyes and nods in agreement,

"You wouldn't happen to know who did it, would you?" Sean said

"Beats me I just looked at the top of my computer and there was a notification that said there is a problem with the firewall working ability to function correctly," Lucario said

Sean nodded and started to type on the laptop,

Lucario inwardly sighed in relief then started to do the same with his computer until it froze,

"Do you really think I don't know what you're doing?" Sean said menacingly,

Lucario looked up at him and smirked,

"I knew you would find out about my identity sooner rather than later. so I figured when I got that text that you found out, now this is how it's going to go you walk out with to the front of the door in front of me or I shot you and fight my way out," Sean said pointed his gun at him,

"And what are you smirking at?" Sean said


Sean felt a gun on his head. he slowly puts his gun down and turns around,

"Long time no see," Jacob said snarling at him,

"Look who's talking. you left us to the monster that's running the mafia! for what... your girl hahaha, you're weak. you always have been," Sean said mockingly

Jacob was about to shoot him but he felt a hand on his shoulder,

"Don't this is not the right time. Domenico help the security with Sean, please," Salvatore said

He watched the cuff Sean and pull him out of the room,

"Good job men," Salvatore said sitting in a chair Sean was sitting in,

"Thanks, boss," Jacob said

"Don't thank me, it's just another way to get some information," Salvatore said

Jacob and Salvatore talked to each other while Lucario notices weird power stats coming from a woodland area,

"Sal, come look at this," Lucario said

Salvador hummed and got up,

"Don't call me Sal, the only one who called me that is," Salvatore said


"Shit," Avalon breath out,

"Child you have been running for hours take a break"

"No," Avalon said feeling a dark aura coming straight at her,

"Child hide!"

Avalon looked around her, all she sees is trees and the hopeful light of the city shining brightly,


Avalon felt his darkness consume her slowly, she looked around her nothing but darkness,

"Did you think I would let you go?"

Avalon concentrates on something that brings her hope, her friend, and family, images of past and present through her vision, and she smiled.

"I will not let you control me," Avalon yelled

An iridescent light comes out of her and Blake's aura yells in pain and burns away, Avalon fell to the ground staring up at the sky,

"Get up,"

Avalon shot up and started to run away from the area not long back,

"Can you take me to Shepherd?" Avalon thought

"Yes I can"

Avalon felt she is in the air she looked around to find herself in the sky,

"What did," Avalon thought

"You jumped into the sky"

"No I haven't noticed," Avalon thought

The voice laughed,

Avalon landed on a rooftop, then looked around to see Shepherd a few blocks away,

"Hey, can you do that again," Avalon asked

"Hold on"

Avalon felt her feet push up into the air, smiling, seeing Shepherd headquarters inching closer,

in Shepherd,

"Is it coming closer?" Jacob said watching the screen for Lucario,

Lucario turns to him and walks over to the dot coming closer to them, he turns to Jacob and nods before going to the entrances of shepherd where Salvatore is taking to Jane,

"Boss the dot its," Lucario said

The glass shattered on them with a woman going through it, landing hard on the ground moaning in pain holding her sides, people rushed over to her, Salvatore went on his knees and moves her on her back,

"Hey, Sal nice to see you again," Avalon let out,