Chapter 10

Hope you enjoy!!



We all gathered for the preparation of our Haunted house, Carol and Alex brought us to abandon floor, "I got permission from professor and they said it's great idea" Alex says, "It better be" tae said narrowing his eyes, "It's does gives kind of creepy vibes, even though we haven't done anything yet" Y/N commented as she looked around the room, "Plus the way to's also kinda creepy" she added as she looked at us, "Yeah" I agreed.

"First, we have made list of stuffs we gotta buy, who will go?" Alex asked, "Carol and Jungkook?" She questioned looking at us, "I can't go tomorrow, our girls performance have extra hour of practice" Carol said, "Tae?" She looked at him, "You know how bad I am at shopping" he excused, then she looked at Namjoon and yoongi, they both said no, and at last she looked at Y/N, before she could ask anything, "I will go...but I need someone to come with me to carry bags" she agreed but with condition, "Jungkook you are free after class right? You can go with her?" She asked me, "Yeah... we'll go" I said as I glanced over Y/N, she looked at me for a moment the looked away. "After they buy stuffs we'll start preparation" Alex announced.

"Me and Jungkook are going to practice a little so.." Carol informed, "Y/N also has to make fair copy of list of participants and some other stuffs" Alex said, "Then let's go" she said smiling, holding Y/N's hands, "Bye then" I waved goodbye to others and Carol and Y/N, who were giggling and chatting all our way.

We were practicing but our timing wasn't matching, couldn't lift her when I needed to. I was getting furstrated, Carol phone started ringing she excused herself and went out. I was sitting on the stage, drained in sweat, suddenly I felt breeze burshing my back, I looked back, so Y/N turned on the table fan, "Thanks" I smile at her, "No need" she said, as she came on the stage. "What's taking her so long?" She said being worry about Carol. "She will come, Don't worry" I said lying on the stage and closed my eyes, I felt her sitting beside me, folding her knees, wrapping arms around it. I looked at her, she was tying bun with her hair, she did it so gracefully and looked flawlessly beautiful.

I sat up, mirroring the way she sat. She looked at me confusion, "I'm sorry...for my behavior" I apologized, "it's alright" she said smiling, "Why didn't you participate in any other stuff?" I asked curiously, "Um..I'm not good at other stuffs...I can do backstage work all you want but not on the stage" she reasoned, "You can give a try" I said softly, "I have trust me I have failed miserably" she Chuckled, "Like?" I asked, "liiikkee if I sing the windows here will crack and if I dance I might injure myself or the person beside me" she laughed, her laugh sounds to beautiful to my ears, which made me laugh too.

I got up for instance, extended my hand to her, she looked at me in confusion, "I can teach you..." I said, "What are you saying?" She scoffed, "My hand is aching, come on!" I said requesting, she took my hand as she got up, I slowly pulled her near me, she was looking down. I softly place her hand on my shoulder, and hold her back as intretwined my other hand with hers, "Just follow my steps" I guided, she was trying her best, but she couldn't, "It's so confusing and you moving to fast" she whined, "I'm taking steps as slow as I can" I scoffed, she pouted, she accidentally stepped on my toe, I hissed in pain, "I'm so sorry" she said apologetically, her face showed that she's was so concerned about me, "I told you if I danced either myself or the person beside me will get injured" she reasoned, "We'll try again" I didn't give up, we got in same position, "I will try to take slowest steps, try to follow" I said, she nodded.

To tease her, I purposely kept my paced slower than snail, she noticed and looked at me as if she's trying to hide her smile at same time she was angry, "Idiot!!" She smacked my arms, I laughed out loud at her reaction, "How could do this?" She scolded me, she was getting away, I pulled her back, "We'll seriously try again" I said softly, she did it, and without realizing we were slowly dancing, she kept looking down to follow my steps, I felt my heart was pounding, I didn't understand why that's happening, "why are we practicing this couple dance any way?" She asked, I noticed her cheeks were tint pink, "We'll have ball kind of think so... it'll help" I answered. We looked in each other's eyes, her eyes were different than Carol, I felt like I could see through her clearly, her eyes getting watery, as she realized she looked away and pulled back, "Why Carol is so late?" She asked, in meantime, Carol came back, "What you took so long?" Y/N asked in concerned.

"I was talking to Dad, he's... getting married" Carol said, "Are you okay?" I asked her, "I just don't get how people move on so easily if they really did love the person..." She questioned, "You should be happy that he moved on rather stuck on same place" Y/N explained her, she's so mature, "I know changes are hard to accept but you will eventually...just give a little time" she said with small smile, she took big risk going against Carol's opinion, Carol might've reacted opposite but instead she nodded and smiled as Y/N hugged her. She's really great friend.

"let's go...I'm hungry" I said to ease the environment. "Yeah... jungkook is treating us" Y/N said teasingly, "What? Fine I will" I gave up. Carol chuckled at us.

To be continued.


Thanks for reading.