chapter twenty.

"The late lady Herlington, you and were friends weren't you?". Morgana asked, pacing around the office of the duke.

"We just happened to be people of the same cycle, but our acquaintance cannot really be termed as friendship, why do you ask?". The duchess asked, still not getting any of whatever Morgana was talking about.

"The late Lady Herlington was the protector of the secret portal. For years that portal hasn't been used but i think someone might have discovered it or is about to". Morgana explained. The duchess slowly rose from the chair and stood at the window.

"But how is this possible when you told me that there is no other route?".

"I thought so too until i talked with my granddaughter last night".

"But how does she know about any of this?". The duchess asked.

"She doesn't. She has been having a dream where she sees herself in the future together with Alex". Morgana hid the details about the accident, she didn't want the duchess to be stressed more than she already was.

"We can't conclude based on her dreams. From what I know you and your sister were the last of the witch clan, how can we trust that her dreams are valid?".

"She might not be a witch but our blood still runs in her veins. Her instincts have always been right and so has her dreams even though she can't cast any spells.

"Well, what do you suggest we do?

" Nothing yet, let me see if I can find anything out from the Herlington mansion. Oooh and before I forget... keep your son away from my granddaughter?".

"But why?.

"It's going to be full moon in a weeks time, Alex is going to shift. He can be a little dangerous especially since it's his first time, speaking of which have you told him about any of this yet?".

"No. I was waiting for the right time until my husband is back".

"You better tell him before it happens that way he can be ready. We don't want him getting confused and worried".

"We are not certain of it yet. He could still be a normal human being". The duchess wasn't ready yet to reveal to Alex his true nature yet, about him being a werewolf.

"I doubt that. Tell him before it's too late".


After her father's butler informed Astria that her father was in his office, she quickly went down to seek him.

"Good afternoon father". Astria greeted as she entered his office. He just looked at her and nodded.

" I went to the Houston's mansion yesterday and I heard rumors that Alex has been betrothed and soon to be married to a certain Lady Morgans. Father, i thought you had arranged a union between me and Alex?". Lady Astria complained.

"I had talked about it with the duke but nothing was decided yet. Where does this Lady Morgans come from?".

"Nobody knows. I tried to ask around but no has any idea where she's from. She appears a little strange, even her manner of speech is different from ours".

"hmmm.. this should be interesting, don't worry daughter, I will speak with the duke as soon as he arrives".He said dismissing her. After she left, he was left wondering. The Houston's wives had always remained a mystery to him. They just appeared from nowhere, and no one could trace their background. First the duchess, and now the mysterious Lady Morgans. He was going to dig whatever it is that the Houston's were hiding. He was already creating an army to use against the duke, once he finished with him, he'll wish he was never born.

He summoned his butler and asked him to arrange the carriage. He needed to find information about lady Morgans as soon as possible.

After being dismissed, Astria locked herself in her room and transported herself back to the future. She needed to arrange everything for when she and Alex got there. She already got herself an apartment, and her mother's jewelry could cost a fortune in this time. All she had to do now was to find a way to get Alex there. It didn't matter whether he loved her or not, she had enough love for the both of them. She couldn't forget the look he gave Lady Morgans though, she wanted him to look at her like that, like she was his world, and no else. She arrived at work early this time.

Love was standing at the kitchen's window thinking about her friend when suddenly the new waitress appeared from nowhere. Who was she???. Love had tried to get her tech friends to help with her identity but all they could find was a portrait from the eighteenth century and nothing concrete. She took a diary and quickly wrote to her friend updating her on what was happening. If anyone could figure this out, then it was definitely her, having gone to the past and back. She quickly hid the diary when she felt a presence in the kitchen.

"Hello, here are the orders for table 13 and 14, could you please get them for me as I change?. I promise I'll be quick?". The new waitress asked and Love nodded. She prepared the orders and continued to serve them to the tables. Today, the restaurant wasn't packed like it surely was, which was a good thing because Love wanted to go home early today and find a way to communicate with friend. She had a bad feeling about the new waitress and she didn't know how, but she had a gut feeling that it involved her friend.