Chapter six.

I stood there mesmerized and captivated by the beauty that was slowly descending downstairs, towards me. I've seen my fair share of gorgeous men in my life but never and I repeat never have I seen such a fine specimen of a man. I stood, glued on the spot as I shamelessly stared and drooled over him. He was simply perfect. Not even my dream man came close to him. Built perfectly in all the right places, tall, and his looks....I couldn't explain him as handsome, I'll be doing him no justice at all!! He was drop dead gorgeous. Deep green eyes stared down at me.and..I found myself drowning in them and not to mention, he had perfectly chiseled jaws. He must've have dropped straight from heaven because I've never seen anyone like him here on Earth. if I was still on Earth??.

... Wait a minute...

Where was I?. How did I even get here? Where is Love?. I wondered as I looked around trying to get any clues that'll explain where I was but I got nothing.

I must be dreaming. That will explain all this. But my eyes are open!! We see things in our dreams with our eyes closed, I remembered, then closed my eyes. I Then pinched my arm, opened my eyes. I was still in front that hunk of a man. This was definitely not a dream!!!.

I sighed in frustration as I tried to figure out what was going on. Am I slowly loosing my mind. Was I in an accident? Is that why I can't remember anything??.

I remembered a certain star in a movie who woke up from a comma after three months and couldn't remember anything including his name. What's my name... there my name is Leyla. So memory loss.

That leaves me with option number three. Death!!!. Yes I must be dead. And this was probably heaven. But wait a minute... there is no pain in the afterlife..why did my arm sting when I pinched myself??. This place wasn't even close to looked .. old and rusty... . Unless of course I was in hell. But where is the fire 🔥? I wasn't a sinner neither was I a saint either, but if this man was the assigned angel of hell I wouldn't mind being here. Except this wasn't heaven, neither was it hell. I am not dreaming, am not not insane unless maybe I was. How do you know that you are insane??.

At this point I was really confused . I felt my head spinning. I then looked at the man in front. He was dressed strangely. Are we in the 18th century??. Cravats and breeches?? Who wears these types of clothes these days?. The last time I saw anyone dressed like this was two years a movie... what's was the name...aah yes..The originals. I looked at him and so did he, the only difference is that I stared at him in confusion and him... it's like he was looking at a completely crazy person.

I took a few steps towards him. I had to make sure that this was nothing but my imagination or hallucination, and there's only one way to prove touching him. I was so close to him when I lost my balance and fell, but before I could completely kiss the ground I felt two strong hands hold me in place. I tried to open my eyes but my eyelids wouldn't budge. What was happening to me??. Then boom!!!. I felt complete darkness engulfed me .I looked around but nothing except for darkness.

A few seconds, which seemed like ages to me I saw a ray of light coming from a far. Then I heard someone call my name. I crawled towards the source of the voice. When I got close I heard another whisper behind me. ... don't fight your destiny.... .The voice said. Then someone called my name again... when I listened closely I realized that voice belonged to Love. She was here!!. I beamed as I crawled towards the new found hope. I could still hear distant whispers behind me but I paid no heed to them.

I made it to the light. Thank God!!. I sighed in relief. I felt someone gently shake my shoulder. I was afraid of opening my eyes. What happens when I find myself back to where I was... Love...I heard her voice..I thought as I slowly opened my eyes. True to my heart..she was there.. looking worriedly at me. I stood up and hugged her so tightly that's untill she coughed and I realized I was suffocating her.

I looked around and smiled. I was back at my place. No strange house and no strange but gorgeous looking man. But I wouldn't mind having him to myself now would I??. Never mind.

I found Love standing at the spot I left her ,looking at me. The worried look she gave me a minute ago was replaced with a confused one. Confused beyond confusion..ask me about it. It was such a dejavu. I closed the few steps between us and surprised her with another hug. She froze for a minute and then returned the hug. I wasn't a hugger and I must've caught her by surprise..I mean two hugs in two minutes. She wondered... She went along with the flow.. figured that everything will be explained later.

"Leyla, are you okay... you...I mean...I was trying to talk to you but it's like you weren't there...I... mean you were there physical but mentally...are you..." I didn't let her finish. I hugged her again. Three hugs in a row... That was quite a record!!.

"Thank you for bringing me back".


In a far far place. In between heaven and Earth, two ladies were conversing lightly. Never has destiny played such a trick and neither has such a thing ever happened especially in the fourth dimension.Slowly, the eldest lady vanished through the mist.. and the slightly younger lady descended down to the earth. They decided to let fate take it course.