Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Athena's POV

I and Emma headed to my room to talk about some stuff, but before we did that we changed into our PJs,

after we changed we sat on my bed and started to talk. (A/N I'm lazy so I'm going to write a bit different. Sorry.)

Emma Bold and Athena italic:

"Ok, before we start when do the boys wake up?"

"Around 8 am to 9 am. Why?"

"Because that means we have time to go surfing before the boy's wakeup, and you know Jake won't let us leave for 4 to 5 hours without him."

"Yea that's true so what's the plan?"

"Ok, so we all know that we both get up at 5 am no matter what, so from 5 am to 6:30 am surfing, and from 6:40 am to get ready that means to shower, get dressed and to do makeup and hair so about 6:40 am to 7:20 am, and then we're off to get everything that we need."

"Ok, that sounds good to me, now what are we going to do?"

"Um, we can watch some Netflix or have a pillow fight or play music super loud so that the boys can't sleep and will be super tired tomorrow, what do you think?"

"I think we can do the last two, it would be fun and it might annoy the boys, but remember if the boys come to tell us to keep it down we must remember to tell them 'No can do.' Got it?"

"Yep, let's do this!"

Third Person's POV

About 30 minutes later Jake and Joshua came pounding on the doors.

Emma bold, Jake bold italic and Joshua italic:

"Girls can you please turn the music down!"

"Dad, they can't hear you. Don't you have a key or something?"

"Oh yea, Athena gave me one if we needed something at the house."

"Well unlock the stupid door before I lose my mind!"

"GIRLS! Turn down the music!"

"I think they're upstairs."

"Honey turn down the music we can hear you from a mile away!"

"Sorry, no can do!"

"Honey turn down the music and go to sleep."

"We're not tired right, Athena?"

"Mom, Athena is asleep."

"What!" *sighs* "Fine!"

"One question honey, did you and Athena eat chocolate?"


"Now I know why Athena is out cold and why you're so full of energy."


"Night." "Night."

Athena's POV

I woke up around 5 am the next morning I got up and headed to the bathroom to see Emma brushing her teeth, "Moring, Em." I greeted, so I did the same, when we were done we headed to my closet to put on our wetsuits and headed downstairs for a quick breakfast, grabbed our surfboards,

and went surfing.

When we were done surfing, we headed home got changed,

we left our hair natural then we headed to the garage where my cars were. We decided to take my peach-colored Jeep,

because we have to pick up a few things which the boys don't know about, anyways back onto topic, "Em, are you excited for this." I asked her. "Yep. I can't wait to see Salty again and you?" she asked. "Same. I can't wait to see Raven again I missed him so much." I replied. "Ok so they're going to be staying it the stable right by your beach house and they're coming home with us when we go home right?" She asked. "Yep and the other animals will be there the day after we arrive home," I replied.

We have arrived at the animal reservoir where my five other animals are, and where I'll be getting my permit for those animals. After we settled everything we headed to the stables where our horses are.

Once we arrived we saw our horses waiting for us, we got out and greeted the owners of the stables and the horses. We spent about an hour loading up and we were off to the house.

When we got home we put the horses in the stables and went into the tack room where all our equipment and clothes were, we got changed and got the horses ready.

We headed down to the beach and ran on the shore, till we heard a car engine shut off, both I and Em gave a quick look at each other before we headed towards the house, to she a worried Josh and Jake who still haven't noticed us until Raven let out a neigh, startling both boys and making them turn around to see who was behind them. "Hello, boys," Em said smirking which caused the boys to sigh in relief to see that it was only us and then they turned mad. " Where have you two been?" Jake questioned first. "We had some errands to run as you can see honey," Em replied calmly. "But why are the horses here?" Jake questioned. "Because they're going to stay at Athena's house sins she has horse stables there." She replied. "But, mom how are they getting there because I'm pretty sure she came with her Lamborghini?" Josh asked. I took a glance at Em and She nodded at me telling me to take him with me and I nodded back. "Hop on," I said. "What?" He questioned, which caused me to roll my eyes. "I told you to hop on Josh," I told him again. "Um, ok." And with that, he got on Raven. "Oh, by the this is Raven," I told him. As we started making our way to the stables Josh started to ask me questions.

Josh bold and Athena italic:

"How long have you had Raven for?"

"Since I was 10."

"How long have you been riding for?"

"I've been riding all my life."

"How long have you know my mom for?"

"I think since I was 9 maybe, yea that's when I started surfing, and Em took classes from my uncle with me started to hangout even if she was about 19 years older than me."


"Yea, it's kinda crazy."

"Yea, it kinda is, but it's also pretty cool as well."

"You think, but anyway we're here."

Athena's POV

I'm starting to like Josh he's cool but yea. "Hey, Josh do you maybe want to help my wash Raven when we're done?" I ask nervously. "Sure." He replied and with that, I got off Raven with Josh doing the same. We headed to my garage I press the button on the door to open the garage to reveal al my cars well not all but some of them,

I turned to where Josh was standing to see him staring at my garage in aww, so I cleared my throat makings he snaps out of this dace and making me chuckle at him, he turned to me with a smirk on this face. "You love pink." He said with a teasing smile on his face. Witch made me let out a annoyed groan. "No, I like pink, I don't love it and I have alot more at home so yea. And no they're not all pink." I replied. "Ok lets head to the stables." I told him

When we got to the stables me and Josh cleaned Raven in the cleaning stall with Raven's cleaning equipment.

When we were done and I took Raven to her stall, I could feel a set of eyes following my every movement,when I got back to where josh was I saw that Em and Jake were cleaning Salty. They were talking about something I didn't know about but I am going surfing so yea. "Hey Em, I'm going surfing so don't wait for me at dinner. Ok bye."

After I changed I headed out the door, only to see josh standing by the door waiting for me wearing his swimsuit.

"What do you want Josh?"
