It has been several days since Amber was resurrected and every day we have to kill someone and now the corpses we are leaving behind are piling up. However, that hardly matters they are just minor casualties. What's important is that I have the people I love besides me.

Day after day, my conscience growing smaller and smaller, and at this point, I wish to believe it's now non-existent.

"Robbie, can we visit the town before going home? We already left Kristy's lunch on the table anyway so, I think she will be fine. We won't take long, I just want to take a look around" Amber spoke as she stood beside me.

"Of course we can but you have to keep the cloak over your head okay? We don't want anyone to recognize you" I replied while taking a hold of her hand.

Both Amber and I walked along the lining tree of the forest, hand in hand we are to visit the town.

        The usually cheerful and lively town seemed to have fallen under depression. The people appeared to be warry and distant, I wonder what's wrong.

In the distance, I saw a familiar face- it was the barkeeper from the tavern. And upon seeing me he immediately smiled and started walking towards our direction.

"Haven't seen you in while lad, visit the tavern every now and again- why don't you" he started.

"I wasn't cut out for the tavern after all but I'll visit you once I find the time Sir" I answered cheerily.

The man let out a hearty laugh before replying "Well I could always serve you a warm glass of milk" he said, smiling widely. Before changing his expression into something more disturbing.

An ominous shadow casting over his eyes and with a dangerous flicker of light, he spoke.

"Wait, you have a little sister don't you?" he asked.

"Y-yes" I nervously replied.

"Go home and find her lad, there had been a murderer on the loose. The bastard had killed more than a few town folks now, all are burnt into a crisp" he told me with genuine concern.

"A-a murderer? Why am I only hearing this now?" I asked, knowing fairly well what's actually happening.

"Aye! The officials are keeping the rumors at bay to prevent a mass panic however, it's too late. The word spread like wildfire and soon people will eventually start pointing fingers" he said with a low voice.

"Word about a witch hunt is even spreading now, people think this is the work of a witch." He continued.

"T-that's" is the only word I could say if they find Amber then.

I remained in silence, unable to think properly.

"Be careful lad, I will be taking my leave now" I stated before walking away.

Suddenly, I felt Amber's hand- gripping my own.

"R-Robbie…" she said with a trembling voice.

"It's alright, I will protect you no matter the cause" I told her while holding her hand.

"S-should we… go home?" she asked, worry still evident in her voice.

"No, you wanted to see the town and I said I'll show it to you. Therefore, I would" I told her with a faint smile on my lips, before pulling her along.

Both of us looked around town, just walking side by side under the sun.

It was fun, to say the least… until, we saw another familiar man on the other side of the street. Right across us, is where he stands- motionless as if frozen his on time.

"Father!" a little girl runs towards him, hugging his leg.

"Ah! My little princess is finally back" he said before lifting the child and carrying her in his arms.

"Big sister and Mother bought a lot of things! Even a doll for me!" she spoke loudly.

"And that made you happy then?" he asked, a smile grazing his lips.

"Yes! Very much!" the girl replied before hugging her father's neck, both enjoyed their happy moment. Until a woman came along with a girl behind her around 16 years of age- with blonde hair and blue eyes as if a reflection of the sky. She's wearing a dark brown shirt that reaches her ankle and a white shirt with long sleeves.

"The shop helpers already loaded the boxes in the carriage, shall we head home?" the older woman asked while Marcus only nodded in response.

"Robbie… we need to go to the manor" Amber spoke flatly.

"No" I responded.

"What?! But you-" her voice is rising.

"Yes, I promised you but not today. We have to think things through" I told her.

Looking in the other direction, Amber trembled in anger.

"We should go home for now" I told her.

"No, if you want- you can go home but I'll go to the manor" Amber stated before running off in the direction of the Stone Manor.

I sighed as I followed Amber, I understand how she feels- I truly do but she can't just charge in without thinking things through.

        When I finally caught up to Amber she was already standing by the willow tree, it was a bit of a surprise really. After almost ten years the tree remained- standing tall in the side of the manor, just beside her bedroom window.

Finally being close enough, grabbed her by the arm "Amber! We have to go, it's broad daylight. If anyone is to see you!" I shouted in a low voice.

"I know, just a moment. We have to talk to Malory" she said.

"Wait, who's Malory?" I asked knitting my brows.

"The girl from earlier, her name is Malory Stone. My unwanted stepsister, she was the daughter of my father's new wife" she told while looking intently in the window.

"How did you found out about this exactly?" I asked, why does she seem to know too much for someone who just got resurrected.

Amber turned to me "I told you, when I was still a ghost I stayed here and watched everything. And I mean everything so don't get me to start with your Rachelle" she said looking a bit annoyed.

"Whoa- calm down she's just a friend" I defended myself.

"Yeah right, you allowed her to stay with you just after meeting her!" she rebate, her voice rising a little.

It was adorable to see her get jealous but now is not really the time.

Suddenly there a few people were passing by but luckily we manage to hide from behind the willow tree.

"Admit it, you felt something for her. Oh, you have no idea how much I wanted to strangle you that day. I've only seen your shiniest smile when you met her" she continued. Her angry expression is so adorable that I couldn't help but crack a smile.

"Ah! Are you kidding me right now? You actually have the audacity to smile" she hit me in the chest, but it was so weak I hardly felt anything.

Snaking my arms around her, I embraced Amber.

"I never thought that my lover is such a jealous one" I told her as I buried my nose into her hair.

"What?! How absurd, why would I be jealous? You can run to her if you want I couldn't really careless" she said while gripping the fabric of my shirt, her action is contradicting her words.

"I can never do that, I only love you after all" I replied before kissing the top of her head.

"L-let's go home, Kristy's all a-alone in the house" Amber's face is heating up.

Ah! the wind finally shifted. If I knew that this is all it would take for her to change her mind, we wouldn't go this far.

"Sure" I answered before letting go.

"We have to return here though" she said with intense eyes.

"We will, I promise" I replied before taking a hold of her hand.

"But for now, let us go home" after reassuring her, I planted another kiss on the top of her head.

"I love you Amber and don't ever forget that" I mumbled as I took in her lovely floral scent.