Chapter eight

"So, you mean to tell me that a few minutes ago while I was talking to myself thinking that you were lost deep in your thoughts, you had been transported back in time and not only that ,you met this handsome man dressed weirdly and before you could touch him you were driven back through the tunnel of darkness with my voice leading you??". Love asked and I nodded.

"If you put it like that..then yes.. that's what's happened". She looked at me like I had grown a third eye on my face and I couldn't blame her. I mean how could she believe me when I didn't even believe myself??. I wondered.

"Though am not really sure about the time travel part, the place seemed to resemble something old, out of fashion, I figured I was in a different time". I continued.

"Leyla, this is absurd. It makes no sense at all, I mean you were here physically but also somewhere else at the same time??. Unbelievable!!. Are you sure you didn't make this up? You've been watching a lot of sy fy series lately".

"Am not really sure Love, but it felt so real. He was right in front of me..a step away and I'd have... wait a minute ... what's that ??. I felt something on my back..

"What??. Love asked.

"There's something on my back... could you please check?". I told her as I turned around.

"It's a watch". But whose watch was it and how did it get on my back??. Love was looking at it carefully. She showed it to me and it had the initials A. H. It was an old looking watch, am not sure I've ever seen anyone with such a watch. I told Love I don't know where that watch came from... unless....

"The man". I stated as I remembered that he was holding my back when he stopped me from falling. This only meant one thing.. that I was not hallucinating and this watch was a proof that I was somewhere else.. and not here. For the first time in my life, I was afraid of the unknown . How do you even fight something you know nothing about??.

"it must have stuck on me when he was holding me". I explained to love.

"As much as I want to believe this Leyla, am afraid I can't". Love was in complete denial and there was nothing I could do about it.

"Leyla.. do you remember a few months ago when I wasn't myself??.

"Yes I do... what does that has to do with this??.She asked looking at me strangely.

"I had a strange feeling that something was going to take me away from here..from you.. what if this is really it Love??. Am afraid we are going to be separated... not now... not when I've got the sister I always wanted..I..i.. can't...". I couldn't get to finish what I was saying. I was so emotional I couldn't stop the tears from falling blouse was already soaked. Love hugged me and we cried together as we tried to confort each other. I felt that I had a little time with her and my heart broke all over again.

We cried ourselves to sleep. I was the first one to wake up and I made us supper. I don't know why, but I had a feeling that this will be the last supper Love and I will be having in a while. I cringed at the thought of never seeing love again, she may not be related to me by blood but I already gave her a place in my heart as a sister. Whilst we didn't have a blood connection, she told me that she felt closer to me than she did with her biological sister.

"Don't think too much about it... we'll get through this". Love spoke behind me startling me I almost dropped the the plates that I was holding .

"Am sure we will... unless of course I die from a heart attack. You startled me!!. I shot back at her and we started laughing. It really felt good to laugh, made us forget our troubles even just for a moment.

"Mmmh...I didn't know you could cook this well..". Love said.

"Just because I enjoy your cooking much better doesn't mean am hopeless...I was surviving before I even met you.. head chef". Yes, you got it right. Love was promoted to head chef a few days back. She is an amazing chef.. not that I am not... although am still an immature while compared to her .. but I was proud of her. I've never seen anyone so dedicated to her work like she was,.. passionate about foods and coming up with different kind of recipes.

After dinner, she did the dishes. We then went to the living room to watch a movie about mermaids called siren. Half through the movie I got sleepy, bid Love good night and retired to my room. I was just pulling the blanket over me when I heard a soft knock on the door, it was Love, asking whether she could sleep in my room..I nodded as I made some space for her. Soon we both drifted into sleep, what awaited us when we rose only God knew.


As the girls slept, distant voices we're heard from a far.

"It's about time". Someone said as she looked sadly at the two girls sleeping, but there was nothing she could do. Their destiny was already sealed. How are they going to handle such a change?? She hoped and prayed that her granddaughter will be well. Esmeralda, was the last witch in their line which meant her abilities died with her. Her twin sister Morgana, still lives, though in a different time. The witches book had it that only one witch could serve at a time hence they were separated at birth, so that Morgana could serve in another time. They could see the future, but no one could change whatever was meant to happen. It was beyond their power.