After leaving Andrea behind in the dining hall I quickly made my way to the cellar and right now I stood outside its door, unsure how to approach the situation.

Taking a deep breath I prepared myself.

"Alexander, please open the door" I called out.

Almost immediately I heard some scurrying and as well as the sound of papers, suddenly the door opened to reveal Alexander with a loose tie the first two buttons of his shirt are undone and his vest is nowhere to be found.

He combed a hand to his messy blond hair before speaking "Yes?" he questioned, brows are furrowed due to confusion and surprise.

Smiling I raised the tray a little for him to see "I brought you something to eat, Andrea said you'll skip dinner but we agreed that you shouldn't" I explained.

"Hmmm… come in. I'm so sorry for the trouble" he said looking away as he rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably.

Walking in I placed the tray on the table which is topped with papers and vials. Looking around I noticed the shelf of old books which are visibly older than the ones in the library and there are also other cabinets but I'm can't tell what's inside.

The lack of light in the room made it look depressing while the quiet environment made it almost ominous.

"Rachelle" I heard him say, I only looked at Alexander in response.

"As much as I appreciate the gesture… I think, you should go" he said looking away.

"I- um… s-sure" I said disappointed, I thought this would be a good chance to find out more about him but I think not.

Walking out I turn one last time "Good night Alexander" I said with a sad smile.

"Good night to you too Rachelle" he replied.


I watched as Rachelle close the cellar door, oh how I wanted to run after her and to tell her that she could stay as much as she wants but I didn't because I can't. I have to keep my walls up, Rachelle will leave sooner or later, and even if she didn't I believe she deserves someone better… someone, like Robbie.

As I stared at the closed door longingly until I heard a voice spoke behind me.

"Andre is making her own advances? If that's not odd I don't what is" looking back I only see Fidlon.

Fidlon is a brownie, a type of industrious fairy or hobgoblin, and had been father's helper during the time he was making the serum and became a loyal friend ever since. Now he is helping me to find a way to undo the effects of the serum for the last 2 centuries.

"This is why I shouldn't have told Andrea" I told him with a sigh.

"Your walls are too sturdy Alexander what if Andrea only wants you to find another. Someone to hold on to, someone to love, and someone that will make you happy" he lectured.

"So you're a part of this?" I asked chuckling a little.

"I will be lying if I said no" he answered honestly.

"When your father realized what he had done he fell into a deep sadness, he felt fear and regret- for what will you have to face. He was tempted to even take the serum for himself so he could remain by your side for eternity, but he knew better. He knew that someday you will grow and long for someone other than him, what if after all this time your father's choice to leave the last vial of serum in your care was right?"

I sigh trying to dismiss his words no father left it so I could protect the serum from those who seek it and he didn't take it because he missed mother so much, he didn't want to make her wait longer than she had too.

"You've been searching for a solution for centuries Alexander, it's time to consider a different path. If you are bond never to die then live that life chasing happiness, why wallow in your own remorse if you could be happy?"

I remained in silence.

"I… don't deserve to be happy" I said feeling a fang in my chest.

"She loves Robbie and I believe Robbie feels the same way. I don't what to get in their way"

"Did she told you that herself? Or did you just made assumptions as always?" Fidlon asked stepping a little closer.

Looked at him "Please don't get my hopes up Fidlon" I stated.

"But in the worse times all a man needs is a little bit of hope, besides how well you know the answer if you would never ask the question" he answered.

Looking away I bit the insides of my cheeks.

"I should head to bed, thank you for your hard work" I said as I stepped away.

"Well then have a good night my boy" he said as I reached the door of the cellar.

"Good night Fidlon" I utter before closing the door and walking down the hallway.

As I opened the door of my bedroom I swiftly removed my tie and tossed it in the corner. I dragged myself to the bed as I kicked my shoes away, as I lay down I can't help but feel drained. I'm tired physically and mentally but most of all I'm emotionally drained. I stared at the ceiling Fidlon's words repeated in my mind, I can't lie to myself any further. I know how I feel and I know what I wanted.

Yes, it's true.

I fell in love with Rachelle the moment I saw her…

But what about her? Did she feel the same way too?


The dinner was simple it was consist of slices of bread, cheese, and a bowl of soup for each of us. While eating I remained quiet while Kristy went on about her day as always, as much as I want to speak to her I can't. The voices won't stop whispering in my ears, trying to convince me to do the most horrible sins I would never wish to commit.

"Big Brother, Are you alright?" Kristy asked with her adorable voice.

I looked up.

Only to see my sister with her innocent features filled with worry. I'm scared, What if I ended up hurting her?

"Kristy, tomorrow I'll take your Big brother Alexander okay?" I told her knowing she'll be safer in his care.

"We'll visit him again?" she asked with a bright smile on her face.

"No, actually you'll stay with him for a little while. You see big brother have to take care of some things and so I will be away for a few days" I informed her.

"Why? Can't I come with you?" she begged

"No, you can't Kristy I'm so sorry" I said with sadness laced in my voice.

"But you promise to go back?" she asked as she extends a hand, her pinky finger sticking out.

Smiling I reached out my own hand and intertwined my pinky finger with hers.

"I promise I'll back for you no matter what"

"Then I promise to be a good girl and wait no matter how long" she said with her round eyes sparkling with joy.

We sealed our promises and smiled at each other, knowing that it's a promise we'll keep.