chapter two

Applying the last touch of make up on my face, I smiled in satisfaction, as I looked at my reflection on the mirror. Not bad at all!!.I was now ready for my date with Aaron. I checked my handbag to confirm if I had everything, and by everything I meant car keys and house keys and some other necessities ... aaah know... protection. It's better to be prepared than to be sorry . I didn't want to get pregnant on the first try. Who does that!!.

Locking my door I walked over to my car. I was nervous yet excited at the same time. Excited because I'll be spending time with my boyfriend, nervous of what was about to happen. I mean it's my first time, what if I do something wrong in the process? Then what??. .. Was it going to hurt a lot?? I sighed. I heard that the first time is always painful. Not to worry though am sure my lovely boyfriend will guide me through it all.

I arrived at the restaurant fifteen minutes earlier ... you must think am desperate!!... ordered a drink as I waited for Aaron. He was working late tonight, he was a doctor. An hour Aaron. I got worried, took my phone out and dialled his number. I called him several times but when he didn't answer, I called the hospital where he worked but his secretary answered instead. She informed me that Aaron had left earlier that day. Maybe he's been caught up on traffic, I'll just wait a few more minutes. An hour later, the waitress informed me that they were about to close the restaurant as it was already after midnight. Aaron had stood me up and as much as I was hurt and disappointed I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. Am sure he had a valid reason for standing me up and I knew better than to jump into conclusions. I drove towards his place... fighting the tears that were threatening to fall anytime . I saw his car packed outside, which meant that he was home. I knocked several times but when I got no answer, I let myself in using the spare key that he gave me last month. He wasn't in the living room, he must be asleep..I concluded walking to his bedroom. I've never been in his bedroom before this would be my first time. As I got close to his room I heard some noise, the door was slightly opened and I got a glimpse of something or should I say someone.

To say I was shocked would be an understatement because my boyfriend was not only cheating on me, but he was doing it with a man. I stared at them, at this point I couldn't control my tears anymore that were flowing shamelessly down my cheeks. I can't believe that we've been together for three months now and in all these time I never saw the signs. How could I have been so blind. Thinking back, Aaron never initiated a kiss, it was I who did. He usually kissed me on the cheek and when we kissed, it always lasted for less than three seconds. I thought he was taking things slow!!! How foolish of me!!. I shook my head several times when that wasn't enough I pinched my arm, just to make sure that this was nothing but a dream. But to my disappointment, it wasn't. It was a reality.

I closed the door silently and walked out. I was angry, more so at myself . I let my guard down and because of that I got my heart broken. For the third time. It felt like love wasn't really meant for me. It was now Time I accepted my fate. I didn't let Aaron know that i saw him. I couldn't bring myself to know why he pursued me yet he was attracted to the other gender... unless he was bisexual. It didn't matter anyway, whatever the reason was, I was now done with Love. I'll get myself a few cats and dogs and they'll keep me company as I grow old, a lonely miserable life, alone as a spinster. With that in mind I sped home and drowned my sorrows in a bottle of whiskey. I'll probably wake up with a mild headache come morning... but who cared anyway!!!. Thank God it was weekend already!!.

I drank myself to sleep. When I woke up, I had a throbbing headache. I took some aspirin made myself some pancakes. After eating , I went back to sleep. it's not like I had anything better to do anyway... and nowhere to go for that matter. I don't have any friends... and now I don't have a boyfriend either. What a life indeed!!

"He'll come from a different time, stop wasting your time on useless people my dear granddaughter, when the time's right, you'll know".

Grandma!! I woke up with a start as I looked around me. I could have sworn that she was right here because this felt more real. Unless I drank too much that I started hallucinating. I kept wondering what she meant by "he'll come from a different time". I loved my grandma too much but I didn't understand half of what she said.

"One day you will"!!!. I heard a faint whisper .

I couldn't sleep anymore so I decided to do my laundry. I figured that if I kept myself busy, it'll keep me from thinking about my pathetic excuse of a life, just for a few minutes. After that I made some popcorns as I watched a sad movie, I needed another reason to cry anyway. They say that crying washes out some pain I hoped they were right.