
After the crowd's excitement subside, some of the youths came to Percy and asked for his name and thanked him for his actions that led to the success. Soon after, the crowd started to thin out as they head back to their respective quarters.


"This is Dr Kruger speaking, it seems there is more abnormality surrounding Subject Percy Turner. It should have been impossible for a powerless human with basically no combat training to successfully hit Abigale even under those circumstances." Dr Kruger ponders as he speaks into his voice recorder while hiding behind a tree, observing Percy.

Dr Kruger exclaims with a manic look on his face, "I think my initial hunch is right! This calls for further investigation, I swear I will get to the bottom of this! For my noble-prize awaits!"


The next day, before lesson time at the lecture hall.

"Hey, Percy!" I heard you single-handedly turned around the massacre yesterday!" Charlotte gushes as she proceeds to join Percy and Evan.

"It's a pity you missed Percy's speech yesterday! It almost felt like we were at war fighting against an insurmountable threat!" Evan excitedly narrates with frantic hand movements.

"Haha, you guys are over exaggerating! It would have been impossible without everyone's help." Percy shyly responds while scratching the back of his head.

At this moment, Abigale enters the lecture hall and steps onto the podium. "Attention! We will now do a post mortem on yesterday's lesson."

A few hours went by as Abigale goes through the mistakes the youths had made yesterday while also encouraging them on the things they did well, particularly how they came together at the very end and worked together.

As the class comes to an end, Abigale singles out Percy and ask him to see her at her office.

"Good luck Percy! Lucian will be happy if you bring home a sister-in-law when the two weeks confinement is over!" Charlotte teases as she tries hard not to laugh out loud.

"Argh! Damm you Charlotte!" Percy waves dismissively as he follows after Abigale.

At the office...

"Coffee or Tea? Mr Percy Turner?" Abigale sits on her chair in an elegant posture as she reaches for a cup on the table and takes a sip.

"Uhm, Madam Abigale? What is this meeting for?"

"What is this meeting for? Didn't you already expect it when you revealed your hand yesterday? Mr Percy Turner? Or should I say, Mr Spy?" Abigale glances sharply at Percy while taking another sip of tea.

Seeing Percy looking at her like a lost sheep, Abigale slams her table with enough force to crack it slightly. "Drop the act! Who do you work for! There is no way you are going to tell me you are just a civilian! Not many people in the entire Arsenal Stronghold, much less a recruit like you, can erase their presence in front of me completely and catch me off guard!"

"Uhm... This must be a misunderstanding, Madam Abigale! You can check my records, I am born and raised in Arsenal City! I have never been outside my entire life! My brother, Lucian and Charlotte can vouch for me! I am no spy I swear!" Percy frantically tries to explain as cold sweat starts to drip from his forehead.

At this moment, Abigale vanishes from her seat and seemingly teleported in front of Percy with a knife on his throat. "Hm... no reactions at all. You might just be telling the truth, or you are just too good an actor."

Even though Percy's 'Another' materialized earlier during the split-second action to provide guidance, Percy's mind did not even register it before the knife already reached his throat!

Percy gulps as the knife rests on his throat. While Abigale looks at him sceptically.

"Fine, you may go, but I will continue to monitor you, if you were to ever do anything suspicious, I will kill you immediately. Mr Spy."

Upon hearing his permission to exit, Percy immediately runs out of Abigale's office and sprints straight for his quarters.

Along the way, Percy often turns his head back to see if Abigale is chasing after him with her knife, seemingly scared out of his wits by the female demon.

After finally returning to his seemingly safe room, he shuts his door behind with a bang, looking frantic and pathetic.

Evan looks up at Percy as he continues doing push-ups with his half-naked body, showing off his lean yet muscular body. "Whew, you look like you just seen a ghost, do you need exorcism services?"

"Hah... hah, no, I met a demon. She almost took my life!" Percy pants heavily as he responds.

"Yikes! There is a demon in the academy?" Ryker cuts in with a shriek and pulls his blanket over his entire body and head, slightly trembling within.

The mysterious roommate who Percy has yet to know his name nonchalantly speaks while lying on his bed comfortably, "Hah, it must be Abigale right? She was always the doubtful one. You have shown yourself as way too competent Percy."

"Wait, before that what's your name? And from the way you speak, it sounds like you know more than you let on." Percy questions.

"I am Prince Alexander of Iskandar! I hail from the far north and am here to explore the peasant lands! You shall address me as Prince Alexander from now on!" Alexander commands with pride as he stands on his bed, looking at the rest with a silly smile.

"Oh damm, he is batshit crazy! On the surface, he looks mysterious and cool but that image breaks immediately upon him opening his mouth! What a waste of that handsome face!" Percy thought inwardly.

Having hit the quota for craziness for the day, Percy entertains Alexander's delusion, "Yes, your highness, shall we sleep for the day? I am sure your highness is tired."

Before Alexander can speak his next sentence, Percy switches off the light and heads to bed.