Chapter seven

She vanished just like that. One minute she was there falling right into his arms, the next minute Alex couldn't see her anywhere. it's like she wasn't even here. But he could still smell her sweet scent all over the place.He'd been late today, which was quite unusual for him. The mansion also seemed to be deserted contrary to it's usual self. Usually, maids were always seen running to and fro carrying various activities of the mansion. The mysterious lady, wore a different kind of clothes, nothing he's ever seen in his life. Alex had seen a lot of high society ladies but none could come close to her fashion.

She was dressed in men's clothes, only difference is that the breeches were tighter displaying openly her spectacular curvaceous body. She had a small oval face, fair skin, with no dust or whatever these ladies use to add on their faces, but still she was breathtaking. He stood there watching her face expressions. Curiosity then confusion. She acted quite strangely, then she walked towards him, her hands about to touch his face. But before she did, she tripped then fell but not before he stopped her. He was kinda getting used to her in his arms when she vanished into thin air without a trace.

Alex could've sworn that he was hallucinating except for his wrist watch was missing. He was holding it before he caught her but now it was nowhere to be found. Shaking his head, he walked out and found his men training.

"She was here wasn't she?. He heard a voice speaking behind him but when he turned around nothing could be seen. What's happening to me??. Alex wondered as he carelessly worked out with his men. Tired and still thinking about what happened earlier,Alex excused himself and went to his favorite place. He thought about what had transpired earlier that day, he couldn't place an hand on it, was it real or was it just an hallucination.

"It was real". A voice spoke to him but when he looked this time, she was there. Morgana, the town's witch, in flesh. He's been looking for her for so long and here she was.

"I told you she'd come from afar did I not??. She asked looking curiously at him. Alex was dumbfounded.

"What exactly do you mean from afar??". Alex asked.

"From the future!!. She whispered to him.

"But nothing like this has ever happened , something or someone is stopping her from crossing over". The witch continued.

"What do you mean??.

"Never mind, you'll know about this when the time is right". She concluded before vanishing. What is it with people disappearing on him. First the girl from the future and now...the witch. Whose next...his brother..Alex laughed at that. He directed his thoughts back to the mysterious lady. She was breathtaking. He felt something in his heart when he first saw her, something he's never felt before. She stirred up different emotions in him, he prayed for whatever he saw to happen again, and this time he'd let nothing stop him from taking her in his arms again.

The witch had said that someone was stopping her from crossing over. Was it another man? Is that why she vanished?. He hoped not. He prayed that wasn't the case. He didn't know why but her in another man's arm didn't really sit well with him. He wanted her all to himself he didn't know how, but if what the witch had said, she was from a different time, he couldn't get her not without divine intervention, or fate and destiny. Alex believed that if destiny had it that their paths will cross again then so shall they.

"He watched her walk in the church towards him. His heart stopped for a minute. He's never seen anyone so beautiful in his eyes, the white veil supplemented her beauty. She was born to be showered with love, treated with love, care and caution just like a rose. Deep down he made a promise to always love her, until he takes his last breath...."

A certain mysterious lady had invaded Alex's dream..she always did ..but now he had a face to go with. That dream he had felt so real and he was quite disappointed when he realized that it was nothing but a dream. If there was anything he could do to have her, he would no matter what . He frowned thinking that there's no way that will ever happen and that by the end of this month, he'll be forced to marry someone else for the throne. His jaw tighten when he thought about it. Life was really strange, he's been looking for someone after his heart for so long and when he thought he got her ...she was snatched right through his arms. He sometimes wondered whether he'll ever have anything close to what his parents had.

Walking down to the dinning room he was greeted by maids swarming around. Where were they last night??. He asked himself. But he knew that no one knew the answer to that. Except of course for Morgana, he figured that he couldn't locate her, no one could anyway. She showed herself when she pleased.

He greeted his mother, and immediately after, he went to deal with the tenants houses and how the investigation was going on regarding to the fire. He also had some pending errands he had to run at the local opera house. On his way he couldn't forget the closely resemblance of Morgana to that of the mysterious lady. The lady looked like Morgana only she was younger. What was their relationship??Alex wondered. Was she

..are they... how are they related??. All these questions runed through his head.

"When the time is right". Came a whisper.

Only time will tell, for now Alex had to wait and hope, for that's all, with his power and wealth, this was beyond him.
