Chapter ten

"We finally meet again lass". The soft rock spoke to me. Weird right??. Am not only stuck in the past... although am still coming into terms with it, I still believe that I'll wake up anytime from this dream.....but in this time rocks can speak??. Which means trees also do speak. I chuckled at my childishness. I felt the rock rub it's hands on my back. I slowly lifted my head and was met with a pair of sexy eyes. It was him!!. The mysterious man i met the last time when I thought that I was hallucinating. I touched his face gently to make sure that all this was real and guess what?. It was.

It's you?". I asked.

"This is my hideout place lass, how do you know about it?. The man asked and I just stood there staring at him.. not only that but I was practically drooling over him. That voice did some strange things to my body, it felt as if my heart came back too life. Am sure he could hear my heart beat.

"Control Leyla!!. My inner voice warned me. I closed my eyes for a few seconds, trying to compose myself.

"My grandmother lives around here so it wasn't that hard to find it". I told him.

"Your grandmother??".

"Yes, Morgana".

"She said you are from the future??.

"It's a weird tale...". I started to tell him Making myself comfortable on a rock besides him.

"... Apparently, my grandmother and Morgana are twin sisters, but according to the laws of the witches, they couldn't exist together at the same time so Morgana was brought back in the past and my grandmother stayed back in the present". He looked at me trying to understand whatever I said about witches. I was as clueless just as he was and prayed that he wouldn't pry any further.

"If your grandmothers are witches does that make you one?. He finally asked after a few seconds.

"Unfortunately, no. They are the last one in their line. Why..are you afraid I'll cast a spell at you and make you fall for me??. I teased.

"Could you??.If you were a witch??.

"Magic has a price. According to my grandma and it's mostly used to help others, not for one's selfish motive so no I wouldn't do that". I said though deep down I had a feeling that I'd do anything to have a man like that.

"Ooh...I see.". He said lifting my hand and I felt warm at the sudden contact. It was then that I realized that I was wearing his watch. The last thing I remember was placing it on the table, awhile back when I was talking to Love, how it got on my wrist...I couldn't explain.

"My watch. I've been looking for it everywhere I thought I had lost it". He spoke analysing it.

"It belonged to my great grandfather and it was passed down through generations until it found it's way to me.". He further explained. I tried to remove it from my hand but was surprised when he stopped me.

"Keep it for awhile.. you'll give it back when we meet again".

"How do you know that we will meet again?. I asked.

"I don't. I hope we do. ".

"Alexander Houston". He said with a slight bow. A. H. I looked down at the watch and it dawned to me that that was his name.

"Leyla Morgans"

"My lady, it was great to make your acquaintance". And with that he left me glued to my position. His aura displayed some form of authority. Was he a Lord of some kind?. I'll ask my grandmother about it.

Later that evening, we were having coffee with my grandmother. She made great coffee I wondered if she used magic in the kitchen but dared not to ask.

"Alexander Houston, who is he?". I finally asked her.

"He is the future Duke my dear, the fourth in his line. I see you finally met him".

He's so handsome. I thought.

"He sure is". My grandmother said reading my thoughts. Again!!!. So irritating. Reading me like am an open book.

Later she showed me my new clothes said that if a was to stay here the I'll have to adapt to their ways. I hesitated at first but when she explained further I realized that it was for my own good. How I was going to cope with all this I didn't know but instead of stressing over all these changes I realized the Sooner I embrace them the better.

I walked around and saw a book somewhere. I figured that if I try to write something Maybe then Love will be able to find it since we are in the same house. It will be like a journal. Taking the pen I told her about everything. That I was in a different time..past ... and that I was okay. I explained further that I was with my other grandmother and I missed her like crazy and prayed that a miracle would happen so that we'd be together again.

Morgana looked as her granddaughter wrote to her sister. What she thought was a book wasn't just an ordinary book but a magic book that way the two of them could communicate across the time. Leyla also had the same book. That way they'll stay in touch .

After so much convincing, the witches were able to Grant her that one wish and she couldn't be more grateful. She was with Love some time back, but only in shadows and had seen how devastated that lass was and vowed to try and help them. Though she had to intervene the message that Love got, she couldn't Know of her existence... not yet anyway.

There are some things that needed to remain as they were because if they didn't they'll create a rift between the past and the future and that's what the witches were afraid of. A portal or something, because it it were to happen, the past could be corrupted and history will be changed.