Benefits Of Uzumaki Bloodline

Since Roger left several big name pirates have come here. Merchants have also become abundant hoping to acquire water, salt and Metals. Ryu gave them the Metals and water but not the salt. The salt wasn't ready to be shared with others yet. Of course giants are the exception. Some people also wanted the fabric but he also denied that.

Several WG agents have come snooping around however Ryu turned them all into loyal shadow gaurds or his own death squad acting under Grey. They only listen to him, Sara and the Five Sages. Thanks to the Giants the news about their Metals have become popular. They also personally spread the news of their alliance. Infact Elbaf personally sent some warriors to help gaurd Atlantis while he was away

At the northern port of a rather large metallic ship with deer antlers as a figure head stood proudly. The Flags all have the Evenstar Necklace on it. Ryu stepped out of the carriage and looked at the ship with a smile. This is a new standard of ships for Atlantis now.

Its equipped to hold 10,000 troops, 2,000 newly made metal Ballistas along with 6,000 metal Arrow Cannons. 1,000 Cooks, 50 individuals to sail the ship, 50 doctors or nurses along with a team of ship builders. Along with food and other supplies.

Looking back at the crowd of people waving and wishing him a good journey. Ryu felt his heart move a little. Smiling he waved to them and then looked at those around him.

Ryu: Alright Grey, Laxus, Loki and Alex I'm leaving the Kingdoms in your hands. Alex and Laxus will form a team while Loki and Grey will form another team. You guys switch between days on which you train and gaurd.

Grey: Leave it to us Your Majesty.

Ryu: Alright I'm counting on you all to keep Athens safe. I'll try to be back in six months. I'll only be looking for a few more devil fruits. Around 8 should be enough.

They all nodded as Ryu, Sven and Sara walked onto the ship. After getting on the ship Ryu looked at the crying citizens and said

Ryu: Don't cry so much I'll be back in six months. At that time when I return we'll have a grand banquet to celebrate. So keep Atlantis safe while I'm gone?

Citizens: OHHHHHHH. We'll work hard Your Majesty Ryu.

Turning around he told the navigation squad to set sail. He was really reluctant to leave. After all he spent the last 9 years protecting and developing this place. He waved his hand until he could no longer see Atlantis. Sighing he spoke internally

" Show me the locations of the Portal Portal Fruit, Clank Clank Fruit, Water Dragon Fruit, Paper Paper Fruit, Wood Wood Fruit, Slow Slow Fruit and Lightning Lightning Fruit "

A huge map appeared before him with various arrows pointing out. Some pointed at Islands, others at pirate ships and one pointed upward. The Portal fruit and Water dragon fruit seemed to be on islands in the calm belt. The Clank fruit and Wood fruit are in the new world at some Islands. The Slow fruit and paper fruit are on the move in Paradise. The lightning fruit is obviously in the sky Island.

Seeing this Ryu decided to go and grab the Portal fruit. It was inside the new worlds part of the calm belt. It would also be the second most important fruit on this trip. After all being able to travel between islands is a must for the future. Be it allowing people to escape or surprising enemies with direct attacks.

After giving the islands location Ryu closed the map screen and checked out things around the ship. He came across Sven in the work out room stopping he said.

Ryu: Working out for us now isn't gonna help much in improving strength. Learning to let Haki flow outwards and through the opponent is our next step. Besides you'll need your strength if we come across any pirates.

Sven: I know I just dont want to lose to those guys. They have the tower to give them the perfect training. While we have to hope we run into a powerful opponent.

Ryu: They don't necessarily have the advantage Sven.

Sven: What do you mean?

Ryu: Although the tower is the perfect training facility to reach the top. Once you know you can't die it somewhat limits your growth. You no longer have a feeling of death and therefore can't find the conviction and will to surpass your limits. Although they can get a simulated version it still can't compare to a real life and death situation. So in this expedition you should fight as much as you can. I'll be sending them out aswell after the tournament. So be prepared.

Ryu left the room with Sven having a thoughtful look. Ryu continued to wonder around and found Sara by the storage room. She was currently surrounded by a few gaurds and maids. She seemed to be going over everything on board. Walking over he snatched the clip board and handed it to a maid.

Ryu: I brought you along to find fruits, train and relax. Leave all this to the crew to handle for a while. Relax, unwind and enjoy the sea life.

Sara: I know that but

Ryu: No buts. Come on let's go above deck and enjoy the sunshine.

A few minutes later

Ryu: Well with the smooth weather of Atlantis I kinda forgot that the weather in the new world is forever changing.





The ship was currently in the middle of a storm. What's crazy is that the rain was the size of a basketball. He'd have to have Oscar and his team make some Seastone umbrellas. Taking Sara back below deck he said

Ryu: We could go play some games or something.

Sara smiled and said

Sara: Ok. Let's play spades.

Ryu nodded as they walked away.

6 Days Later

On the calm belt Megaloceros the name of Ryus ship sailed steadily. With the ship being equipped with paddles the calm belt can easily be traveled through. Ryu, Sven and Sara stood on the top deck looking alert. Every now and then Ryu would be able to hear a voice in his ear.

However it was faint and soon passed. Not only could he here the voices but he could seemingly sense the existence of the sea kings and what seemed to be their emotions. He frowned upon noticing all this as he didn't have his Observation Haki activated, but then it hit him. He's an Uzumaki. The most pure form of an Uzumaki at that.

This ability is most likely his Kaguyas mind eye awakening with his ability to sense others state of being and emotional changes. Now that he thought about it he had never been actually injured. Well he did get a broken arm thanks to that pig but when he healed he thought it was normal for people of this world.

Now that he thought about it he wondered if someone could heal by drinking his blood. But it seemed that all these things may have given him the same ability as Roger, Oden, Luffy and Momonosuke. The voice of all things. Just as he was in thought he saw a sea king rushing out of the water at fast speed.

Ryu: Everyone brace yourselves. A Sea King is about to appear. Don't Panic and Dont Scream. Also stop the ship.

Everyone heard him and even though they knew the orders they still became scared. After all this was the calm belt. The nest of Sea Kings. Although they never seen one but from the information of the things learned from Elbaf these creatures are huge and powerful. Even giants would be considered small when compared.

With heavy hearts everyone waited in fear and quietness. The next moment a few yards ahead of them the water started to rise slowly. Until a massive beast shot out of the sea with great momentum. The beast had a lion's face and hair with slick brown skin. As it seemed to stabilize the sea king shook off the water.

This caused everyone to tense up completely as they got soaked by the water thrown off of the sea King. However they didn't dare to make a noise from fear. Sven had his hand on a staff with a solemn expression. Sara also had a nervous expression. Only Ryu had a weird look in his eyes as he listened to the Sea king

Sea King: Ahhhhh what a nice nap. It's good to sit in the sun after a relaxing sleep.


Sea King: Sigh I'll need to find a rock or something I feel an itch coming on.


Sea King: I wonder how that lioness is doing. I haven't seen her in quite some time.


Sea King: Could she have been killed by some humans.


Sea King: Or did she go with some of the elders to wait for Her Majesties birth.


Sea King: Hmm what's that?