
Back in the castle Ryu sat with Sara, Sven, Grey, Alex, Loki, Laxus Kenny, Rachel, Ryan and Oscar. He had a smile on his face as he looked at the two chests in his hand.

Ryu: These two fruits shall be given to the top two winners of the Battle to become Saints. The Scorch Scorch Fruit and Crystal Crystal Fruit. Sara did you find the Island on the maps given by the Giants.

Sara: Yes your Majesty. Based on the map Wano Country is ten days from here.

Ryu: Good have the teachers from the school help you and the maids sort everything and give it to each department.

Kenny: What about all the Adam's wood.

Ryu: Make Ships with them. See if you can reinforce them with metal. Our ships should incorporate both sails and paddles.

Oscar: How big should they be

Ryu: The same size as those Marine ships. Some should be half the size for speed. Also Oscar I want to change the swords of the army. I also want to make my own sword aswell as gloves. I also want to make a Kings Sword. It doesn't have to be used by the king personally as it's more of a symbol. Sara give him the drawings.

Grey: Should we be worried about the world Government?

Ryu: Not at the moment. The World Government isnt stupid. They'll first try to gather information. After all they don't want to take unnecessary risks. We should have the construction team speed up the wall aswell as cover up the water system. We should look out for passing merchants, pirates or just wandering stranded people. Anyone who comes here from now on may be a spy. So anyone who comes should be brought here. In four years me Sara and Sven will leave to get Laxus and grey's fruit. So we need to build a strong alliance with the giants so that we can .

Sara: Your Majesty what should we do with the gold then.

Ryu: Try to trade it with Elbaf for beli. Also what happened to all the food we took from those ships.

Sara: I had the chefs store them for later.

Ryu: Scratch that. Tell them to start cooking. Grey make an announcement that to celebrate the safe return and smooth trade with Elbaf done by senior Kenny and his crew. We'll also be celebrating our first big victory. Alex come with me.

Grey: Yes Your Majesty.

Alex: Where are we going?

Ryu: to catch a few large fish for the banquet. We'll be celebrating with the entire Kingdom. So we'll need more food.

Alex nodded as Sven, Loki and Laxus volunteered to help. Kenny took Rachel, Ryan Oscar to help Sara and the chefs set up. That night with the assistance of everyone the banquet was in full throttle. The chefs tried out the new recipes provided by the giants and everyone loved it.

Next Morning

Ryu Was with Kenny and Oscar as he looked at the map. More precisely he looked at Wano with the safe route to take.

Ryu: Do you guys know anyone whose good at sailing alone on a small boat and that's friendly.

Oscar and Kenny shared a look as Kenny spoke.

Kenny: I do know someone who fits that mold your Majesty. He's a fisherman and his name is Gus.

Ryu: Wano country is an isolated and powerful country of swordsman or rather Samurai. A few of the most renovated swords come from there. Another thing also comes from this place. And that's the hardest material in the world. Even harder than diamond. Sea Prism Stone. However based on my interrogation of pirates it seems some big pirate is planning to seize Wano for himself. I want this Gus to infiltrate Wano and learn how to make, produce and shape this Seastone and send the information here. If my guess is right this Seastone should allow others to sail the calm belt safely if applied right.

Kenny: Wouldnt it be better to negotiate with the ruler.

Ryu: Not at all. If the leader dies and the country is taken over by that pirate then who should we negotiate with further. The pirate who might set his sights on us instead or the dead ruler. Until five years later I don't want to deal with anything to dangerous. If he doesn't accept then this might have to wait until I leave in four years.

Kenny: I'll bring him this instant your Majesty.

Kenny left leaving Oscar.

Ryu: Oscar when this information comes back you'll be the leader in its production.

Oscar: Yes your Majesty.

Ryu didn't bother mentioning that Seastone made devil fruit users useless when in contact. Oscar could discover that himself.

Ryu: I'll send two chefs and two soldiers to go with him to keep an eye on Wano. If nothing happens then I'll seek an alliance with them. This Seastone will help improve the defense and attack of everyone in Athens to a whole other level. I leave it to you to train some talents Oscar.

Oscar: Yes I will your Majesty.

A few minutes later Kenny arrived with Gus. While Sara arrived with two chefs and two Soldiers. After speaking with the five about the mission surprisingly they agreed. Ryu was ecstatic as he thanked them. He really wanted his ship to be completely covered in Seastone. He would travel the Calm Belt and visit other islands isolated from the World.

3 Years Later

Inside the Tower of Power Ryu faced off against both Alex and Loki. However eventually the two stopped as Ryu called for time.

Loki: Ryu your fruit really is unreasonable. Anything can be crushed. Devil Fruit users may aswell not even face you.

Ryu: No logias, and Some paramecia fruit users shouldn't face me. Zoan users are free to attack.

Alex: This fruit is really powerful. If only it didn't increase the size and just increased the power.

Ryu: It may be able to do that if you awaken it. Come on let's go eat.

Just as they exited Grey, Ryan and Oscar stood there with excitement.

Grey: Your Majesty word just came from Gus and his squad. They sent back the creation method aswell as the way to melt and shape it.

Ryu: That's great. Inform them that if they don't want to stay they can return. I don't know exactly what may happen if that pirate takes action.

Grey: I'll inform them.

Sven: Your Majesty. It's an emergency. The Roger pirates are sailing here. What should we do that guy Roger is worth more than a billion beli.

Ryu hearing Roger was surprised but smiled instead as he said

Ryu: Nothing. Infact invite him into the palace. Of course have the maids prepare the grand bath for them. After all a man with so much strength is hard to meet. Oh yeah be respectful after all he is a strong man and tell the chefs to prepare a banquet. And whatever you do don't talk bad about him or his crew. Give them a quarter off their purchases aswell. Besides they're more like small kittens of course if a lion was a kitten. All you need...

Ryu wasn't too worried about Roger coming ashore. Unlike other pirates Roger had rule on his ship to not mess with the innocent civilians. So the treatment he'll give him would be different from other pirates. The rules are either behave or die of course this applies to those who aren't Roger or Whitbeard.

Ryu also didn't allow pirates or merchants to come pass the castle. And if they were to sail at any other entry point of Athens they would be shot down immediately. After all the entertainment district and royalty district wasn't finished. It would take at most another 2 or 3 years to finish.

After all the Royalty district was more like earth with a huge glass wall with air filter around it. This wouldn't be opened until he became an Admiral level. After all this would mainly target those celestial dragons and to gain a powerful influence he needs strength. Thankfully he's in the New world so the influence of the WG and Marines is negligible.

At the port

The ship of the Roger pirates finally stepped into the Port. Grey, Sven and Laxus waited at the port behind them a few carriages and soldiers stood. As the ramp came down a man with a red Captains coat led the way. On either side of him stood a man with long black hair blue shirt and round black glasses.

The other wore a long coat slightly gold hair, a slash on his eye with round glasses. The pirates behind Roger seeing the Soldiers frowned.

Roger: Wahahaha it seems you're waiting for us.

Grey: Indeed His Majesty has asked that you all join him in the Castle for a banquet. As for your resupply his Majesty also left it to us you only need to pay 75% of the fees.

Roger: Ohhh usually people run away or try to chase us away when they meet us. Are you sure we want rob you? We're pirates after all.

Grey: His majesty said compared to most pirates you all are more like small kittens. Feed them and rub their bellies and they do good.

Rayleigh and scopper along with the rest felt their lips twitch. Couldn't help cursing this king for calling them kittens.

Roger: Wahahahahaha. Alright we'll follow you. As for the payment you can ask scopper.

With that Roger got inside a carriage followed by Rayleigh. Scopper joined them after paying the price. After that they set off to the castle.