
News & Dance

On The Previous Chapter...

Mark : "But does dating other girls manage to help you?"

Peter : "Nope it doesn't. It didn't helping me at all. Now can I continue the story of my feelings?"

Mark : " sure ... go ahead"

Peter : "Instead of helping me.. It's making the feelings grow even more than this. If you wanna know... I missed all the times I spend with her... Each time when I saw You and Bella chatted and laughing together... it's making me feel jealous of you because you get to spend more time with her without catching any feelings for her"

"Everyday... I always questioning myself, 'if I chose to ignore my feelings and stay being her friends... probably we would still be friends"

Peter looked away from the sky that he stare for a long time then looked at Mark.

Mark : "It was easy for you to say i didn't caught any feelings for her.. do you think it's easy for me to hide my feelings without telling her? I do like her with my whole heart but I decided to moved on cuz... she likes you bro..."

Peter : "She likes me?'

Mark ; "shoot I wasn't supposed to say that..but yeah she does...she loves you more than any girl could... trust me Peter... You hold a special place in her heart"

Mark noticed that Peter stopped moving after hearing what he just say. Making Mark chuckled maybe a little too loud.

Mark ; " You know... our family is invited to the family gathering tho.. I think you might wanna to grab this golden chance to confess to her."

Out of the blue.. the rooftop door was slammed open making both of the young lads jumped.

Random student : " Peter are you here? Oh there you are! i've been looking for you and Bella everywhere! Wait where's Bella?"

Peter : " Find me and Bella? For what?"

Random students : "I want to tell you that the whole club agreed to see a rematch between you and Bella next week since the last match is ended up with a tie and don't worry the winner and the loser didn't lose anything or get anything."

Mark nudge Peter using his elbow making Peter winced in pain.

Peter : "Okay... Thanks for informing me about that... I'll tell Bella about it"

Random Student : "Alright then. I'll get going then. Gosh I can't wait!"

As soon as that kid goes away, Mark turned to Peter and gave him a big smile.

Mark : "This is your big chance bro!"

Peter : "But what about you? You like her too... "

Mark : "Bro.. I'll be fine... there's a lots of girl than Bella that I could date but I'll never even think about dating that Greta cuz she'd not my type. Yeah, it'll hurt my feelings a bit but as long as my two beloved best friends happy... I'll be just fine."

Mark gave Peter an encouraging smile making Peter feel a bit confident. I think Peter's self-confidence just burst in.

Peter : " but what I do?"

Mark : " You're stupid aren't you?"

Mark started to whisper his plans that he think it'll work. The both of them planned the whole evening until Mark's parent's Mr. & Mrs. Anderson called Mark to pick up his lil sister.

Peter walked his way back home. Once he stepped into the house he was pulled by someone really familiar to me and was harshly pushed into his room.

Peter : " What the heck is your problem man?!"

Ryan the guy who pulled and pushed Peter fall on his knees crying. Peter was really shocked about the sudden act of his brother. Peter quickly went to his brother and hugged him. (We all love brotherly love here)

Peter : "I don't know what happened to you but I want you to know that I'll always be with you."

Ryan tried so hard to wipe his endless tears but nothing works. Peter hugged him tighter and patted him on the back.

Ryan : "y-you're right about that ungrateful bi-"

Peter : "You're not allowed to swear... You know that right?"

Ryan : "sorry... I just really sad and mad about her"

Suddenly, The door was opened by their own mother ofc who else? Ryan quickly wiped his tear and fix his sitting position. Mrs. Shaw wearing a maroon dress that reached till her ankle and the dress have long sleeve with her light makeup and red lips making her seems like in her 20s. Mr.Shaw did a good job on finding a perfect wife.

Mrs. Shaw : "Boys! Why aren't the both of you still not ready for the party?We're going to be late"

Peter : " Sorry mom, how about you wait just for 10 minutes? We'll be fast"

Mrs. Shaw : "You better hurry up"

As soon as their mother was out of their sight...they let go the breath that they're holding with knowing at all especially Ryan. Peter looked at Ryan with a small smile.

Peter : "You're strong, you know that? You tried your best to make her change even tho nothing work at all. I know things might get hard for you to handle by yourself... but you're still 15 years old enjoy your life okay?"

Ryan only nodded as well making Peter sighed.

Peter : " We'll continue about this later... now go and get change or mom will get mad... I can't stand it when mom starting to nagging at us. So make it quick"

Ryan : " Whatever you say bro"

Time goes by... Both Peter and Ryan looked really dashing like a prince that come out from a movie or anime. I don't really care lol. Their father wear a suit similar as them but the tie match their mother maroon dress.

Mr. Shaw : "Now we're ready, let's go immediately before your mom gets mad and nags at the three of us"

Mr. Shaw jokingly stating the truth. Both of them including their father laughed at that statement while Mrs.Shaw playfully smacked her husband arm. Meanwhile at the Asher's household, Both of her parents especially her mom are busy welcoming every family member including every guests that invited.