Hope you enjoy my lovely readers!! 😘😘
"Hey! How are you?" Carol asked me as she came in my room on early Monday morning, "Yeah, I'm fine, what are you doing here?" I asked, "I was worried about you..." She said softly as she came near caressing my cheeks, with soft smile on face. We were looking in each other's eyes.
"Not early in the morning" tae graoned, so we pulled away, "Let's go, tae are you coming?" I asked him, "You guys go ahead, I'll join you" he said getting up from bed, "Come soon" I said and left with Carol. Carol interloacked her arms with mine as we were walking, "Which class do you have now?" I asked her, "Fundamentals of MLT, but it's luckily with Y/N" she said, as soon I heard the name, her words started playing in my head. "Are we going to the cafeteria?" I asked, "Yeah, I asked her to wait for me there" she agreed, I didn't felt like seeing her now. I know what I'm doing is wrong, I shouldn't ignore after she helped me.
As soon as we got near the cafeteria, I could see Y/N with Alex, I took a big sigh and decided to go. "Good morning!!" She said cheerfully, I ignored eye contact with her and her greeting too, "Sorry, got late" Carol said and we sat with them, "we have fest coming!!!!" Alex said excitedly, "fest?" Carol asked, "Yeah, it's of 2 days, on first we have this Performances kind of stuffs like singing, dancing...and students compete with each other irrespective of department they belong to....on 2nd we have fun fair kind of thing, and in the evening we have nice ball kind of thing" she explained them everything about the fest, "Dacing?? Kook let's take participate in that!!" Carol asked me wide grin on her face, "Yeah, you both can participate in that finale group performance is held every year" Alex suggested, "We will!" Carol agreed in place of me as well, "What about Y/N?" She asked, "I'm already in production team, I'll be busy with backstage work" Y/N answered, "Why don't we participate in fun fair as well?" Carol said enthusiastically, "We can discuss about that after classes and meeting, drop the message to everyone we are meeting at evening" Alex said, "Okay!!" Carol agreed, "Carol do you wanna come?" Y/N asked getting up, "Yeah, let's go" Carol got up and they both left for class.
"Where are going after class?" Tae asked as soon class finished, "Carol wants to participate in the fest dance or something" I answered, "Oh! Then see you in the evening" tae waved goodbye. I reached colleges Auditorium, everyone already assembled. I scanned through the people to find Carol.
She was with Y/N and Alex, I approached them, "Hey!" I greeted, still avoiding Y/N, she was going to say something but stopped in the middle, "You came? Great now let's get started" Alex exclamined, she said something to teams leader, and he announced everyone to gather, and listen to him. "So, all of you, we you all separate yourself in different groups of dance, sing..etc?" He announced, and we did. "Great! Now..." He started instructing that there be leading the groups, and there will be different team for that "grand"group dance, everyone went in their respective groups, me and Carol joined that group dance.
"So who are already couple here?" The team leader, Carol raised mine and her hand as well, and there were other many couples with us, "Perfect..so we'll have start with girls performance, then couples, but there will be one little solo performance by one of these couples based, they'll be choosen based on their skills and then boys will perform, then everyone all together as a group" he explained. As we were discussing, I noticed Y/N, she was busy in her work, she looks so indulged in her work, like building her own world, "Jungkook!!" I snapped, "Yes?!" I said, "Are you okay?" Carol asked, "Yeah" I answered and continued focusing on our team leader..
"Okay, everyone! Do anyone have any problem with their roles?" Team leader confirmed one last time, others agreed without any objections. "Then see you tomorrow!" He said and dispersed.
"I can't believe we are getting that solo couple dance!!!" She said squealing, "I didn't knew you were such a great dancer" she said flirtatiously, I smile at her, "Are Alex and Y/N free? then we'll go together" she wondered, search for them in crowd. When she spotted them she called them, they joined us.
We headed to cafeteria, tae, yoongi and Namjoon were already there, "You are late!" Yoongi groaned, "Sorry" Alex apologize, and we sat all together, "what discussion we have to do?" Namjoon asked, "Well, we are thinking of participating in fun fair" Carol said smiling, "What we'll do?" Tae asked, "Haunted house!!" Alex and Carol screamed together, "Seriously?" Yoongi asked, "Yes, we have planned everything, we just need to work together!" Carol motivated, "But didn't you participate in dance?" Tae questioned, "We'll manage, just say yes" she said, "Fine, then" yoongi agreed surprisingly, "Okay then, but when's the fest?" Namjoon asked, "The dates are still tentative but we have to start preparing" Alex answered, "let's start from tomorrow" yoongi declared and we all agreed. We all went in our ways to our dorm after tiring day.
"Jungkook? Can we talk for sec?" Y/N suddenly asked, "Yeah, what is it?" I asked, "is everything okay?....like between us" she said gesturing her hands, "Yeah..why?" I questioned, "It....just I kind of... thought you ignored...so" she answered hesitatingly, "Everything is alright" I claimed, "Okay, bye then" she said, and left. I went to the dorm.
From past three days, we are preparing like the fest is tomorrow but it's still 3 weeks away. "Jungkook, please concentrate" team leader scolded, "I'm sorry" I apologized, "why can't you properly lift Carol?" He questioned, "We'll practice more" Carol defended, "You better" he said and left. "Everything is okay kook?" Carol concerned, "Yeah" I said I sat down to take a break.
Y/N came towards us, "You guys are okay? He's shouting like anything" she said being worried, but I noticed she didn't looked my way, kind of ignored me. "Don't worry, we'll try finding solution" Carol assured, Y/N nodded and went back to her work. "What is going on between you?" Carol asked, I was concerned, "Like first you ignored her and now she's doing same" Carol said narrowing her eyes, "I know Y/N can be sometimes hard apporach, but she's really soft, she just takes times to open up, and once she does, she's the most crazy and the most caring and understanding as well" Carol said looking at Y/N, "Why she's ignoring me then?" I asked, "Once she knows that person doesn't want her in their life, she will distant herself from them without complaining, that's how simple she is" Carol said softly, "We need to practice, let's go" I said getting up, "we should come back after preparation for haunted house" Carol suggested, "okay" I agreed and continued practicing.
To be continued.
Thanks for reading.