chapter Nine

She felt herself slowly being lifted up, then saw herself flying through something that looked like fog. Something or rather someone was holding her through it all but she couldn't see anything but fog....

Leyla woke up with a start. What was wrong with her these days??. First, hallucinating and now dreaming... not just a dream but a weird one. Is what Love was saying true? Has she been watching too many science fiction series lately that she found herself lost in them? Or was she slowly loosing her mind, if so then she'd have to admit herself in a mental asylum before it was too late!!!.

She sniffed the air around her and it smelt so different from what it really did. She looked around, the place was still the same but looked different.

"It's 'bout time you woke up lass,". She heard a voice coming from the door. If she wasn't laying down she would have fallen on to the ground or worse died instantly of a heart attack.


"Grandmayouareherebut how....". She mumbled drifting back to unconsciousness.

Morgana watched her granddaughter faint and chuckled lightly. She didn't blame her though. Anyone in her place would have fainted or worse died from a heart attack. Last night, when she was summoned by the coven, she knew that the time had arrived as it was destined to be. What made her sad was that her granddaughter was snatched from her sister just when they had reconnected.

Until recently, after that incident, the witches felt that a friendly bond wasn't strong enough to stop or change the destiny. When Leyla supposedly transported back to the future they figured something stronger was stopping her so they drew some blood from Love when she was sleeping and to their surprise found out that the two were related. They both shared the same father but none knew. She just prayed that her granddaughter would be able to adjust to the new Changes.

She walked in and sat across the bed. She placed some herbs on her nose to bring her back. She hoped she wouldn't go back to unconsciousness when she Saw her again. She had a lot on her plate already with the future Duke constantly bugging her about the "mysterious" lady. When she felt her granddaughter stir she looked at her.

"Before you drift back to whatever you were, I want you to know that I am not your grandmother". She immediately said.

"You are not??. She asked looking confused.

"Nah lass am not. but you are my granddaughter". She added soon realized that she put it wrong when she saw that the girl was even more confused.

"What I mean to say is, your grandmother was my twin sister but we were separated at birth. According to our coven and the witches book only one witch of the same line can rule at a time. That's why I was placed at a different time. You my dear has travelled back in time!!". She finished.

"You mean to tell me..."

"Yes my dear, you are in a different time. It shouldn't surprise you that much though, you've already been here before??".

"That was real?? I thought i were hallucinating"". Leyla whispered to herself. She was still trying to understand whatever was happening. If this was really happening....

"'Tis happening lass".

Then what about Love??. What was going to happen to her all by herself. She'll be worried, not being able to locate her.

"Not to worry bout your little friend lass, everything will be okay". Morgana assured her.

"Are you reading my thoughts?". Leyla asked not really surprised. Her late grandma used to do that all the time.

"It's rude to invade other peoples mind without their permission". Leyla scolded.

"I can't help lass if your thoughts are all over the place". She answered.

"Will she really be okay?". Leyla asked after a while. She was still worried about her. This was a lot to take in.

"You sister will be fine".


"Yes. she's like a sister to you is she not??. Morgana asked. It slipped her mind that she wasn't supposed to tell her granddaughter about it yet, because it could complicate things.

"your grandmother and I will make sure she's okay"

"But isn't my grandmother dead?".

"She is dead. Enough about the questions now you wouldn't understand even if I told. Why don't you rest for a while and I'll make us something to eat". Leyla nodded and fell asleep.

A few hours later she felt someone tap lightly on her shoulder. When she opened her eyes she saw that it was her other grandmother. She had hoped... aaah.. never mind.

"Really hoped it was a dream, didn't ya?. Her grandmother pried.

"I still do". She replied flatly. She always hated it when her grandma used to read her thoughts.

"Come, you must be famished. I've prepared something for you,am afraid it different from what you people have in you time". At the mention of food, her stomach growled. She was indeed hungry!!. . The food was surprisingly delicious, nothing like Love's but still...

"I know she cooks better than me but at least I tried". Leyla glared at her. She raised her hands in defeat and promised to try not to invade her mind. After that they both enjoyed the rest of their meal quietly.

Later that evening, Leyla was strolling outside their little house. It was so beautiful out here. No noise. Fresh air from the trees. Her grandmother had warned her not to wonder too far, but she couldn't stop herself when she spotted a secret passage going up the mountain. She figured it was secret because it was covered in thones and tree branches. Following the route, she found herself at the top. Looking down she was greeted with the most spectacular view she's ever seen in her life. It's like she could see the whole world from where she was.

She stayed there for a while, then after an hour or so she figured her grandmother would be worried about her. She rose up, put on her shoes, not really looking where she was going she bumped into a soft rock. It felt like it but it wasn't really a rock...

"We finally meet again lass".