
2 Days Later

Ryan: I dont see how pirates do it. Out at sea for days with nothing but the ocean ahead. No wonder they be so happy when they get on land. Its simply torture.

Rachel: Its a good thing his Majesty came up with so many games. Chess, Shogi, Checkers, Uno, Go fish and a lot more.

Kenny: Some of these games will become part of the entertainment districts Casino. His Majesty simply wishes to test the waters in this expedition. Once we obtain the information from Elbaf his Majesty will most likely keep it hidden so as to make us more informed. Aswell as improve his and the kingdoms strength.




The Soldiers had heavy faces as they rushed to their stations. Kenny, Ryan and Rachel went on the deck so Kenny could give orders.

Once above deck they saw the pirate ship in the distance shooting cannon balls. It was approaching the ship at a fast speed. This is mostly due to the fact that they themselves needed to keep going straight or they'll deviate.

Kenny: Are they in range of our weaponry?

Lead Soldier: They're in range of the Ballistas but not the Arrow Cannons.

Kenny: We cant have the ship be damaged so lock onto their ship with the Ballistas.




Pirate Ship

Captain: Hahahaha that's right boys keep up the fire. Just dont hit them we don't wanna go diving for whatever it is on that ship.

Pirate: hahahaha I hope there's some woman on board.

Pirate: Hahahah I hope they have booze.


A pirate in the crows nest shouted

Captain: Hahahaha just some puny arrows wont bother our ship.


Captain: WHAT. I don't believe some no name symbol and ship can pose a th











The arrow from the Ballista directly ripped off the Captains head leaving a standing corpse with blood shooting out. That same arrow embedded itself in the mast while others hit the haul of the ship or deck killing some pirates.

The survivors looked around In shock as they trembled in fright. At this a moment a pirate from below came up.

Pirate: Its bad water is seeping into the ship. Help me get these.. Wh What happened to the Captains head!

He received no answers as the others started to panic and scrambled to remove the large arrows. However after seeing it covered with small nails all around they panicked even more. In desperation they started tearing off doors and wood to use it to float.

The pirates watched as their beheaded captain and ship slowly sank to the bottom of the sea. They looked at the ship with the weird symbol on it sail away with fear. Then they started to panic again as they didn't know if they could survive out in the sea. Back on the ship with Kenny and crew they were shouting in victory.

Kenny: HAHAHAHA his Majesties inventions are truly extraordinary. Alright you all check the condition of the Ballistas and ensure they are still workable.

2 Days Later Atlantis

Sven: His Majesty Ryu has been inside for four days already.

Grey: Its understandable as His Majesty wishes to be at the level of a Vice Admiral in four years instead of five.

Alex: So why do you think he called us here today?

Grey To choose who of us will be joining him inside and at what time ratio. After all someone has to look after the Kingdom.

Oscar: Umm then why am I here.

Grey: The same thing. You have a Devil fruit and one that resembles the quality of a Logia. Even though you'll mostly be a blacksmith later on. For now His Majesty will need you to help us look after the Kingdom when he's gone.

Laxus: No wonder hes got us learning Observation Haki ahead of time.


The door to the tower opened as a beaten and tragic looking Ryu stepped out smoothly. Looking at them he said

Ryu: I'm sure Grey has already told you what I'm about to do. Laxus and Alex shall join me since they are older and will become stronger faster due to body development. Sara and Oscar will join them on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. During these days Sven, Grey and Loki will gaurd the Kingdom. Depending on the way they act upon arrival you can kill the pirates on sight. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturday's the Sven, Grey and Loki will come inside while the rest of you gaurd the Kingdom. As for Sunday's you can choose amongst yourselves who takes the first half and who takes the second half. Now since its Monday Laxus, Alex, Sara and Oscar come inside. You three will be in charge of the Kingdom and if anything goes wrong summon me.

Grey: Your Majesty you should rest it's been four days. Senior Kenny and the others should be just arriving at Elbaf.

Ryus eyes sparkled as he remembered this. Nodding towards Grey he smiled and said

Ryu: Well you three already know how the inside works so just explain it to Oscar. Oscar in order for you to enter I must put a seal on you to ensure secrecy. Are you ok with that?

Oscar spoke without hesitation

Oscar: Yes your Majesty.


Grey: Strong Pirates with a high bounty are approaching.

Ryu: Not just that but also the Marines and the pirate has a devil fruit. Prepare the fruits and have the army prepare all Ballistas and Arrow Cannons at the front. Also Add the ones on the side the more the better. Be it a Marine or Pirate they are not to make it towards the Island.

With Kenny

At this time Kenny and the others are looking at the Island they are approaching with happiness. Some even cried as they have finally made it to Elbaf. The seemingly endless tree being proof of this. Kenny looked towards the port and saw various ships and his face became stern.

Kenny: Alright! We made it but that does not mean we can relax. Ryan grab the sample scrolls of each product. Soldier I entrust you to carry the summoning scroll of His Majesty. 1,500 of you shall join us in looking for a giant to do business with. The rest are to set up the Ballistas and Arrow Cannons. Be ready to fire at anytime. Remember His Majestys words. We can be friendly and indifferent but if others come looking for trouble then just kill them.

Soldiers: Yes Sir!

The Soldiers all scrambled to get to their stations and prepare for arrival. After arriving at the port and anchoring the ship. The ship received some attention after all it wasnt a pirate ship or any countries ship they knew of. But seeing the hardened faces seemingly ready for war the pirates had varied expressions.

Some showed amusement, some indifference and some felt a little pressured. But no one came forward to do anything. At this time heavy and almost earth shattering steps came.





Kenny and the others looked at the approaching giants in shock and awe. The Giants faced approached the ship and said.

Giant Soldier: Fighting of any kind is forbidden at Elbafs port. If you wish to fight we have a place where you can fight to your hearts content.

Kenny came out of his stupor quickly as he said

Kenny: No Sir. We are merely merchants from another kingdom hoping to trade you for some things our Kingdom specializes in.

Giant Soldier: Oh you're looking to trade. Ok wait a moment.

The giant left as Kenny had the Soldiers get the cases of other scrolls. These scrolls are large atleast twice as big as the one Jaraiya had on his back. After a few minutes the ships deck and front port was filled with crates. And the Giant soldier returned with another giant with glasses and a notebook.

Giant negotiator: So what products do you have.

Kenny motioned to the Metal area and said

Kenny: Well to start off with our Kingdom has various forms of metals.





large amounts of smoke appeared as the gaurds unsealed the multiple crates of Metals. Kenny made his way down as he pointed to each pile.

Kenny: As you can see these are all types of metals. The normal steel, Alloy steel carbon steel, Stainless steel Tungsten Steel which is the strongest and last but not least Liquid Metal.

Giant Negotiator: You mean molten?

Kenny: No this is totally different take a look.

The giant grabbed a large barrel, opened it and was surprised by what he saw. Taking the sword from the Soldier he dipped it inside and had the liquid metal flow on the blade. The pirates seeing this was also shocked. Something like this isn't exactly common

Giant negotiator: This is amazing. I wonder exactly what this thing can do.