Chapter 3

Chapter 3

James POV

I walk up to my little sisters room to wake her up for her birthday breakfast. As I enter the room and head to her bed to only see she's not there. As I walk around looking for her and can't seem to find her I start to get worried. "Athena where are. This isn't funny come out." I screamed out. All I hear is silence with that I run down the stairs towards the kitchen where my parents are. "Athenaisgone!!!" I say so fast I'm so sure no one could hear what I was saying. "Honey can you calm down and tell us what's wrong." Said mom. "Mom, Athena is gone she isn't in her room I can't find her anywhere." I say on the verge of tears. "WHAT! What do you mean she's gone." Screamed my dad. "I don't know, but I just can't find her dad." I say to my dad. "Have you checked the garage maybe she there." Said mom. "No, but I'll go check." As I walk to the garage I find a note at the door that's from Athena. I open it and read it,

what it said made me so mad I can't believe she did this, well I better show this to mom and dad. "Mom, Dad I found something and you won't like it." I said as I walked in. "What did you find son." Asked my dad. "This." I say as I give him the letter. As he read he also got mad and screamed in frustration. "Why didn't she tell us? And worst of all is she left without saying goodbye and on her birthday to." "I know dad but I'm going to find her even if it means I have to travel the world and visit every school there is I won't stop till I find her." I say finishing my rant to only look up to my dad with a sad expression because I was about to cry because my baby sister is gone and I don't know where she went.

Time skip one week later

It's been a week and still nothing, still no sign of Athena and I'm starting to get really worried about her, so I'm going to her room to try and figure out where she went.

When I arrived in her room I saw a lot of pictures of beautiful place to that I know she always wanted to visit.

That's it she must have gone to one of those places and I think I'll start with Paris and move on from there.