I didn't get any sleep last night, I lied in my bed tossing and turning hoping that the voice would just suddenly go away. But just like any other wishful thinking, it didn't happen. Luckily for me, the dawn came quicker than it usually would, the sun shone through my bedroom window as if bringing hope into my life. I immediately stood up and did my morning routine while washing my face however I saw a reflection but it wasn't mine. It was the face of a woman that I've always wanted to see after so many years. I stared in the reflection in shock but as a drop of water created a riffle the image disappeared leaving me with a heavy sigh and helpless longing.

Out of nowhere, the voices became louder, whispering a name I thought I'll never hear again.

This isn't fair, why her?

She's been gone for years.

I covered my ears hoping to block the voices.

"Big Brother" in a moment the voices disappeared again.

I turned to face Kristy "You're up early Kristy, is everything alright?" I asked.

"Yes, I just wanted to pick a flower for Rachelle" she said holding out single pink dianthus for me to see.

Smiling, I patted her head "That's really nice of you Kristy I'm sure she'll appreciate the gesture"

"We should have breakfast first before heading out, will you help me prepare it?" I asked while I smiled at Kristy.

She nodded vigorously "Yes!"

Leafing with joy Kristy went ahead.

I then followed suit.

But as walked towards the kitchen I saw a ghostly figure of a woman.

"Robbie" she whispered before disappearing into thin air.


Standing on the balcony of my room I looked over the forest it was peaceful today. The sun is rising, providing golden light into the forest. As the rays of the sun touch my skin I immediately felt its warmth, closing my eyes I enjoy the sensation. Suddenly however two arms wrapped themselves around my waist giving me a warm embrace. It was followed by a soothing voice "Good morning Darling"

Turning around I saw Rachelle her hair is framing her perfect face, round sparkling eyes stared at me with love. Smiling I turned to face her then held her left cheek.

"Good morning Love" I said as I close the gap between us.

Inching slowly I felt my heart race.

Her lips getting closer and closer…

I could smell her floral perfume.

I could hear her heartbeat.

I could feel her warm breath.

There was a knock on the door.

And I opened my eyes with dismay "Bloody hell" I uttered.

"Who is it?" I demanded while scratching my head still disappointed with my interrupted sleep.

"It's Andrea Master, I would like to inform you that breakfast has been served in the dining hall" she said bluntly.

With a heavy sigh, I responded "I'll be there shortly"

I heard her walk off and eventually, her footsteps can no longer be heard off.

I released another heavy sigh before getting up blinking the sleepiness away and also I tried getting rid of my dreams.

The thought of it.

Why in the world would I even dream of such a thing, standing up I walked my way to the bathroom.

After entering the bathroom I went for the sink and washed my face.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

"Forget that stupid dream Alexander" I told myself before splashing cold water into my face one more time.

After my morning routine, I quickly changed my clothes and exited my room. As I opened the door I had a run-in with Rachelle, shook I felt my eyes widen.

"Good morning Alexander" she said with a smile, without a warning I remembered my dream once again.

"G-good morning Love" I suddenly felt my face burn in different shades of red.

"I-I mean umm… that's a..." I paused trying to compose myself, hoping to save the littlest dignity I have left.

Chuckling Rachelle spoke "We should head downstairs"

I furrowed my brows "Y-yes we should go"

Rachelle and I walked side by side on our way to the dining hall.

It was awkward for me but at the same time, it was a moment of bliss.

To walk beside her without worry.

How I wish the halls are miles long and this walk lasted for an eternity.


Kristy and I are walking to the familiar path towards the mansion, as we made our way closer and closer to the mansion I could hear the voices became louder and clearer. I was horrifying the things they wanted me to do are unspeakable and for that reason, I need to find a way to get rid of them.

The mansion finally came onto the view, its tall walls covered in ivies and moss shines dimly under the sun.

Immediately I went for the door with my sister's hand in mine.

The door was answered by Andrea her feature remained the same after all these years just like Alexander's, yes they truly are frozen in time.

"I need to speak to Alexander" I told her my voice laced with impatience.

"Please, come in" She answered as she bowed her head and proceeded to lead us to the drawing-room.

After entering the mansion the voices seem to have died down.

"I will fetch the Master at ones" Andrea said before leaving.

After she left I can't help but feel agitated, how long have I been waiting?

Has it been minutes or maybe hours?

I started tapping my left heel as I waited, why does everything feel slow?

Finally, I heard footsteps…

Turning my head I saw Alexander with Rachelle following close behind him, I also run towards him to speed things up but I didn't otherwise he will know something is wrong.

"Robbie did you missed Rachelle already?" he asked kiddingly only to earn a chuckle from me and a meek protest from Rachelle.

"Well not quite" I said as the duo sat down across Kristy and me.

"Then what's the matter? Pray tell" he stated looking at me with concern. He had always been quick to catch on but I don't want to bother him with this problem.

"I will be gone for a while because of work and if you don't mind I will be leaving Kristy under your care" I informed him with worry starting to gather in my chest.

"I sure won't mind but why do you need to go elsewhere?" he said as he squinted his eyes ever so slightly as if he already know I was lying.

"Well…I need to fetch some materials for someone in the village. I will just be a courier, it was a bit far but he is willing to pay a hefty price so I decided to take it" Please just take the lie, I prayed deeply as I watch Alexander knit his brows.

I waited for an answer but he's still thinking silently.

"I suppose it will be fine" Alexander finally said.

"Wonderful I will be back as soon as I can" I said as I stood up abruptly.

"Wait you're leaving already?" I heard Rachelle said.

"I'm afraid I am Rachelle, I have to make the trip as soon as I can" I told her while looking straight into her eyes.

"I see, stay safe then" she said giving me a warm sad smile.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Alexander with a deep frown on his lips, is he still doubtful of me?

I turned to Alexander "I should go. Thank you, Alex. I will be back as soon as possible"

He only nodded in response which added more fuel to my anxiety, what if he already knew?

But there is no time to lose.

As much as I hate being apart from my sister I have to, just to keep her safe.

I promise to make it up to her and to Alexander as well, I've been asking for too much lately. After this, I swear I will be a better friend to him.

The three walk me to the door and said their goodbyes while I promised to come back from my so-called 'trip' as soon as I can. Walking off I turned to wave one last time which Rachelle and Kristy returned.

I locked eyes with Alexander and in a brief moment I saw him mouthed 'be careful', his little action made me smile. He had been acting odd lately but he's still the same man as before. Maybe I was just over thinking things. I finally turned my back on them and walk off.

After some time I'm finally half way into the forest, but as I walked on I saw a glint of light in the bushes.

Out of curiosity I went to pick it up, it was a locket with silver material and a red teardrop shaped gem in the middle.

Without thinking it through I pocketed the locket and went on with my 'journey'.