
Kaylila's  highly conscious trick question was aimed at  her. Instantly  his face was flushed,  uncut.  I don't know  what  argument  he's going to give to a dashing man    standing  on  the lip of the pool  staring  intently  at  him.

Kaylila's fingers  gradually  squeeze the  cotton      bottoms in deep  red.  Misbehavior  he  can  show. Not    unwilling to  answer,  but  not  able to  give  an answer  what  if  appropriate  and about the  target so that the  man    no  longer  expresses  his  heart  figuratively. 

Kaylila was rescued  when  she  heard the steps of more  than  one  person  approaching  towards  the  poolside.  Bik Min and  Mbak  Asih  came  with    a  push  table containing  breakfast  dishes  for her  and  Henggar.

"Breakfast  is  ready,Mas  Henggar." Bik Min  greets  from  a distance. Mbak    Asih  who  lately  moved the dish  to  the  table  by  the  pool. Serve it  with  two  plates  on  one  side.