Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Athena's POV

It's currently 3 am and I'm decided that I would go check out the beach house that I just brought two days ago which also means I'm skipping school but who cares, it also means no Joshua Jackson for as long as I decide which at most is about a week. I went into my closet got everything I needed to be headed to the garage put my stuff in the back seat then I also got both my surfboards and put them in my car. I know what you're thinking how can a princess surf, well my uncle on my mom's side tough me how to and I fell in love with surfing so yea. I quickly went back into the house put my outfit on for the 2-hour drive,

and got food for about a week and some snakes for the road, when back to my car and put the food in my car, got in the driver's seat, started the car, and sped off towards the beach house.

I finally arrived at the beach it's stunning here, I head to my house which is on the left side of the beach. I got to my house, I parked in the garage unloaded everything and took it into the house and to put it in its place, and headed straight to my bedroom because I 'm going to take a nap for about 3 hours and then head to the beach and go surfing and by the looks of it, the neighbours are not here that means I have the beach all to myself, and with that last, though I fell asleep.

Beep Beep Beep

I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing in my ears I cancelled it got out of bed got my bags to get dressed I decided to wear my black wetsuit today and maybe later I'll wear my pink bikini,

I get dressed and headed downstairs made a quick breakfast grabbed my surfboard and headed outside towards the beach I took a glance at the neighbours to see some of their lights on and groaned looks like I'm not alone, I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice I was on the beach.

I got in the water that was surprisingly warm and got on my surfboard and started surfing.

I've been surfing for about 2 hours now, so I decided to go to the beach and lay down for a bit and to continue surfing a bit later. I go and lay down on one of the beach chairs close my eyes and I didn't even realize that something or someone was blocking my sun. I open my eyes just a bit to see who it was, I groan when I see Joshua standing in my son, I just got up and headed towards where I put my surfboard and got in the water and started to surf again.

Josh's POV

It's currently 4 am, and we have everything we need in the car, mom is currently sleeping we still have about an hour till we're at the beach house. At the moment we don't have to share the beach with and one because no one lives in the house next to us. After all, it is too expensive and no one wants to buy it because of that so yeah.

When we got to the beach house I glance at the house next door to see that the lights were on and the for sale sign gone. "Mom when did someone buy the beach house and who?" I ask my mom since she is the one that sold the house. "Sweetie you'll just have to wait and see." She says with a smirk. "Wait, honey who bought the house? Do we know them?" My dad bombarded my mom with questions. "I'm not answering any of those questions, you'll have to wait and see." My mom said smirking even more. "Honey!" My dad groaned. "Nope." She says popping the 'p'. "Fine! I'll wait." My dad huffed out. Which made me and mom laugh at him. We parked in the garage, I got out and headed straight to my room to take an hour nap.

I woke up to the sound of waves crashing against the rocks, I got up and got dressed in my wetsuit since I'm going surfing,

I was about to go out the door when I took a glance out the window to see someone already surfing it was a girl with brown and pink hair, I took a last glance at the girl and headed downstairs towards the kitchen.

When I got to the kitchen I went straight to my mom, "Happy Birthday mom." I said and kissed her on the cheek, then went to sit down at the table, "Morning dad." I greeted my dad. "Morning sun, are you going surfing later?" My dad asked I just nodded my head, just as my walk-in with breakfast catching dad's attention. "So, honey when are you going to tell who the neighbours are?" My dad questioned, "You'll see at lunch because I invited them over." Is all she said before she left.

I was about to go surfing when I saw the girl for earlier, so I decided to go and talk to her,

after about 10 minutes she finally opened her eyes just a bit, but when she sees me she lets out a groan, got up and headed towards her surfboard and went back to surfing, but before she left I got a good look at her she looked very familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. What's the point in surfing right now because it's almost lunch and I get to meet the rest of the neighbours.

It's finally time to meet the neighbours, we're all on the beach waiting for mom and the neighbours, then I see my mom talking to the girl for earlier, I see my dad stands up and head towards mom and the girl in shock, the next thing I know they're hugging, they walk over here and sit down. "Josh this is Athena. And Athena this is our sun ..." Before my dad could finish she cut him off, "Joshua Jackson." I stared at her in shock how did she know my name? "We go to the same school, and Emma before you ask why am I back in school it's because I want to live a normal life, and before you ask Josh I graduated from collage at the age of 14 and I'm 18 so any other questions?" She answers before I could ask. "How do you know my parents?" I question. "Me and your dad are co-owners of your father's company." She says in n bored too. "Why haven't I seen you at school?" I question, I hear her sigh, "Because I changed my hair, oh, let me give you a little hint of who I am." She pauses, before she speaks again, "Get. Off.My. Car." she says and my eyes widened in shock, before I ask, "Why were you so mad?" "I hate it when people lean on my car, anyway, Emma can you come over to mine tonight, I really need to talk to you it's about what we talked about on the phone yesterday." She says and mom nods.