
My Feelings

On The Previous Chapter ....

Mark : "Guys... I think we should stop... there's someone looking at us and I think it with full anger"

Mark said while pointing at the girl who's look at them in anger. Making the pair looked at the girl might as well drawing the girl's attention. Bella's looking back to Peter (not Peter Parker folks).

Bella : "No matter what I will never ever stop"

Peter : "Me either.. That girl can stare at us for how long she wants... but we aren't stopping"

Mark : "Both of you're so headstrong! It just a chess game... why take it so serious?"

Mark instantly regretted asking that question. He feel like he want to hide in his house isolated from everyone. The pairs glaring at him with the most serious eyes ever. Mark knowing what to do.. sighed and softly chuckled to himself.

Mark : "Alright, I'm sorry.. but honestly can we just stop fighting each other just because of a chess game? What happened to our 1st grade promise? The 'No matter what happens we'll never be enemies to each other'"

Bella : "I honestly don't know... He's the one who started first... He ignore me and shut me out from his freaking life when our second year start"

Mark : " Alright then you guys gave me no choice... I'll let the both of you fight but not in front of me and I'll pray that the both of you ended up together"

Peter chocked on his saliva while Bella looked away staring at some kids playing chess. Mark smirks looking at his friends attitude.

Mark : "So you guys do have feelings for each other don't you?'

Peter : "what the hell, dude? Why would i date this egomaniac girl?I rather date a trash!"

Mark smirks even wider than he used to. Is that possible to smirks wider? Idk comment if that's possible.

Mark : " I didn't even say the word 'date' bro.. so... date her huh"

Peter's plan actually backfires him. He decided to just do his own business and ignoring Mark in process. Making Mark laugh maybe a little loudly.

Bella : "Bruh why should he date me? I rather date Edward"

Peter : " I told you not like him from the start. He's a bad news, Bella "

Bella : " It's my life.. I can date whoever I want. I'll get going now guys.. I'll get late for my family gathering"

Mark : " M'kay, bye kiddo"

Bella's comments amused Mark meanwhile Peter rolls his eyes and making him scoffs. Honestly Mark is really amused to his friends attitude. (Me too Mark... me too) Peter's mumbled something. That Mark could even hear it.

Peter : " Miss me with that hella bullshit, Belle"

Mark a little shock to hear one of Bella's favourite nicknames rolled out from peter's mouth. It's been a long time for him to hear that from Peter... When they're still close friends Peter would annoy Bella with endless nicknames for her.

Mark : " so you did like her right?"

Peter's eyes widened as he thought no one heard him but clearly someone DID hear him. Peter struggled to get any words come out from his mouth.

Peter : "How did you know?"

Mark : " It's was hella obvious bro.. now tell me do you like her?"

Peter : " Fine.. I did. Since we started high schooling "

Mark : " Then why shut her out from your life bro? She was hurted since you ignore her"

Peter :"I should have known about this.."

Mark : " Now explain to me why did you shut her out?"

Peter : "How about we go and talk about this at somewhere private... there's too many people here I'm afraid someone might hear this"

Mark : "Aight"

As they walked to the rooftop... the time feels slower than usual. The air or should i say the tension between them is getting thicker. The Chess club rooftop is a bit fancier tho.. there's a round table with three chairs, a coffee vending machine and a square table with two chairs which one of them are black and the other one is white coloured that have a chess board on top of it.

As they reached the rooftop, Mark release a short breath that he didn't realize he kept. The atmosphere there feels different. Both mark and Peter were awestruck by the beauty of the colour of the sky. Both of them almost forgot the intention of going there at first until Peter started talking.

Peter : "so.. you said that you wanna know why i shut her out right"

Mark : " yeah..'

Peter : " Then let me start the story...This happened on July 13th, where the first time I feel this fluttering feelings each time she's around me... I'm going to admit that I'm really jealous when she give her full attention to you and not me."

Both Mark and Peter chuckled at that statement. It's been along time for them to spend time together as bro to bro talk. They stopped doing this ever since one by one problem appears. None of them had time anymore.

Peter : "Now let me continue.. You know that me being myself is cautions about ruining our friendship and making it weird and awkward between the three of us. So I keep my mouth shut and trying to forget this feelings which leading me to shut her out"

" From days to months and from months to years... I really did tried to forget everything about my feelings for her but I can't.. so I started to date various type of girls including dating that idiotic girl, Greta Nathan. And I really need to say she's the worst date that i ever experience in my whole life.'

Mark listening to the whole story from Peter like he's so focused until he heard about that Greta.

Mark : "Seriously dude, why would you date that fake Greta Nathan?! You know that she's a playgirl and queenka in our school"

Peter ; " I know.. but please understand me... I need to get rid of my feelings for her dude!"

Mark : "But does dating other girls manage to help you?"