Shrieking Terror

There was an ear-piercing screech as something flew out of the hole, followed by a burst of wind that was much stronger than what they had felt before. Ammine barely kept herself from getting blown away. Kies, on the other hand, got swept off his feet and was sent flying into a tree.

Immediately after the wind stopped, Ammine quickly ran over to Kies who was getting up, grabbed him, pulled him up, and started running.

"What are you doing?" Kies asked Ammine who was dragging him. What were they running from?

"It's a banshee, we need to run!"

"What's a banshee!?"

"STOP asking questions and run!"

Kies closed his mouth and ran behind Ammine. He didn't know what a banshee was but considering how Ammine didn't even run from the terrifying bone creature, it was probably something even more horrifying.

They heard a loud screech from behind them and Kies took a glance at what was chasing them. He couldn't see anything other than a blur flying from side to side that was quickly catching up to them. Whatever the thing was, it was very skilled at flying. It was dodging all the trees even though it was moving at such fast speeds. It reminded Kies a lot of the wind spirits. Maybe they were related somehow?

"I don't think we could outrun it," Kies observed. It was only a matter of moments before that thing caught up. They would have to find some other way to lose it, or if they couldn't, then they would have to fight it.

"Tch." Ammine quickly turned around and launched a bolt of magic at the blur behind them and continued running. Kies took a quick look back to see if the bolt had hit or not, and as expected, it had missed. The chances of hitting such a fast target were slim and that was not taking into consideration how good it was at dodging as well.

Seeing what Ammine tried to do, Kies thought of an idea. He quickly called upon the winds and coated his hands with it. He then turned around and hastily shot two jets of winds at the trees behind them. The first blast missed and hit the floor next to the targeted tree. The second blast hit, but it wasn't strong enough and only blew apart the bark and put a small dent in it.

'Well, that didn't work.' Kies silently cursed to himself and made a reminder to practice more when they got back, but that was assuming that they made it out alive from whatever was after them.

"Were you trying to make the trees fall to block it?" Ammine quickly glanced at where Kies's magic had hit.

"Yes, but it wasn't strong enough."

"Don't bother, even if you did bring them down, it wouldn't work against it anyway," Ammine said as she shot another bolt from her fist at the banshee.

"And why is that?"

"Banshees don't have a physical form, they're spirits. You have to hit them with magic."

"Wait, if that is the case then couldn't they just fly through the trees? Why is it flying from side to side instead of directly at us?"

"I don't know how that thing behaves, just keep running."

The two continued to run. They occasionally turned around and shot some magic and because they were unlikely to hit, they could only hope that it would slow it down. After a few seconds of running, the banshee let out another screech. This time it was much closer and Kies felt his hairs stand up. Judging from how loud the screech was, the banshee was right behind them. They needed to figure something out quickly.

"Ammine!" Kies yelled.

"I know!" They ran for a few more seconds before Ammine screamed, "Dodge now!" Ammine and Kies jumped to the sides as something zoomed past right where they just were. "Okay, get ready."

The two watched as the banshee flew up into the air and looped back around towards them. It looks like they have no other choice but to confront it.


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