
"Why should  I  end up  in  this  so  promising  halfway house?  Until  when?" Kaylila  held a  bolster    pillow next to her,in  parallel  with her body lying on her  back  right  on  top of her. As if the    pillow rolled up he  could  talk  to  her to  talk.

"Am  I  wrong  to  enjoy  all forms of  attention? His love?  Is it  myfault?"

The bolster cushion he  was holding did not  budge  in a lined  position  in  front of him. Kaylila  kept  staring  at him  in the air as if he was  alive  and  understanding his  heart.

"Is  what  I'm doing  wrong?  If  it's  right,  then    what am I supposed to  do? How long  do  I have to be  like this?"  Kaylila's  tears  are heard again.