Chapter four. Houston,1908.

"Good morning mother". Alexander Houston the third greeted his mother, kissing both her cheeks. She raised her eyes and looked adoringly at her eldest son, the future Duke of Houston. Her husband, Alexander Houston, now currently Duke had gone out of the town to take care of some business, leaving the estate in the capable hands of Alex. In a few months, Alex will become Duke, and as per tradition, he had to wed first before taking over the throne. The duchess had tried so many times to pair her son with the most beautiful and elegant ladies of the ton to no avail. She's afraid that, at the pace her son was taking to find a bride, the throne would be passed down to his Younger brother, Adrian, who was already married. She knew of her son's desire to find someone who loved him and one whom he did. He always told her that he wanted what she had with his father, and she prayed daily that her son's wishes come true. Adrian was already happy with his wife, she wanted the same for her eldest son too.

"Mother, I have to go down to the tenants residence, am afraid, there's an emergency". Alex stated, interrupting the duchess's thoughts. She showed him the empty seat next to her.


"But mother....". She glared at him, daring him to finish that sentence. Alex knew better than to defy her mother.

"Break your fast, before going out". She ordered the maids to bring him his meal. He ate with his mother, making small conversations. Alex adored his parents, unlike most parents, his were caring and patient but also strict when the had to. At two and seven, he was still living with his parents. He was Soo attached to his mother that he couldn't leave the place. His brother had a place of his own a few walks away.

A fire had started at the tenants residence, burning down some houses. The cause of the fire had not yet been identified and Alex was looking into it. He gave orders to his men to start building and to repair some of the houses. He went to train the soldiers.

After all his duties, Alex went to his favorite place up the hill. Up there, he could see the whole town. He has been having sleepless nights lately. He had two months to find himself a wife failure to which, his throne will be passed down to his brother Adrian, which of course he couldn't let happen. He loved his brother, but the the throne was his, as he was the first son of the Duke. All his life, he has been taught and trained to the responsibilities of being a Duke and he couldn't let all that go to vain.

Desperate mother's of the ton had tried several times to throw their daughters to him, but he could see right through their fake facade. Nothing but his wealth and title. That's what they had their interest on. He has seen the love his parents had for each other and he wanted nothing less. He wanted that when he finds someone, that person would want him for him, such that even if he were to lose both the wealth and title, that person would stay right besides him and support him. He wanted an equal, not just someone who would just be there to give him an heir. An intelligent woman, just like his mother. Beautiful and intelligent. Most of the ton's ladies had the former but lacked the latter.

Darkness was slowly seeping through when Alex finally decided to go back home. His mother would furious if he got late for supper. He shivered when he thought about his mother. That Woman was scary and no one wanted to be on the receiving end of her wrath. He rode fast towards his house. The duchess had started a tradition of having the whole family at the table during supper. She believes that's the only time the family had as all are busy during the day, with her running the household and father and sons running the estate. During that time they could talk about anything and everything except the business as per the duchess's order.

"Good evening mother",. Alex greeted when he finally got home.

"Good evening son,go get rid of those dirty clothes, dinner will be served in twenty minutes". She ordered, walking to the kitchen to make sure everything was in order. Alex ran upstairs to his Chambers and a few minutes late he was seated at the dinning table, across his brother and his wife, Elizabeth.

After dinner, Alex excused himself and went to his Chamber. He was so exhausted that he fell asleep the moment his head hit the pillow.

"She'll come from a far". He heard a voice say to him. Two months ago, Alex had the misfortune of meeting the ton's witch. She looked right through his eyes, then whispered to him the words that has been haunting him ever since. His attempts to locate the witch bore no fruits as no one knew her where about. It's like she disappeared into thin air.

He hoped that she was right. Deep down he knew she was right but he still had his doubts. He prayed for something happen really soon for time was not really on his side.