Chapter five

It's been six months now since that morning when I woke up with a strange feeling. I wasn't myself for the next few days, but as days went by I figured that I was worried for no reason. Love had noticed that something was wrong but she didn't press the subject, she figured that if I was ready then I'll talk to her.

A few months ago, Love's parents contacted her asking her to go back home. Her mother wanted to mend their relationship but Love had to turn them down, said she doesn't have to go back home for that to happen , shell do it on her terms. Her mother asked us over for dinner, said she missed her daughter and after so much persuation i was able to convince her to give her Mom a chance.

I never knew my parents and as much as I loved my grandma, I always felt that something was missing in my life. I used to get jealous whenever someone in my class spoke about their parents, or when their parents came to pick them up. That's why I was helping Love with hers. I knew that beyond all that anger she felt towards them, deep down she still loves their parents and misses them a lot. Her sister, Trust (am still trying to get used to her name) would be picking us up later today. I was nervous wondering if her parents would like me. According to what Love told me, they could quite handful. I just had to wait and see.

"Leyla, are you ready, Trust is waiting for us". I heard Love call out to me.

"Just a minute".

I found her talking to her sister outside. Trust was dressed elegantly, looked like someone who spends hours on the mirror and for a moment I felt under dressed. Love on the other hand wore a simple dress. They looked so much alike but had different personalities. While Love was easy going and carefree, her sister was collected and a control freak.

The dinner was awkward. I've never been so uncomfortable in my life. It was tense. No one said a thing. Her mother didn't even try to hide her dislike towards me I guess it's because she thinks that I stole her daughter from her and in a way maybe I did. Trust was engrossed in her phone the whole time and her father...well never even showed up. I was happy when finally Love announced that we are leaving.

"Why don't you spend the night here ?. Her mother asked looking at her. Almost pleading.

"Maybe another time, mom, I have work early tomorrow". Love replied.

I looked at love. She barely had a chance to talk to her mom so I did the only Noble thing and asked her to stay over. She tried to argue but as stubborn as I was she finally agreed. I called a cab and went back home hoping that Love will get back her family.

Who is that in my kitchen. Did someone break inside? . I panicked as I heard something fall in the kitchen. Grabbing something to protect myself..( slippers, that were close to the door) I slowly tiptoed to the kitchen. Whoever was in there Will get it from me.

I could see a figure leaning over the counter. I walked slowly hitting whoever it was on the back.

"What the hell...'..

Wait a minute, that voice seemed familiar. Love. But why is she here?. Isn't she supposed to be at her parents house??.

"Leyla, you scared the hell out of me!!.

" I heard some noise here and I thought it was an intruder, am sorry". I said to her and she started laughing. What was so funny!!.

"And so what.. you came down here to face an intruder... harmed in what??... slippers really???. She mocked me in between laughter and I joined her. I was so happy that she was back here. but still...

"But why are you back so soon??. Weren't you supposed to be at your parents house??. I asked.

"I didn't want to stay there, I had a huge fight with my dad so I came back here.. anyway enough about my parents, come let's go out and have some fun". She said changing the subject. I didn't pry any further, I'd let her deal with this herself.

We got ourselves so drunk at the club am sure we'll be regretting it come morning but who cared anyway??. Okay maybe I did. I had a very important presentation in the morning. But never mind, life was too short to worry about everything, my drunk conscience spoke to me and I agreed.

I woke up with a throbbing headache. Damn!!. am never drinking this much Ever again. I made a pot of coffee am sure Love will be needing it when she woke up. I made us some pancakes to go with then I went back to my room to freshen up before having breakfast.

"Morning??". I greeted. Love was already at the dinning table nursing her headache.

"Remind me never to drink this much ever again". She told me.

"I'd have to remind myself first". I said to myself.

I raised my head to look at Love but she wasn't there. Strange. She was just here a second ago. I looked around me and everything seemed different and... old...

I must still be drunk!!. I figured as I shook my head.

I looked behind me and Saw some stairs, then a few minutes later a strangely dressed Man descended down the stairs. A few steps down he noticed me and looked straight through my eyes.

"Who are you??. And what the hell are you doing in my house??".