chapter one

Today is the day. After dating Aaron for three months now I felt that I was now ready to take our relationship to the next level if you get what am saying. Today I was finally going to loose my V_card to him. I know it's quite a surprise to most of you that am still a virgin at the age of twenty four but fate decided for wasn't my fault , not at all!! . I am not a prude ..if that's what you think . Ok.. maybe I am... but just a little bit.. I didn't believe in having sex just for the thrill of it. I wanted that if it did happen, it should be with the right person and at the right time, a person with whom I could see a future with not just random person.... but anyway ,that's besides the point.

A few years back when I was still in highschool, I met Adrian, we went to the same class. My locker was next to his so we always saw each other most of the times. Did I tell you that I had a crush on him since I first saw him?. no...but now you know. On our final year of highschool, he asked me out and I agreed. Not long we became a couple. We all know teens these days, don't we?. Getting acceptance to university was my second priority guess what my first was?.. loosing my V-card... funny was it not . On the night of prom, I had planned to gift my boyfriend and show him how much I loved him, body and soul, but we don't always have everything our way now do we!!.. so on the night of the prom I got my first heartbreak. No one had warned me about how painful it is. Adrian was supposed to pick me up at my grandma's place,so that we could attend the prom together, but he stood me up and my grandma ended up driving me to school... how embarrassing!!!. To top it all, I found my boyfriend making out with the cheerleading bitch inside the janitors closet. I was so hurt that I got really violent and slapped the hell out of him. That's how my virginity was saved the first time.

My life in university was boring as hell. I was so engrossed in my studies that I didn't have time to make friends and neither did I want to. I preferred to be alone than associate myself with girls who were snobbish and arrogant not to mention spoiled just because their parents were rich, treating everyone beneath them like trash. I forgot to mention that I got a scholarship to Highland University since I was the best in my class and also because we couldn't afford the university fee. Back to my boring life.... everything changed during my sophomore year in university when the captain of the school's football team started to court me. He was tall and handsome, everything thing a girl wanted. It took me by surprise how I was able to ensnare him... but just like what Selena Gomez said or should I rather say ,sang ,..,"the heart wants what the heart wants" and who was I to stop it. He took me out, drove me to school, got me flowers. He even walked me to my classes... how sweet!!. I was loving the attention he was giving me.. I mean who doesn't. In a few months I became the envy of most girls who had their clutches ready to ensnare my boyfriend at any time but were unlucky. How good it felt to call him mine...but was he really??.

On the year end, we had a party. it's a university tradition that a party is held to celebrate it's achievements. On this particular Night, I had planned something special for my "captain" as I used to call him. A romantic dinner, then music ...and after that we'd go back to my hostel room where i'd show him a really good time. During the party I went out to look for him so that I could surprise him. But I was the one who got surprised instead. And it wasn't a pleasant surprise might I add.

"Am telling you guys, am going to win this bet . Just you wait and the end of this night am going to deflower her.... it's about time anyway I was getting tired of all the pretense",. They say that love brings out so much happiness, but what they failed to say is that the pain derived from it is twice much more worse. And every heartbreak cuts deaper than the other one. I stood there dumbfounded as I watched my "boyfriend" brag about how he was going to deflower me. All this time I thought he was into me but to know that it was all for a bet hurt so much. I felt my heart break into a thousand pieces , but I was glad I found the truth earlier, I don't know how much it'd have hurt if I gave myself to the him only to realize that it was for the wrong person. After that I swore off love and off men. That's untill I met Aaron. And realized that not all men were the same. I mean boys... but boys are still men aren't they?? Never mind.

I smiled as I thought about Aaron. He was sweet, considerate and loving. Flowers every morning were delivered to my office with a romantic note attached to it. Candle light dinner and movie every week...he was like a dream come true . My grandma..God bless her soul.. had predicted that the love of my life will come from a different time. I wasn't sure about that time but now that I have Aaron...I know he is the one for me.

My grandma was a superstitious woman. People in our town used to call her a witch... funny how when they got ill they'd come to her instead of the hospital. She used to treat them using herbs. I never had any friends growing up because no one wanted to be associated with the "witches granddaughter" as they used to call me. But it didn't matter that much...I still had my grandma ...that's untill she died last year.