Together as One!

Upon reaching the front of the mob, Percy notices that there is already another group of youths who are attacking Abigale from her front.

Suddenly, Percy's 'Another' materializes and storms towards Abigale with a crescent-shaped movement pattern, heading towards her right flank.

Not expecting the sudden action by his 'Another', Percy panics and starts running after his 'Another' while instructing, "Evan! We will attack Madam Abigale from both sides. I will take the right! You will go from the left!"

When Percy's 'Another' arrived at Abigale's flank and made a quick jab towards her, Percy was still 3 steps behind his 'Another'. The 'Another' immediately dematerialized into thin air upon hitting its target.

By the time Percy finally arrived at the previous position of his 'Another', Abigale had already taken down the previous group of attackers and moved away from her position.

Percy realized that he was too slow, as the situation in close combat can easily change by the second. He has to move and react faster to take advantage of his 'Another''s guidance, otherwise, it will be akin to seeing the future but being too slow to act upon it!

"Evan, again! I will need more attempts before I can follow Madam Abigale's actions properly." Percy urges.

"Sure chief, you sure are a demanding one aren't ya." Evan chortled.

Numerous attempts later, Percy starts to see some improvement as he acclimatises to his 'Another''s actions. However, he is still one step too late to put his growth to good use, causing the duo to miss their attacks and shoved to the ground by Abigale, resulting in several scratches and bruises on their face.

"Percy, I can see that you are getting closer, but I think this is not going to work with just us two alone," Evan advises as he hunches and places his hands on his knee, lightly panting.

Having heard Evan's advice, Percy apprehended that they are not alone, they are over a hundred of them on this very parade square, if they were to all work together, there may still be a chance for victory!

He looks around and recognizes that while everyone is exhausted, they are not entirely out of juice yet. Addressing the crowd, Percy rallies, "Everyone! Listen to me! We need to work together, all hundred of us! We have to stop being herded by Madam Abigale!"

The mob stops what they were doing and looks up toward Percy as he continues, "Come! Let's fight together! Let us become the well-trained army that will overcome any individual! Shall we savour victory today! What do you say!"

Captivated by the speech and their desire for victory, the mob answered in unison, "Aye! For honour and glory! For Arsenal Stronghold!"

At this moment, Abigale studies the mob and smirks, thinking that this is the moment the mob will take their first step towards becoming an army and taunts. "Come! The sun is already setting, and I have yet to be pressured! So this will be your last attempt!"

Percy directs the hundred strong mob to form a two-layer thick human circle around Abigale and instructs them to close in on Abigale while maintaining formation, ensuring that she will be surrounded.

Abigale remains calm as the youths begin to surround her on all side, allowing them to successfully enclose her within their human circle.

"Comrades! Believe in each other! For one of us will achieve victory for the rest of us! Charge!" Percy commands as he, along with everyone else charges toward Abigale.

As the mob closes in on Abigale, her eyes become slightly watery as she is moved by the human spirit these recruits have shown and believes that if all of humanity were to come together as they did, perhaps we would have already overcome the monster threat that forced humanity behind walls.

However, before Abigale becomes too engrossed in her thoughts, the first wave of attackers arrives and attacks her from all sides.

Abigale promptly dispatches the attackers with a series of sidesteps and pushes while being constantly on the move within the enclosed space. Sometimes even grabbing and forcing a youth to become a human shield, taking some hits for her.

As the mob relentlessly kept Abigale busy, Percy's 'Another' starts to form and this time he is ready to take this opportunity. He follows after his 'Another' as it weaves and bobs through the crowd, closing in towards Abigale. He inwardly speaks to himself, "Faster! Faster! Faster!"

Percy's silhouette starts to overlap with his' 'Another' as he begins to synchronize with it. Following its' movement to the letter, and unleashes a punch at Abigale's back while she is still occupied.

"Bak!" Percy successfully made a clean hit! The sound of the hit reverberated in everyone's mind, seemingly freezing time for everyone as they stopped moving.

Abigale relaxes her combat stance and a smile forms on her face as she applauds loudly, "Good job recruits! Remember today's lesson, when you all work together, no mountain is insurmountable! 10 merits for everyone! Class dismiss!"

She then proceeds to move through the crowd that is still seemingly frozen in time and left the parade square for the main academy building.

At this moment, the crowd starts cheering, some of them even has tears streaming down their face.

"We did it man!" Evan cheers as he claps Percy on his back.

"Yeah! We did it! Hahaha!" Percy laughs loudly as he is influenced by the celebratory mood of the crowd.