Preparing For The Wedding

The next day, Nosa woke up to hear the sound of the adhan echoing in the mosque which is about 200 meters from Kaylila's house. Nosa immediately woke up to pray shubuh. Wearing a sarong and coffee, Nosa opened the front door and then went out to the mosque.

Meanwhile, Kaylila, who had woken up before dawn, was having fun in the kitchen. He wants to cook to prepare breakfast because this afternoon he will come back again to Malang. After cooking, Kaylila will soon take a shower for dawn prayers. When he was about to enter his room, he saw a tall man wearing a coffee had just entered the house. Kaylila was just fixated on seeing that beautiful view.

"You're up? I'm from the mosque below. It turns out that the pilgrims are quite a lot if it's dawn." Nosa's words dismay Kaylila's daydreams.

"Oh, yes. The nearest mosque is just there. Mas ga confused when chatting with them? The accent must be foreign, right?" Ask Kaylila again.