
Two Years Later

At this time Atlantis is bustling. The luxury Island doesn't have a lot of money coming in with the WG forbidding its countries from coming to the island. However the Entertainment Island and fight Island are doing spectacular. Of course the main customer is pirates.

He's also started to sell the Ballistas and arrow Cannons to pirates. It seems the Navy has been suffering heavy casualties from pirates lately. He also made it known about Sea Salt and Seastone. This has also become a major money chain for Atlantis.

The WG has tried plenty of times to sneak into Atlantis but sadly they got caught. Today is a boisterous day for the Kingdom of Atlantis today aswell. The King, The Five Sages, Ten Saints and Eight Commanders are expected to hold a public meeting about a major decision.

The next moment on a screen spread out across Atlantis many islands people saw a round table. The people at the table are the strongest people in Atlantis. Right now each of them has a very calm mood. At the center of the room a young man with deep red hair sat leisurely and said while holding a few pieces of Paper.

Ryu: I'm sure you're all curious about why we are holding a meeting live. I'll tell you plainly it has something to do with the WG. Apparently in the Reverie they had a few months ago we Atlantis, were talked about. According to the WG we are a dangerous liability. According to the participating countries we are everything they can only hope to be. Nevertheless the question of this envelope does not say any of that. It lists a number of stipulations in order for Atlantis to become a country recognized by the world.

Ryu played with the letter as he let that sink In. Then said

Ryu: Rule 1 Atlantis must provide Heavenly tribute to the Celestial Dragons every year to be provided safety by marines and safety on the sea. Rule 2 Atlantis shall offer Seastone, Sea Salt and other things free of charge to the WG and Marines. Rule 3 Athens King Legolas Ryu and 5 sages must come to the holy land and kneel before the steps of the 20 founding kings. Rule 4 Atlantis will hand over the production method for seastone. These are the main four rules for Athens to become a real Kingdom.

Even Inside the castle Ryu could hear the dissatisfaction about the stipulations.

Ryu: The reason we made this thing live isn't to start the meeting. It's to tell those spies who have come into the land of Atlantis to go and tell those five old bastards and those other kings and queens who have shit for brains that Athens doesn't give two fucks about being a Kingdom that's recognized by them. We are a kingdom without them.

Citizens: YEAAAAA

The screen split as it showed the people of Atlantis cheering. Ryu continued as he said

Ryu: Giving you Heavenly tribute is the reason why Atlantis nearly became super poor. If it wasn't for my father being smart and daring enough to say fuck you Atlantis would be no more. As for protection on the sea we don't need it. We've got our Saints to protect on the sea and our Commanders to protect us here. The Sages and I will cover the sky from anywhere at anytime if things go bad. So your protection is worth shit.


Ryu: Rule 2 is utterly ridiculous. Only elders of Atlantis receive anything free. There's only a few of them and it doesn't include any of you. Rule three is really full of bullshit. I kneel to no one let alone a chair. Are you, you what about you. See we don't do that shit. Rule 4 is also a no go. If you want the production method figure out your damn self. So with that Atlantis choice is obvious we refuse your invitation.

Ryu let the letter float. A small bolt of lightning hit its center and began to burn. The citizens of Atlantis cheered in excitement as the pirates looked at them like they were crazy. They couldn't believe that the citizens even look down on the WG. Not just them but those spies also felt the same.

Ryu: Now we of Atlantis don't mind if you or your people come here. Sadly Atlantis has a few rules. One Slavery is illegal here. So no matter who you are we don't condone it. Two is that no one shall be arrested in or in the surrounding sea area of Atlantis. Three and this is very important do not start fights inside of Atlantis. If you want to fight go to Fight Island and fight to your hearts content. Aside from that you can go fuck yourself.

The screen went black as the citizens cheered. Inside the castle they are still in discussion.

Ryu: Prepare for war. It's time for you Saints and Commanders to finally make a name for yourselves. The WG will no doubt send all the strength they can to retaliate. The good news is that Garps son defected and Garp will definitely refuse to do this. So only Kong, Sengoku and Maybe Zephyr will come. Those three Logia guys, Tsuru and more Vice Admirals. They could also send Ciphor-Pole. We've already made our names known and have the record. It's your time now. 2 years of Practice is good for all of you. Now get ready they'll be here in a few days. After the Saints and Commanders left Grey said

Grey: I hope they can win without our interference.

Loki: It's hard to say if they can work together they may be able to take on Zephyr and Sengoku. But Kong is hard to say.

Ryu: Its fine besides the real fight is only when the five elders decide to take action. At that time it'll be you guys who take action. As long as one of you beat the one they send they'll either stop or do a full on war. But regardless of whichever choice they make Atlantis must be prepared.

One Week Later

Just as Ryu said the marines and Ciphor-Pole came United. Kong, Sengoku and Zephyr lead three ships towards Atlantis. With them are various Vice Admirals along with the future Admirals Sakazuki, Kuzan and Borsalino. Next to the three ships a WG ship sailed with various masked man.

Kuzan froze the sea leading to Atlantis. After all Atlantis would never let them fight on their turf and fighting a sea battle with Atlantis isn't something they want to do. Just as they landed 18 individuals landed on the ice at the foremost. These 18 individuals are the ten Saints and Eight Commanders.

Seeing them be it Sengoku or Zephyr they couldn't help frowning as a horrible thought came to mind. The two looked at each other and seeing the same question they just sighed.

Kong: This should be the Saints and Commanders. He doesn't even bother to show up. Could it be he managed to train several other people to have that kinda strength. Impossible it's only been two years.

Then a voice sounded from the sky as Sven looked at them coldly as he said

Sven: These are the Saints and Commanders of Atlantis. For 2 years they've been training with the best resource and today they show the fruits of their labor. For those of you who don't know them. I'll introduce them.

Sven looked at them as they each took off their hoods. Each face was young and about the same age as Sven. Some a little more mature but they were all less than 25. Seeing this Kong, Sengoku and Zephyr each had shocked faces. "So young" They thought.

Sven: Meet the Ten Saints 10 SAINTS Susan: Float Fruit, Clyde: Wood Fruit, Ronnie: Explosion Fruit, Linda: Paper Fruit, Cindy: Crystal Fruit, Rode: Scorch Fruit, Sasha: White Tiger fruit, Vivian: Snake Fruit Model Rattle snake, Bill: Spear User and Salomon: Hammer User. Now the 8 army Commanders Josephine: Cat Cat Fruit Model Lion, Jeremy: 2 Style Swordsman , James: Sniper, Janice: Cat Cat Fruit Model Tiger, Will: Panther fruit, Lilly: Timber wolf fruit, Howard: Thunder Wolf Fruit and Tina: Arctic Wolf Fruit. These are the Saints and Commanders of Atlantis. Linda, our guest are here why don't you greet them.

Linda the paper fruit user smiled as several small tags flew out of her arms. Amongst those present she could be considered to be part of the Commanders because of the fruit but because of Ryu she could do a whole lot with paper.

Linda: Art

Sengoku: Everyone activate your Haki!!



With that the war began between WG and Atlantis. Ryu n his room watched from a screen as Sara, Laxus, Alex, Grey and Loki sat beside him. Behind them are five individuals with black robes and black mask. This is the Ace division of Atlantis that Ryu came up with after the tournament.

They are the ones who if need be set out and fight in desperate times. Unknown to the Saints and Commanders aswell as the whole world. They stay in the tower and train most of the time with Laxus. They are all Zoan Devil fruit users. The Chimera, Basilisk, Griffin, Ogre and Minotaur. If Ryu felt the situation was bad he would send one of them out.

The Sages could not step out at this time. Ryu