Chapter 5

Chapter 5

{Same day as chapter 4}

Josh's POV

So today is the first day back at school after the summer vacation and I have good feeling about today and with that thought on my mind I got ready for school.

When I was done I headed to the garage I decided I will take my black Lamborghini to school.

When I got to school I was about 10 minutes late but I didn't care, but as I pulled up to my usual parking spot to only see a white and gold Lamborghini in my spot which was very weird because I was the only kid in my school with a Lamborghini and everybody knows this is my parking spot so that only means we got a new kid. After stopping next to the white and gold Lamborghini I got out and headed off to my first period which was AP Lit, I know it's sounds nerdy but my mom and dad made me take a lot of AP classes so yea, with that I headed off to class. When I got to class I spanned the room for any new kids, that's when I spotted 'the new girl' she had beautiful green eyes and brown hair she was absolutely beautiful, so I started to make my way towardsher, but she kept on ignoring me and that weird because no one ignores me, so I started to poke her which caused to turn and look at me. "What do you want." She whispered yelled at me and I just gave her a smile and started to flirt with her, which only made her turn around and ignore me again. A/N, guys I don't know how to flirt so for now there won't be any flirting for now, I'm sorry."

Time skip to lunch

So it's finally time for lunch and I decided I'm going to see who owns the white and gold Lamborghini I waited for about 10 minutes still nobody, that's until, "Get. Off. My. Car." I heard somebody behind me say with so mush venom in their voice, I jumped back in surprise to see the new girl who still hasn't given me her name yet, I was about to say something when she jumped in her car and set off.

I also decided to skip school and go home to pack my bag because tomorrow is my mom's birthday, and we're going to our beach house for a week, and with that I headed home to start packing.