Chapter 4

I cover my ears as I walk in the corridor of our building. Why the hell they are screaming? I guess one of the so called "F4" is here.

I walked closely to the group of people who is busy cheering and taking pictures to this guys. "F4" is the face of our University, meaning to say their faces and names is always on the ads of the University and every corner of this University you can see their faces. The funny thing about them is they are only 3 but they are called "F4". The University administration said that it is "4" instead of 3 its because there is someone who will complete them.

I'm a bit tall so it's not hard for me to look even though there's many people.

"Today is the announcement of the 4th member, right?" the girl with an "F4" banner said.

"Yes! based on the rumors the 4th member will transfer here today!"

I see, that's there are so many students here, and wait meaning to say the new member of "F4" will transfer here in our faculty. Wait-why I'm so damn interested with him? Im just wasting my time here. I walked away from the group of people and decided to go to our classroom.

It's been a week since I last saw Bright. After what happened to his car last time, I'm still confused. We haven't talk to much after that. I'm really worried about him. I mean-I know that "that kiss" is doesn't mean anything, I'm just worried because he helped me last time and I want to help him too if he needs me.

The boring class is already done and its time for lunch. To be honest, I really hungry even before the class starts. I guess, that's why I'm chubby but I don't care, I'm still cute tho.

It's kinda interesting that today there are many people here at the canteen, maybe because this students wants to see that new member of so-called "F4". Its so hard to look for a vacant table here because there are so many students.

I looked around and gotcha! Luckily i found one vacant table. I quickly go to the table before someone can go over and take my seat from me. I reached the table and good thing there is no other person. I sat on the chair and starts eating.

"Hey! I'll sit here with you." the tall guy said. His face doesn't look familiar but he is wearing the same uniform as me, probably he is a transferee.

I'm in the middle of the cloud 9 while eating my favorite Vegetable soup, Fried Chicken with fried egg and fried rice when this guy with no fucking respect interupts me.

"Go find yourself your own table. This table is mine." I said not bothering to look at him. I know he is also not looking at me but why do I feel there are so many eyes looking at me right now.

I tried to ignore it, but this guy is still standing in front of me. I looked up at him and looked around and I see this girls eyes. I can feel that there eyes can kill someone by just looking. They are scary. I looked back again to the guy who is showing me a wide smile.

"I'm Justine, transferee here at the faculty of Laws. The 4th member of F4" He said still showing his smile.

I chocked on my food and quickly drinks my pink milk. "W-what? You are the 4th member of F4?"

He just nods as an answer. "So can I sit here now?" he asked again.  I looked around again and I see some students holding there fork ready to stab at any moment.

I have no choice, so I let him sit here with me. Suddenly, those scary eyes turns into heart ones when I let Mew sit here with me. He smirks as he put down his plate and take the sit in front of me.

One of the reason I let him sit here beside him is because students are not allowed to bully or to create a fight with the representatives of University. Since they are the face of the University they are treated specially. Tsk, badtrip.

I continue eating again before I lose my appetite. "Hey, what's your name?" He started out an conversation.

I rolled my eyes and boredly answers. "My name is Mark." I take a sip to my pink milk so I can leave here now after I finish this. I'm about to stand when he calls my name.

"Mark!" he shouts making me stop and look at him and suddenly this students changes their name to Mark because they also look at Mew when he calls me.

"Can you go out with me after class?" he asks me like he is asking me for a date and also sounding like it's a normal thing for guys like us to ask each other to go out after class.

"yiieeee" I hear some cheers from this students who is like watching a BL series, while others take out their phones and starts filming and taking pictures. It feels like suddenly the temperature rises. I feel my heartbeat starts beating fast again together with this damn butterflies in my stomach.

I nod "okay." I said with a smile showing my gummy smile. I said it because I don't want to stay there for any longer because I might die there. As I walk away from the canteen I hear the loud cheers of the students.

My phone vibrated so I checked it. My gets widen becuase I can't believe what I'm seeing right now. The video of Mew asking me to go out after class is already posted in the Cute Boy Facebook Page.

"Fuck! What is he thinking?!"

-end of Chapter 5