chapter nineteen.

"Grandmother. Grandmother". I whispered and in a second my grandmother was there. I couldn't see but could feel her presence.

"What is so important that you had to disturb my sleep??. She asked sounding angry.

"I had a weird dream...". I started only to be interrupted.

"and you are what?? five??. such that you can't sleep alone because you had a dream??. really??".

"Grandmother will you just listen please!!. I saw myself in future together with Alex, i was driving and then...". I hesitated, I didn't want anything bad to happen to Alex, it didn't matter whether it was real or a dream.

"Then what??". My grandmother pried.

"we crashed into another car, after that I woke up". I finished.

"How long have you been having this dream?".

"For a while, i thought it was just a dream". I said.

"It's an intuition. Something is wrong, get some sleep I'll see you tomorrow".

"What do you mean something is wrong?". I asked but she had already disappeared. What did she mean when she said something was wrong. She left me even more worried. By the time i finally slept, it was already late.

"You are late!!!". Was the first thing i heard when I presented myself for breakfast. Alex was already there, hiding a smile. Am sure he enjoyed my misery.

"Am sorry My lady, I had trouble sleeping. it won't happen again". I said taking a seat on her right.

"It better not . Is everything in your room to your liking?. She asked.

"It is My lady".

"Good. Have your breakfast then. We have a long day ahead of us. Your lessons begins today". She ordered. I sighed, if anyone would have told me that I'll be taking classes to become a duchess I'll have laughed in their face like they'd lost their mind, but here i am.

I was taken around the household, introduced to all the maids, shown the plantation. During the afternoon I was taught how to act with elegance, authority, walk with my head held high, how to speak. By evening i was beyond exhausted, but couldn't even get a chance to relax, because the duchess invited me for tea at the garden.

We were having a second cup of tea when I spotted Alex walking in heart stopped for a minute. Why was Alex with Lady Astria?. And without a chaperone?. They conversed lightly and I saw Alex laugh at something she said. Then she placed her gloved hands on Alex's arm and i waited for Alex to push it away but he didn't. He seemed comfortable with it. At this time i was throwing daggers at them i failed to notice the smile that the duchess had on her face.

"You have no reason to be jealous". I almost spit the tea in my mouth.

"Am not jealous". I defended myself.

"Could have fooled me". She said. I didn't say anything because i knew she was wrong. I wasn't jealous, not at all. Okay maybe i was jealous, but just a little bit. I didn't want Alex getting so close to another woman, i wanted him all to myself.

"Possessive much, are we not". The duchess said and i realized i said it out loud. Now she had proof that I was indeed jealous, am sure she'll be using that against me now.

"Just a little protective. We don't want anyone to gossip about them. I know there is nothing there". I stated as a matter of fact.

"Do you now?. Lady Astria has always fancied Alex ever since they were young. They used to be friends and her father and my husband wanted to marry them, but I refused". The duchess said. So Alex and lady Astria have a history. Good to know.

"But why did you refuse"?. I asked.

"Because of Alex.

He always treated her like a younger sister. And besides I did not want to be involved in my children love decisions. I wanted them to find their partners on their own". She added.

"But what if things have changed, and Alex no longer sees her as a sister but rather a young woman". I asked. I mean I didn't, it was probably my jealousy speaking.

"I don't know. Why not approach them and find that out for yourself?".

"I can't just...". She looked at me, challenging me.

"My Lord?". I called as I approached them.

"Good evening Lady....".

"Lady Astria, meet Lady Morgans". Alex introduced us.

"Tis a pleasure to make your acquaintance". I said. She looked at me and forced a smile.

"The pleasure is all mine". She said.

"Lady Morgans is visiting the duchess for a few days. She'll be staying here for a while". Alex explained. Visiting the duchess!!!. seriously!!. Was all that i was doing here??. I looked at Alex and he just shrugged. I just stood there as he and Lady Astria talked, as if i was invisible. Not being able to stomach all that humiliation, i slowly made my way to the garden. I don't know if it was the jealousy but something about Lady Astria felt weird. I don't know, i just felt that something wrong was going to happen soon, but couldn't place a finger on what exactly.

During dinner, Alex tried to converse with me and i answered in one word. I was trying to avoid him. The duchess, just sat there watching us like we were her favourite tv program. After Alex's attempt to converse with me failed, we finished the rest of our meals in silence. The only noise being that of plates and cutleries.

I excused myself immediately after finishing my meal, and so did Alex. He followed me upstairs, but was stopped Midway by a sudden rupture of laughter by the duchess. By the time he got over his shock, I already had myself locked in my room.

"Alex. What are you doing here?. How did you get in". I was just about to sleep when i saw Alex enter my room.

"Got in through the door. Now you, my dear Leah have so much to explain. Why are you trying to avoid me???" He asked, looking angry.

"Me. Avoid you?. Why would you think that?".

"Did I do something wrong Leah". He asked.

"Was just returning the favor, that's all, you did the same while in the presence of Lady Astria". I found myself saying. This mouth of mine. Alex studied me for a while, then laughed. Why was he laughing, i didn't see anything funny. I glared at him and he stopped.

"Tell me, are you jealous?".

"Of course not!!.

"Yes you are. You have nothing to be jealous of. She is just like a sister to me Leah". He justified.

"She doesn't see you like a brother though". I said to myself. Alex closed the distance between us and locked his lips with mine and i forgot exactly why i was angry with him.