Lachesis is seated on the white luxurious sofa, in her hand is a book and in the other is a quill. Her eyes bore a tired expression and her lips are curved in a deep frown. Placing the quill down, she glanced over the floor where the rest of the books are located. She has so much work to do.

 Keeping Kristy alive is one thing however, Lachesis did not take her brother's action into consideration.

Because Robbie became a killing machine in action, every single day he would kill a person to extend Amber's time. Doubling Lachesis's work for goodness sake, she has to fill the void Kristy is making. While at the same time she has to take care of her unnecessary responsibilities.

It had been very stressful, her work is piling up so much she can no longer enjoy messing with people's lives.

Taking a deep breath, Lachesis allowed her wrist to rest- letting it dangle in the side.

Using her left index finger, she massaged her temple in a circular motion.

Releasing a heavy sigh, the woman wondered what is happening outside. She hasn't had the chance to meddle in Alexander's life for some time now, and here she is doing more work than necessary just so she could see him crumble in tears begging to be killed.

Another sigh left her form before taking the quill once more, ready to continue her duties.

        In a not so far away land, a man stood in the darkness. Wearing a pair of black knee-length boots and brown tight pants while his white shirt is disheveled with a remarkable red stain all over its fabric.

The man's eyes are fixed on the other person in the room- sitting in the darkness with raging red eyes.

"Well?! Have you find the boy?!" the person asked, patience growing thin.

"N-no Mistress not yet" the man trembled in fear despite of his strong build. He kept his head low, he knew that no matter how strong he becomes he will be no match for her.

The ground shook as if an earthquake is on the move but, it wasn't the case, and to run in fear will meet a gruesome end.

Thick roots shot up from beneath the ground and in a snake-like movement, they coiled around the man.

"What about I make it that you never see the boy huh?! Then your little brother will be next to take your place as my slave!" the woman in the darkness shouted.

In fear and shock, the man's purple eyes grew wide.

"N-no! Please don't! I will do as you say, Mistress. I will find him and drag him to your feet, please not my brother!" the man begged as tears gathered in his eyes.

Suddenly, a single root came out of the ground and with its sharp tip lifted the man's chin.

There was a sound of moving roots on the other side of the room and slowly its source became closer and closer. He could feel her breath in his face, with a disgusting scent of rotting wood and musky moss. He wondered what did she consumed this time to buy a little more time.

"Generations upon generations, your family had been serving me. But all of you are nothing but burdens! I asked for one thing and one thing only!" she shouted right in his face.

"But you can't even do it right!" in each word a drop of her saliva would splatter in his face.

The man's eyes remained wide open and with the slightest glint of light-reflecting in his orbs, the monster in front of him calmed down.

"You're the worse one in the bunch: so weak, so light-hearted. You're lucky you have does mesmerizing eyes" she stated calmly, fingertips caressing the man's right cheek.

In a quick moment, the man was released from the bone-crushing hold of the roots.

"Listen to me! This will be your last chance, find Kirkland's son and bring me the serum!" her voice starting to rise again.

"Fail me again and I will eat you whole, along with those beautiful eyes of yours" this is his final warning and he knew that if he didn't succeed, his death will come and soon his brother's as well.

"Ah! You don't understand how difficult it is to be in my situation" she stated exasperatedly before sitting back in her thrown.

"Eat a dryad and you'll leave another few month, but in exchange your limbs will turn into roots. Eat a mermaid, you'll have scales all over your body" she ranted.

Releasing a heavy sigh, she spoke again "Why is it so difficult to stay young and beautiful for all eternity?"

"Beings like me should have been granted immortality from birth, can't the heavens see? Such beauties must be preserved to the ends of time?" the man only looked down, he almost laughed but he mustn't otherwise he'll be killed on the spot.

"Tell me, what have you learn during your last search?" the woman asked.

"U-uh, I have been visiting the shops you have told me about. Those who sell ingredients for potions Mistress and recently, there was an order for phoenix ashes for a brownie named Fidlon" the man informed his Mistress of the newly obtained knowledge.

"Huh! Fidlon that old rat is still alive? It had been centuries, but now they've let down their guards" the monster of a woman spoke.

"It must be my lucky day" she finally said before laughing lightly.

With a single wave of her hand, roots made its way in front of the man. Twisted together they server as a keeper of a very important artifact.

Slowly the roots unraveled, revealing a long double edge-sword.

"Take it" the woman instructed her henchman.

"Due to the effects of the serum we cannot kill the boy however, that doesn't mean his completely invincible. That sword was forged by the ancient elven smiths using the metals of heaven and submerged into a basilisk poison. It won't kill him but it will slow him down enough for you to get what I want" eyes gleaming with malice.

Taking the sword form the roots, he held a firm grip on its hilt and slowly the man unsheathed the weapon. It's metallic blade shining dangerously in the touch of the faintest light.

It looks like a normal blade in the eyes of the man however, its power is beyond imagination. With a single cut, the basilisk poison will enter one's veins, its quick effects will cause the body to decay from within.

"And now a second gift" the woman spoke, appearing in front of the man in a slip second.

Before he could even step back the woman closed the gaps between their lips, his heart thumped and he was shaken down to his very core.

There was an unexplainable sensation: a tingling feeling, a chill down his spine, and a cold yet burning touch inside him.

Slowly the woman parted their lips leaving a string if saliva connecting the two.

"You may not feel it now but I gave you a pinch of my power, slowly it will grow and in the right time you will be able to harness that power" she informed him.

"Now, take your leave and bring me the serum" that was her final words before returning to her throne once again.

Immediately, the man lowered in head as a sign of 'respect' and turned to leave the room. Determined to fulfil his Mistress' orders and hopefully, obtained freedom from the soul-crushing grasp of the castle witch.