You're much more than my PA.

"Umm... Maybe... I am not! But I am sure... He has his reason to do this... I don't want to force him... But trust him... Because, once upon a time... He did trust me..." Tania cut off Valentina in mid Sentence.

"No... He trusted you with business... It has a lot of difference with trusting you with the business or you! Because your business skills are just amazing. He is sure, you are gonna win for sure... And so, he trusted you... You can't that differently... And trust him with his personal life... Business and personal life both are different, Val!" Tania said making Valentina sigh.

"I... I really don't know what to say right now... Because... I don't have any answer... For your every question... Xavier is wrong. I accept it... But... There will be a reason behind why did he have to do this right?" Valentina asked making Tania sigh.