Hey guys I promise that I'll update soon, I'm just going through some writers block but I'll update as soon as I get some new idees for the book and I promse that I'll finsh this book and not stop it half way and discontine it but it may be a while before I do the next update.


Athena's POV

I was standing outside the kitchen when I heard Josh enter. I waited about 10 minutes before I sneaked into the kitchen, I sneaked up on Josh. When I was behind him I put my hands in front of his eyes. " Guess who?" I asked him. "Mom, I'm not in the for this!" he said in a sad tone. "Guess again." I told him. "Wait, what?" He asked confused. I removed my hands from his eyes, as soon as I did it, he turned around to see who it was, when he saw who it was he had a shocked expression on his face, "What? How?" He asked. "I was never gone, you idiot." I told him, as I said that I saw his expression change to a serious one. "What! Do you know how worried I was?" He asked. "No. How worried were you, Josh?" I asked him. "Seriously. You've got to be kidding me? I was on the beach for more than 3 hours waiting for you, I was about to call a rescue team to come and look for you. That's how worried I was. Promise me you won't do it again." He said to me in a serious voice. "Aww, you care about me, but I promise that I won't do it again." I told him. "No I don't, I was just worried. That's all." He told me. "Yeah whatever you say, Josh." I said with a teasing tone. "So are you going to your house or are you staying the night?" he asked, but before I could answer Emma and Jake came in. "Josh sweetie, she is staying the night, because we're going somewhere tomorrow, and she is coming with us." Emma said. "Josh take her to the guest room so that she can get settled in." Jake told Josh. "Why are you two in such a rush to get us to go to bed?" I asked them, they both shared a look before they looked back at us. "It's nothing." Emma told me nervously. "Mom, what are you hiding?" Josh asked. "Josh, stop questioning your mother, and take Athena to her room." Jake scolded him. "Yes, dad." He answered. "Let's go Athena." he told me. "Yea I'm pretty tired, but before we go let's just grab something to eat because I'm starving." I told Josh, he turned toward me with a questioning look on his face. "Didn't you eat something at your place?" He questioned me. "Who said I was hiding at my house, or anywhere that there was any food?" I questioned him. "Wait, you didn't have anything to eat for about 4 to 5 hours, but where were you then?" he asked. "Fine, since Jake already knows I guess I can tell you." I told him. "Tell me what?" He asked me. "Where I was hiding." I said in a bored tone as I went through the fridge. "So where were you?" He questioned. "I was in a cave on the beach." I said in a bored tone once again. "But there aren't any caves on the beach." He said which made me chuckle. "What? Why are you laughing?" he asked completely confused, as Jake walked in looking just confused as Josh. "You sound exactly like your dad when I told him, it's kinda funny how much you two are alike. You guys don't even realize it, you're basic twins." I say in an amused tone. "We don't sound the same!" They both said at the same time, which caused me to burst out in laughter, I was rolling on the ground with laughter. Soon after Emma walked into the kitchen, but as soon as she saw me, she gave the boys a confused look, but when she saw the boys shocked faces, she started to laugh with me, when we finally sobbed up the boys just shot us a glare. I went back to dig through the fridge, I found some leftover pizza, I put in the microwave of a bit, I turned around to see that Emma and Jake left and I'm now alone with Josh. "So what were you saying before the whole twin thing, which is not true by the way." he said. "Whatever you say Josh, and never mind I'll just show you tomorrow when we get back from whatever your mom has planned for us." I told him, but at the end of my sentences I let out a big yawn, I walk over to the microwave and take out my pizza and started eating it. I could feel Josh staring at me as I ate my pizza, I quickly finish my pizza before I turn towards Josh with a questioning look. "What?" I asked him. "N-nothing." he studded, and I just chuckled at his reaction. "What?" He asked me with a confused expression on his face. "Oh, its nothing." I told him. "Um, ok." He replied. "Hey, Josh can you show me where my room is?" I asked. "O-oh, um. Sure. Just follow me, Athena." he said. We headed up the stairs, we stopped in front of a door, that I assumed is the guest room, I was halfway into the room when Josh started to talk again, "If you need anything I'm just across the hall." "Um, ok thanks, Josh. Oh, and good night Josh." I told him. "Good night Athena." he told me. "Um, Josh you can call me Anna or A if you want." I told him. "Mm?" He hummed. "I think I'll stick with Angel or Athena." He replied, I only hummed.