Finally Married

Lunch    break in  about  30  minutes.  Kaylila  immediately exited      her room  to  Mr. Wibisono's  room to  hand over the requested  file.  Mr. Wibisono  ordered  Kaylila  to  enter her room  after  touching the door  earlier. Mr. Wibisono  is still  struggling  with his  tablet  checking incoming emails.  Seeing  Kaylila enter  her  room,Mr. Wibisono  immediately  stopped her activities.

"Yougot    time,Kay?" Ask Mr. Wibisono.

"There's about  30  minutes  before  12:00 p.m.,  sir. I  have  an  appointment  with  someone  later." Answer  Kaylila.

"Yes,  with  Aunt  Padmi  right? Mr.  Sasongko's wife who is also  Nosa's mother?  I  already  know  all. Don't  cover up  again. I'm    happy. Finally  my best friend  found the moorings of his heart. And  my secretary  found  her soul mate    after years  of unclear    direction    and  purpose."

Kaylila was only  able to  bite  her lip to hear  Mr. Wibisono's speech.