Every problem has a solution!

"Tania..." Valentina shouted her name making Tania look at Valentina.

"Get out of the elevator!" Valentina said and Tania nodded her head in yes.

"Yeah... Yeah..." Tania replied and they both got out of the Elevator. 

They both Walked towards Valentina's car and got into the car. 

Valentina started the engine and started pulled the car out of the driveway.

"What were you seriously thinking about from a long time, Tania?" Valentina asked making Tania turn her face towards her.

"Umm... What do you mean?" Tania asked.

"Don't think that, I am not noticing you... I just don't want you to force with anything but I know there is something going on in your brain... Or... If I should name it clearly then... Heart?" Valentina asked.

"Huh?" Tania asked as she frowned.

"Don't play innocent!" Valentina said.