
What Friends For(BONUS)

On the previous chapter...

× 3 months passed by....×

Bella and Peter were happy with each other than anybody could imagine... Now let get to our underdog character... someone play "Queen Of Mean" as the background music :)

*Greta Nathan POV*

So.. yeah I heard everything about this Peter & Bella thing. I must say that I'm jealous that Peter has found someone better than me. I honesty didn't know why date both Peter & Ryan. I just think that their love isn't enough. To answer this author endless question... which is why I'm acted all playgirl and stuff... it's because of I think that I'm desperate of love...

nah dude I don't know... what my plan is now is something rather secret. So I'm gonna keep my mouth shut.

Edward : "I rather see other girls with Peter than seeing Bella herself with that douche bag. She deserve someone better that him. She deserve someone like me."

So you know...this is Edward Washington. See? people like me and Edward need to stick together. Edward is actually Bella's no.1 secret stalker & admire. While I'm feeling all jealousy because of this Bella & Peter thing. Now I want Peter back...

Greta :"Want to separate them?"

Edward smile excited. It was something that he would do. Now we're in the second part of my plan...

Greta : "We need someone who close with them to help us"

Edward : "Mark won't help us... he's the type to not betray someone"

Greta : "Believe me he'll help us"

Edward : "alright then..."

We looked everywhere for him but there's no any dust, shadow & figure of him. As I almost giving up, I saw him talking to some students that I can't remember their names. I sprinted towards him making him a little bit shocked by the sudden move. Edward trailed behind me panting. Mark is look at us in a 'what the hell' face.

Mark : " Uhhh.... is there anything I could help any of you?"

Edward : " I'm glad you asked... now come with us, we need your help"

Mark : "We could just talk here"

Greta : "That won't work, Mark"

Mark : "Fine. Both of you better make it quick"

Both of them (Greta & Edward) pulled Mark to an empty classroom. Mark walked around in the class pulling a chair in process for him to sit.

Greta : "No chair for me? How rude."

Mark : "No need for me to waste my energy to get you a chair... you already have your sidekick beside you. Tell him to do it instead of me "

Mark pointed Edward behind her. Greta give Mark a glare while telling Edward to take a chair for her.

Mark : "Now tell me, what the hell did you want from me?"

Greta : "We want you to split your coupled best friends"

Mark who was looking toward a bird scoffed while changing his point of view.

Mark : "What do you think I would do? a kind type of person like me? Betray my beloved best friends ? Are you nuts? Of course not."

Greta proud face expression falls. She looked at Mark with her heart fulled with hatred to this guy. she tried to keep calm and serious but I think she'll failed it any moment by now.

Greta : "Can you see that I want him back?!"

Mark : "Maybe you should think twice before cheated on him and acting all bratty to him."

Greta : "That it! I can't stand this anymore!"

Edward tried to calming Greta down meanwhile Mark standing up and walked toward the door and looked back.

Mark : "I'm telling you, Greta Nathan... never treat a man like that... You might regret losing a guy who love you with all of their heart... oh! I'm almost forgot... you're Edward right? While you're with her... please teach her what's love supposed to be"

Mark walked away from the classroom feeling proud of himself for saying that. Edward just stand there while Greta suddenly without knowing any reason cried. ( Mark you go mannnnn).

* Mark POV *

Damn... I feel hella good saying that. Is this the feeling of being proud standing up for your best friends relationship? Ah shoot! I'm late! They're probably waiting for me right now. Bella gonna be angry and I'm not ready for that. If I die someone bury me somewhere near the lake.

I run to our preference spot, the garden. i don't ever think that I ever run that fast in my whole life. As I arrived at the garden... I saw Bella looking at me like a mother who's about to scold her son for being so naughty. Peter who's looking me mouthed "sorry" making me realize there's no chance for me to escape this hell. I feel like there's someone passing by...

Jake : "Oh hey guys! It's been a while...."

Peter : "Hi there Jake. Yes, it is... I always see you around but never have the time to strike a conversation."

Jake : "I know right. So the word on the street that you and Bella is being all couple is true ey?"

Peter : "You can say it that way..."

Jake : "Just don't lose your girl, Pete. It's weird seeing you flirting with other girls when you clearly love someone"

Peter : "Don't worry.... I'm not planning to let her go soon"

Jake : "Good to know. oh and Mark... my sister said that she want to do the science project at the cafe"

Mark : "Okay, thanks for informing me"

Jake : "No problem. I better get going now... see you guys later"

As soon as Jake go away, Bella looked at me then snicker...

Bella : "Don't think that you'll get away from it. You know that I hate when people are late. It's wasting my precious time"

Mark : "I'm sorry okay?"

Peter : "Babe, no need to be so harsh on him. I bet this gonna be the last time he did this"

Peter glanced at me while trying to calming his girlfriend down.

Bella : "Do you at least have a reason on why you're late?"

Mark : "Oh yeah. Greta pulled me and she want me to split you up"

Peter : "Do you want to do it?"

Mark : "Are you stupid? Of course not!"

Bella : "This is why I love you as a friend, Mark"

Peter : "Me too"

The couple hugged Mark affectionately. Mark broke the hug and watch the both of them confused because they usually hug longer and longer.

Mark : "Don't you guys got a date today... Peter literally told me yesterday that he's going to bring you on a date"

Peter : "Idiot. We're going to a date... it's called the squad date"

Bella : "We bailed on you like 4 times. Today we're going to friendly date"

They walked down the street headed to the retro styled arcade with bunch of snacks on their hands.

Mark : "Are you sure I'm not third wheeling?"

Peter : "Nah, who knows if you manage to get a girlfriend?"

Bella : "I know right?"

Mark : "Is this what friends for?"

Peter : "if you're talking about prank-ing, trusting, loving and not betraying each other then the answer is yes"

Mark : "no what I meant is stealing each other foods"

Bella : "I don't know dude"