
The Side Characters #1


So let's get started with her story.....

After Mark well... kinda scolding her in a good way (?).... Her behaviour changed drastically... her parents, friends and let just say that the whole school were shocked with the sudden changes. Greta learned to be more humble, kind, grateful and you can name any positive energy that you could think about.

But the thing that shocked the students more is... She apologized to every person that she used to have relationship with... including Peter& Ryan. Ryan being Ryan, he's giving her a second chance but honestly if I were him... I would find someone else. Well.. in case you guys are curious, they're doing just fine.

Greta manage to prove to Peter that she could be a better girlfriend to Ryan than before. So, Peter approve their relationship and Ryan is being really happy after whatever situation happened. Greta found herself became happier than she used to.

Everyone hoped that she would stay like that forever. I mean people sometimes love changes right? If you wondering 'did she apologize to Bella yet?' lemme answer that question for you... yes she did! Unexpectedly... It happened on one of Peter & Bella dates...before they eat the scrumptious food, she came up to their table and talked to both Bella & Peter and included the apologizing session.

She also becoming one of Bella friends tho.. I'm happy for that.

* MARK *

I almost forgot about his existence in this book even if he played a big role here. I should stop. So well... if y'all already could guess about this... well I salute to every single who get this right. Mark is dating Jake's sister, Jane. Sorry guys..

Mark confessed to Jane after few months getting to know her. He's clearly sure that she's the one for him. You probably could imagine how happy the two (Bella & Peter). Lucky to him, Jane is a nice girl well... maybe a little sassy and sarcastic but she's good.

Mark and Jane often have double date with Bella & Peter. What makes them even more close toward each other is... Jane & Jake is Bella long lost cousin. Unexpected right? when Mark found out.. he was shocked including Peter.

His reaction was like... " so I'm tied up in the Asher's family for good? how big is your family, Bella?!" And they would just laughed at Mark. Fortunately, Jane and him were happy with each other... yeah sure there's a lots of challenges in life and relationship... as long as they believe each other everything will be fine.


Now... moving on to our Bella crazy secret admire.... since I told y'all that Greta drastically changed her everything, the same thing goes to him. Our Edward, just realized that both him and Bella deserve someone who love them with all of their heart. He decided to stop liking her... sure it's hard but with the help of someone he know...

He manage to get rid of it. Now, each time he thought about what he's like when he's still in love with Bella... he would chuckled and called himself crazy. Not to mention, that he just discovered himself being attracted by both gender... so it's means that he's bisexual.

Peter used to hated him for getting close to Bella but now things have changed so does people. Peter and him would greet each other when they met or saw each other anywhere... Bella is afraid tho... she's afraid if Edward tried to steal Peter from her. She often teased by Peter, Mark and her brothers for being jealous.

Everyone who knows him were glad he manage to find someone who can accept him and love him. But didn't get well... they broke up after Edward caught that person cheated on him for some people. So he's still single.


So this twins never really appeared in this book right? They only did a cameo. Let me tell y'all how well are these twins are doing... William get to prove to his parents that he could be active than only reading books... well you can't blame him if he love books.

Welp.. but now William become his school famous badminton player and he's chased by the whole girls who didn't understand what the meaning of privacy. ( rude much?) Harold always there to help him tho. Speaking of Harold, he now held the title 'Tech- genius'. I bet my whole life his IQ is higher than me.

Harold is so damn genius that he could hack his school wi-fi, his family smartphones, cctv and Mark's instagram account. But still even if the both of them were busy with their own life and stuff.. when there's any problems that they couldn't handle, they would go to each other.

By the way, Bella is still angry to Harold because he hacked through her phone... until now Harold live in regrets. ( jk)

* RYAN *

Lastly, our Ryan.. he's doing well... Before Greta attitudes change... he's still sad... heartbroken and mad. His brother, Peter was really almost killed Greta for this. He did love Greta with all of his heart but Greta crumpled his heart and throw it away just because of her greed. ( I think Greta didn't receive enough love from her family )

He was happy and glad when Peter and Bella are together and didn't fight each other anymore but he couldn't stop being heartbroken from what he experienced with Greta. He manage to move on until Greta apologized to him... making him believe that Greta that he once loved is trying to become a better person.

He is falling in love with her again but this time slowly. Greta get to gain his trust again. They tried to be whatever they used to and it works. Now the relationship that the both of them have is full with trust, love and no more fake love. ( Any ARMIES over here ?)

The stories is now ended but I might publish another random chapter. I can't help but just publish random chapters... See you when I publish again .. bye