
The Rematch

On The Previous Chapter

Bella decided to wear a sleeveless navy blue dress that reached over her knees with a pair of 3 inch tall high heels. She also apply a light make up since she hate-no hate is a strong word so the word dislike might be okay...

In another hand, Peter and his family arrived the Asher's party a little earlier that they expected thanks to Mr.Shaw's driving skills. They're greeted by Mrs. Asher herself. Peter spotted Mark right away and slightly waved to him.

Mrs. Shaw : "Oh Julia thank you for inviting us for your magnificent party."

Mrs. Asher : " You're most welcome, Martha. My oh my, Is that Peter and Ryan? They've grown taller than before. Now come in all of you.. enjoy the party."

Peter and Ryan split their way in the party. Peter went to Mark's location and bro-hugged him. Mark looked at Peter smirking making Peter confused as hell.

Peter : "Why are you smirking bro?"

Mark : " I see that you're trying to look like really handsome for her aren't you?"

Peter : "Did I look obvious? By the way, wipe that stupid smirk out of your face dude. You won't get any girl if keep on making that face."

Mark : "To answer your question yes.. you do look very obvious. Anyway do you remember our plan?"

Peter : " Of course I do. I can't lose this chance."

Mark : "This is what I'm talking about, man! Go get your girl!'

Mark being Mark himself supporting everything that involved with his friends causing Peter self-esteem increasing. Without them noticing Bella creeped up behind the middle of them and shouted something incorrect making the both of them yelped. Bella laughed causing both Mark and Peter smiled at her.

Bella : "Uhh.. Mark can you dance with me? I don't want to dance with some creep old guys."

Mark : "Sorry Bella, I can't I already asked someone to go on a dance with me. You can go with Peter instead of me!"

Bella : " Fine... Let's go shall we?"

Peter : "kk"

Bella pulled Peter's arm to the hallroom and quickly positioned herself to the waltz dance position. Peter took a few minutes admiring the girl whom he loved from 1st grade. She's the exact definition of gorgeous. For him, Bella is one and only girl that have the look of an angel..but have he seen an angel before? No, he never did.

Peter's thought was disturbed by Bella snapping her fingers in front his face. he quickly positioned himself before she gets mad. As soon as the music start and they started dancing to the beat. Peter was still fascinated by the beauty of Bella herself.

Peter : "so uhhh... Did you know that the chess club wanted a rematch between you and me?"

Bella : "they did? Even so... What do we get?"

Peter : "nothing... They just want to see a rematch... But I know something that could make is competitive"

Bella is intrigued by Peter's word decided to just go along with the flow. They're still dancing tho.. waltz is not just a short dance...

Bella : "what is it?"

Peter : "okay then... Let's make a deal... If I win, you'll be my girlfriend."

Peter smirked after seeing Bella's face started to get red. Meanwhile Bella took a deep breath trying to control herself.

Bella : "Alright then .. if I win you'll leave me alone"

She glared at him. Yeah her words does hurt the both of their feelings but one of them need to stop hurting each other.

Peter : "Now... Do we have a deal?"

Bella : "We do"

The party goes on and on until more guests started to leave the house. The party was magnificent tho. The week goes by until the day where the sky isn't really clear. Trying to tell everyone that it's going to rain.

The audience especially the students who joined the chess club gathered at the room feeling really excited to see who's winning the game or probably ended up with a tie again. Both Bella and Peter were nervous about this game obviously because of the deal they make.Ryan and the twins sitting in a row together rooting for their siblings. Meanwhile Mark is having a hard time choosing who should he support decided to came empty handed.

The situation getting intense but in a good way. I honestly think it's just a rematch why make make it so serious? Peter and Bella was sitting next to each other waiting for the rematch to start. There's a lots of people shouting some encouraging words.

Peter : "Wow... Each time there's chess competition... It was never like this"

Bella : " I know right, it just a rematch."

Peter : "Remember, we have a deal"

Bella : "stop reminding me"

Peter : "fine"

The game is starting and both of them got into their seat. The two of them including the audience are nervous about who's winning. I said that before didn't I?

Jury : "Alright guys welcome to the Chess Rematch Tournament. Let me explain something for people who didn't know what's chess. Chess is a board game for two players. It is played in a square board."

" Each player starts with 16 pieces which is 8 pawns, 2 knights, 2 bishops, 2 rooks, 1 queen & 1 king."

"Remember, the goal of this game is for each player to try and checkmate the king of the opponent. So I want a clean game."

This time the game really start. Everything is going smoothly but both Bella's and Peter's chess pieces in decreasing. Bella's king piece is trapped between Peter's chess pieces making Peter smirked after realized that Bella's king piece couldn't make any move.

Which means, Peter wins the game. Peter took a glance at Bella while smiling before saying...

Peter : " Checkmate."

Jury : " Peter takes the win!"

The audience especially Peter's fans happiness radiates everywhere in the hall.

Peter : " I win... Now will you be my girlfriend?"

Bella : " why would I be your girlfriend? I am so unlucky"

Peter : "Because I like you from the 1st grade"

Peter said that expecting something like a slap on the face, a slight punch from on the shoulder. But the thing he didn't really expect is a hug.

Bella : "Then why did you left me, you idiot!"

Bella slightly slap his shoulder. Both of the now couple feels like they're on cloud nine.

Peter : "Bella Asher, I really love you... I really do."

Bella : "I love you too.... And I think you owe me an explanation"

Peter : "sure, I did"

If only they knew someone is watching them with hatred.