After the maids left Alexander himself immediately made an excuse to leave me to my own devices, what is wrong with him? Is it about what the maid said earlier? I have to admit it was odd because the numbers don't add up but would it matter? No, absolutely not he could be: a demigod, a shape-shifting creature, or whatever but at the end of it all, he's still Alexander. The man who let me stayed in his house, the person who's trying to find a solution for my problem, the guy that saved me from being eaten by the kelpie, and most importantly the grumpy troll that I almost punched in the gut the first time we've met. I giggled at that last bit. However, whatever his reason and whatever is he hiding I'll just respect that.

I can't lie though I wish to know what's wrong.

However for the time being I'll wait for him to tell me on his own.

After some time I left the library as well and decided to go straight to my room. As I entered the room, I went for the drawer where I kept my personal belonging. Digging into it I immediately found my phone and keys as well as Robbie's letter, but as I looked into the drawer I found something that wasn't there before. Taking it out I've recognized it. The pendant's silver material reflected the unnatural lights from the chandelier, the teardrop-shaped gem sparkled as I stared at it.

Now that I think about it I don't remember holding this since I got to this place not even when I first met Robbie.

"What's on your mind?" a voice asked.

Turning around I was faced by a little girl around 9 to 11 years old her black hair was tied neatly in a bun, her blue eyes are so clear it feels like I'm staring at the sky.

The little girl spoke once more "It's nice to finally meet you, Rachelle"

"Who are you? How did you know my name?" I asked starting to feel scared, not just because she appeared out of nowhere but also because I can sense something odd. Her aura seems unnatural, not for a normal little girl at least.

"Ah, that… well you see I'm one the people who sent you here. To meet the person you are meant to be with, the person who held the other locket." She told me as she walked up to me.

"Well! Where is he? I need to find him now so I could finally go home. What do you even want me to do?" I said losing my composure.

"Calm down Rachelle, you have all the time in the world. I myself will guarantee that I understand that my little sister didn't tell you anything however that is intentional. You can't know it all because where's the fun in that right?" she said as if mocking me.

Biting my tongue I refrain from speaking ill.

I'm not sure what she can do, it would be in my best interest not to anger her.

"Do you think this is a joke?" I ask trying to mask my obvious irritation.

"No, but this is retribution." she said eyes burning with hatred.

"Now listen clear, the person you are looking for is close. I don't think I need to tell you already have two candidates" she said with a faint smile on her face.

Remaining in silence I allowed her to continue…

"He who bears the sin shall suffer and he'll drag you along with him that is the fate you two are destined to share. Now keep in mind that from here on out the locket will be attached to you, no matter where you lost it or keep it… the locket will always reappear in your pocket." She said as if giving a fair warning.

Suddenly there's a knocking on the door, I quickly looked in its direction.

But when I finally looked back the girl was gone.

Leaving me with a locket in hand

And more questions in mind.

Walking towards the door I opened it ever so slight, only to see Andrea in front of me.

"Yes?" I asked

"Dinner is served, Miss. Please allow me to guide you to the dining hall" she said coldly, I can't help but wonder what she was like before she became a ghost inside a doll.

Shaking the thought off. I finally responded "Alright I'll follow suit"

Walking our way to the dining hall we were both silent, only the clicking of our heels hitting the marble floors can be heard.

Reaching the dining hall Andrea opened the doors for while she stayed in the side of the doorway with her head held low allowing me to step inside.

As I enter, I was greeted by the scent of the mouth-watering food and an empty dining hall.

Alexander was nowhere to be found.

Looking back at Andrea I asked, "Where is he?"

"The Master is in his father's workshop. He said he'll be skipping tonight's dinner" she said still looking down.

"Workshop, but he didn't show me any workshop. Where is it located?" I asked her once more.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you, Miss. It's the Master's order" she said coldly.

"Alright" I said turning to seat in my designated chair.

Biting my lips I can't help but wonder why he's hiding so much from me but then again I realized that in his eyes, I still maybe a stranger.

Looking at the prepared dinner I can't help but feel hungry but… Alexander not being here made me lost my appetite.

Eating slowly it feels like each bite made me more empty, I usually eat alone during work or when my mother is away to visit some friends but I used to be fine. So why do I feel so sad when Alexander wouldn't join me for dinner?

In the end, I only had a slice of bread and a half-eaten entrée, putting the napkin down I stood up. After taking a few steps I looked back at the table.

"Andrea, will you get me a tray please" I said looking straight at her.

"Of course Miss" she said then turned to leave.

After a few minutes, Andre returned with a tray in hand topped with a sandwich, a tea set, and slices of fruits.

I looked at her in shock "You already know?" I asked

"Yes, it would seem that you cared for the Master more than we initially credited you with. The workshop is in the cellar, from the drawing-room take the hall between the kitchen and the bathroom at the end of the hallway is the stairs leading to the cellar" she said as she hands me the tray.

I said my thanks before walking past her to look for Alexander, but before I was too far she spoke once more.

"The Master… no Alexander had been alone for so long and he's afraid that everyone will leave him behind, that's why he prefers pushing people away. Please, don't let him down just like the others did"

I looked back to Andrea and for the first time, her eyes flickered with life and emotions, her strong feelings for her friend reflecting through her glass doll eyes.

Her name… truly matches her personality.

They say the bravest people are not always those who fight, but the ones who care.

And she was proof of that.