174 - Poseidon comes for Vulcan

"You think this is not too way exotic?"

Vulcan said as soon as they got to the hall by the shore. He didn't want to have anything to do with the sea yet. He feared that quite the numbers of shits would happen if he did try going there.

He had climbed off the horse and was hand in hand with his lover. They were both standing at the front of the hall.

Twas quite easy for him to face the sea because the hall was facing the west. The path through which they had arrived.

Athena was standing by right while he by the left. Even though he wanted to look to his sides, he would be stopped by the crushing beauty of the goddess and would lose interest in the wave.

The earth which led into the Hall had been littered generously and stylishly with the lotuses and hanging from the golden doorpost was woven lotuses too.

He had no idea how they did the weaving but there was sure no point in asking.

"You've seen such design elsewhere?"