Chapter 8

Chapter 8

"Hey Em, going surfing so don't wait for me at dinner. Ok bye."

After I changed I headed out the door, only to see josh standing by the door waiting for me wearing his swimsuit.

"What do you want Josh?"


"Well I'm going surfing with you of course." He replied with a cocky smirk on this face. "No, because I'm going on my own, so bye Josh." I replied with a smirk on my face, but I saw Josh's smirk widening even more. "Sorry, Athena my mom told me to come with you so yea let's go, princess." He said with a smirk on his face, but the last part made my eyes widen. "What did you just call me." I asked with pure shock in my voice. "Princess. Why does it bother you?" He asked. "It's nothing, I just don't like being called princess. Thats all." I replied and gave him a small smile witch he returned with a with a smirk. "Oh ok, then I'll call you, what can I call you. Mmh. How about, angel. Yea angel it suits you." He rambled, witch only made giggle, witch made him look at me questionly, witch made me giggle even more. "What's so funny." He asked me, witch made made giggle even more. "You...were..rambling!" I say in between giggles and trying to calm my laugthing, when I finaly stopped laugthing, I looked up to see Josh already looking at me with amusement swimming in his eyes , witch made me to look down with red tinted cheeks. The next thing I knew he put his thum under my chin to make me look at him, but when he saw my red stained cheeks and started to chuckle. " Stop laugthing at me!" I wined, witch made him laugth harder. "Stop it!" I grumbled, grabed my surfboard and stomped of towards the beach. When I got to the beach I got in the water and started surfing.

After about 30 minutes I saw Josh walking to the beach with a guilty expression on his face, as he walked up to me I saw a pretty big waves commig so I swam over to it but I made sure to go closer to the rocks, so that it can look like, must have got stuck on the rocks under water, but there is a beautifull cave just on the other side of the beach,

that overlooks the beach, it's also covered with plants so it looks like a part of the cliffs wall. As I got to the cave, I could see that Josh was starting to freak out, because I haven't resurfaces yet, I could see him start to pace waiting for me to resurfaces, but that never happend I saw as he went to were I disappeared from, to only see him looking around that in that area to see if he can find me. I'm a hundred present sure that he doesn't know about the cave because the only person that knows about the cave is Emma, not even Jake knows about it. Me and Emma have known about the caves since we became friends, we also decorated it we put a few furniture items in it.

I went to one of the swings and sat on it I took out the hidden phone and called Emma.

Emma bold and Athena italic:

Emma speaking. How may I help you?

Hey Em are you with Jake right now?

Just hold on one sec. Babe I'll be right back I have to take this real quick.

Ok is Jake gone now.

Yea, so why are you calling me from the hideout, aren't you surfing with jake?

Yea about that Josh migth come to you saying I was swept into the oseane by a wave while surfing, oh and don't tell Jake while he's with Josh and make sure that Josh doesn't call a rescue team to come and look for me. I'll be back in 2 hours.

Ok bye and be carefull.

I will be and see you in 2.

after Emma hang up, I set a timer for two hours and decided to take a quick nap...

Josh's POV

I stood there in shock while Athena stomped off towards the beach, I stood there for about 20 minutes before I finally snapped out of my dazed state. When I got to the beach, I could see Athena swimming towards the rocks, the next thing I knew she was swept off by a big wave and pushed underwater. I started to pace waiting for her to resurface but she never did. The only tought going through my head was thart she must be stuck under the rocks or she was swept out into the oseane, with that tought I headed to were she was to see if maybe she got stuck under some rocks. When I got there I didn't see her any where so I started to panic so I ran home to tell mom and dad what happend. When I got home I saw mom talking to someone one the phone, all I heard was 'bye and be carefull.' from mom and a long pause before she hanged up, when she was don I headed over to her. "Hey mom, who were you talking to?" I asked her. "It was just your aunt sweety, but why aren't you surfing with Athena, you're not even wet." She ased. " Mom I have to tell you and dad something." I told her. "Ok let me just call your dad and you mite want to cover your ears." she replied and I just nodded an ok. "JAKE, GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!" She yelled for my dad. "Yes, sweethaert." He replied.

When I was finished explaining, I glanced at my dad to see that he has a worried expression on his face as I take a glance at my mom she look a little bit to calm for my liking. "Mom. Aren't you worried about Athena?" I ask her and she just gave me a small smile before replying, "Of course I'm worried, but I gaot use to this happening, because it's not the first time that this has happened to her." She said calmly witch made both my dad and my eyes widen in shock.

Emma bold, Jake bold italic, Josh italic:

Honey what do you mean it's not the first time it happend?

Remember the first time i took you to surfing practice with me when that 12 year old girl was swept into the ocean bye a big wave.

Yea why?

Well that girl was Athena, and it happened more than once. So yea I got use to this happening quite a lot.

But mom hel come her parents didn't stop her from surfing?

Because it's the only way that her mom knew how to keep her out of trouble.

Ok but how will we know if is ok?

I know she'll be ok because there's a little a little island not far from here weather current where the current leads to and she is there every time. So don't worry to much, if she's not back in an hour we can go look for her.

Okay mom I trust you.

Ok guys I'll see you later, I have an inportant call to make.

And to who is this inprotant call?

Jake don't try me, I'm only calling my brother to discuss some business, ok nothing to worry about. I promise.

Ok I trust you be carefull, because I know you'll be pacing up and down the street.

Ok see you as soon as I'm finished

Emma's POV

I wasn't lying when I told Jake that I was going to call my brother, but he doesn't know abow about what, but he'll find out later tonight, when the kids are asleep. Since Athena is sleeping over tonigh we might have to wait a bit longer before we can talk about it and if the dicision is finale we'll tell the kids. Yea I know I said kids but I'm going to ask Athena to come and live with us because I don't like the fact that she is living all by herself, and it's not like I'm a stranger I've known her since she was about 9 years old and then I can spend more time with my best friend and we are going to pull some hilarious pranks on the boys, and with those thougts on my mind I started to dial Max's number, he picked up on the third ring.

Emma bold, Max italic

Max speacking, how may I help you?

Hey Max, are you busy? Because if you are I can call back later if you want.

Oh, hey Em. So how is my little sis doing?

I'm 10 mimutes younger than you Max.

I don't care your still my little sister, any what can I help you with sis?

Oh yea, do you have a buyer for that beautiful mansion at the beach yet?

No. Why are you asking?

Because I'm going to ask Jake If we could move to the beach, but I still have to talk to Jake about it, but I think he's going to say yes.

Wait, he doesn't know yet?

No, I was planing on telling him tonight when the kids are asleep, but will take quiet long so yea. If he says yes we'll come tomorrow.

Wait! You just said kids last time I checked you only had one child!

Nothing, you'll just have to wait until tomorrow. Ok. Bye and love you.

No, wait...

I hung up on him before he could even finish his sentens. I startes to make my way home. When I got home I went towards the kithen to only see Jake sitting there with a worried expresion on his face, I kinda felt sorry for him so I went to where he was sitting and gave him a kiss on his cheek. "She'll be just fine I promise." I re-ensured him. "I know, but it's been more than an hour and she's still not back yet. What if something bad happend to her, you know she is like the little sister I never had, I don't know what I'll do if something happend to her." Heb started to cry and it made me feel bad for him so I dicided to tell him. "Jake, baby come with me. We're going for a walk, because I have to tell you someting, ok." I told him, he gave me a comfused look, but I only gave him a look that said to just follow me. When I was done explaining he just gave me a comfused look so I decided to just call Athena and let her explain to him or just to tell him that she is ok because he still doesn't believe me and is still crying, but I know he thougt of Athena as a little sister so if she talked to him he would calm down and told him that she's ok and nothing happend to her. I started to dial her number, after the second ring she picked up.

Jake bold, Athena italic:

Hey Em, I'm on my way back so you don't have to worry. Wait Em, are you crying? What's wrong?

I'm not Em and I was fucking worried about you, what the fuck were you thinking, I've been wooried sick. How can you scare us like that, Athena?

I wasn't trying to scare you Jake, I was trying to scare Josh because I was mad at him. I'm sorry Jake.

It's ok, but where are you now?

I'm almost at the stables. Why?

Because Emma and I are at the stables right now.

Ok and where is Josh?

He's on the beach pacing up and down waiting for you to return.

Oo. I can't wait to see his face when he sees me with you two coming from the house towards the beach. This is going to be so good.

Yea yea, but your in so much trubble when you get to the stables.

Yea, bye.

Bye and be carefull.

When Jake was done talking to Athena he had stopped crying and calmed down, he turned to look at me. "So you knew?" He questioned and I nodded. "And you didn't tell me?" He asked again and once more I only nodded. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked again. "I wanted to tell you, but Athena asked me not to tell you when you're with Josh, and before I could tell you I had to call Max to talk about something. I'll tell you about that tonoght when the kids are sleeping, ok." I told him and he nodded. Not long after Athena arrived, Jake went to her and gave her a quick hug before he started to scold her because of her recless behavior.

Jake bold, Athena italic, Emma italic bold:

Athena, what were you thinking!

I wasn't thinking.

Where were you?


Tell him or else might track the number and he'll be even madder!

I was in our hide out.

Where is this hide out?

In a cave at the beach.

But there aren't any caves on the beach!

Huney, there is one it's behind the rocks and there is also a entrance not that far from here.

How come I haven't heard or seen this cave before?

Because no one goes past the rocks, well exsept for me and Athena of course.

Ok, but promise me that you won't do it again.



Guys we should head back it's getting dark and Josh migth call a rescue team because it's been almost 3 hours.

Yea lets go I'm starving!

Wait what happend to the food we keep in the cave?

We forgot to restock.

Oh ok, but we should get going.


When we got home we saw that Josh was about to call someone, but before he could we stopped him. "Josh what do you think your doing?" Jake asked him. "Dad it's been 3 hours and still nothing from Athena so I'm calling someone to come and look for her!" Josh said. "Joshua, in the kithen now. I'll be there shortly!" Jake told him in a serious expression on his face and serious tone in his voice...