Chapter 1

Chapter 1

"Athena wakes up."says my brother's annoying voice. I just groan and turn around trying to snuggle deeper into my warm bed. But what my brother said next made me jump out of bed. "Athena if you don't get up right now I'm going to dump a bucket of ice-cold water on you." And with that I got out of bed and start to get ready. Oh, stupid me I forgot to introduce myself. I'm princesses Athena Anderson I live with my parents the current king and queen and my brother James the next in line for the throne but all I want is to live a normal life so sins I was little I had this planned that is why I never showed my face in public so that when I run away no one would know who I was. Anyway I'm turning 18 tomorrow and I will be running away tonight to go live a normal life. So I should be getting ready before James back and drags me out of my room.

After getting ready go out of my room to see my brother waiting for me. When he didn't notice me I cleared my throat which startled him and making him turn to me. "Ok lets go before we're late for breakfast and get a lecture from mom about being late." I said to my brother, and he only replied with a "Yea lets go."

After we arrived in the kitchen I went to greet my mom and dad. "Morning mom, morning dad." I told them as I walked into the kitchen they both replied with a "Morning sweetie." From mom and, "Morning sweetheart." From dad.

"So honey you have a dress fitting later today for your party tomorrow night and that's all you have to do for today sweetie." Says my mom as she sits down next to dad "ok, thanks mom." I say in a bored tone as I get up to take my dish to the kitchen, and he'd to my room, to make sure that everything is ready for tonight.