Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Athena POV

It's been about a week that I have been here and it's amazing here but I still miss my parents and my brother but I can't go back I just can't, I don't want to live like that again maybe one day but just not now.

Anyway, I'm starting school today, so I got out of bed and headed to my bathroom took a nice relaxing shower, after about 10 minutes I got dressed, did my makeup and my hair and for the final touch I put the ring James got me for an early birthday present on.

I double-checked myself in the mirror when I was satisfied with my look I headed to my car and drove off to school but I first made a stop at Star Bucks and got my drink,

and head of the school.

When I arrived at school everyone was staring at me or more specifically at my car sins they never saw my car before anyway I parked the parking lot and saw that people were still staring at my waiting for me to get out. With that last thought, I got out of my car to only hear start murmuring stuff like.

"Wow. She's hot."

"Do you think she's single." And stuff like that from the boys which I just ignored. And,




"Hoe." from the girls which I also ignored and held my head high as I headed into the school towards the office to get my schedule, locker number, and combination when I got everything I needed I headed of the class sins I didn't need anything from my locker.

I was sitting in class not paying attention sins I know all this stuff when the door was slammed open and a boy more like Greek god walked in. "Mr. Jackson why are you late." Said Mr. Davis the teacher, but 'Mr. Jackson' just kept quiet and scanned the room until his eyes fell on me. I shifted nervously in my seat as he headed my way, I decided to just ignore him and continue starting out the window when I heard a chair scratching on the ground next to me and someone sitting down next to me.

Poke poke poke.

"What do you want," I whispered yelled at the Greek god next to me? And that's when he started to flirt with me, and it is annoying AF.

Time skip to lunch

It's finally lunch, and I decided to ship the rest of the day and maybe he'd to the mall or maybe home, but I'll decide when I get to my car. When I got to my car that stupid jerk who I learned was Joshua Jackson or Josh for short leaning on my car which got me super pissed because I hate it when people leaned on my car and the last person that did that was James, and he got his ass handed to him, and he never learned on my again, anyway back to the jerk who has yet to notice me, but before he could I spoke startling him. "Get. Off.My. Car." I said each word with so mush venom that even my dad would be scared, but as I said that he immediately jumped back, I got in my car and sped of not bordering to hear what he had to say I decided I would he'd to the mall and spend most of the day there.

Time skip to mall

When I got to the mall I decided to head to the hairstylist to change my look up a bit. I told them they can do whatever they wanted to do but not to cut my hair because it takes long to grow to where it is now which is just underneath my bit and I love how long it is now, any way back onto the topic, they took me into the salon and started with my hair.

Time skip to when they were finished

When they finished I gasp when I see my hair it looks beautiful and I love it, I will definitely be coming back here.

My hair was a pink ombre.

After I paid them I headed to the nail salon and told them to make it with my hair.

Time skip to when they finished

When they finished it was just as beautiful as my hair, it was pink and white with glitter and a few gems.

I paid them and headed home, when I got home I when to the bathroom and took a relaxing bath for about 30 minutes I change into my pas,

I know it's childish but it's very soft and warm, with that I got into bed and drifted off to sleep.